iCP2: They're throwing in the towel.

^ One would hope that, as soon as anyone here or from the ICP2 kickstarter get wind of any of his 'new projects'... that a ton of negative publicity would erupt and he'd get shut down.
You'd be wrong about that - you don't get far in my line of work by shrinking away from confrontation.

In any case, yes, I am saying that everyone who backed the iCP2 is a fool. Categorically so. I was part of the original Pandora debacle, yes, but my getting on board was based on careful research and interaction with Craig prior to that. I was a part of the GP2X community, and I was a regular customer of GBAX.com where I had absolutely zero issues with Craig and the service he provided. On the surface, there was no evidence at all that things would go tits up.

They did though, and I was lucky enough to get my Pandora in the first batch. Having seen the fallout as Craig went from bad to worse, there was no way in hell I was going to back any kickstarter campaign of his, despite the successful funding.

My question is: Why, having done your research (and seen for yourself the enormous fuckup he made of the Pandora and to an extent the iCP1) did you back him?

My assessment stands, I believe.

As does my assessment of you, a person who came here for the sole purpose of feeling smug and insulting people. 
Im so glad I backed without ordering anything.. err wait I just gave him some money :o I hope he'll get a beer or a nice cup of tea or trouwsers with suspenders from it...
I just registered on the forum and have not been following this project very closely (for a number of reasons). I did get the update that the project was being cancelled, and was wondering if anyone could fully explain what has been going on? I'm not in any particular rush to receive the iCP2, and I did vote for backlighting knowing that it might incur significant delays. I'm going to admit that I didn't do much background checking for this project, but it didn't seem like it was going to be very difficult to pull off (they had a prototype that looked like it was working, a previous successful product, and they exceeded their funding goal by a significant amount)

Anyway, can someone please recap what's been happening over here?
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@ ED : Any chance you could give an answer to this question : How many iCP's worth of PCB's & associated components are held by GC? To fulfil all KS pledges then approx 2500 iCP2s would be required, in a recent update (6th Oct) Craig spoke of 3500 PCB's. from here

Even a good guess would be appreciated.

Also, did you sign / agree to any sort of confidentiality clause relating to the iCP2 project? If not could you let us know how much money you have waiting to be paid to GC that will be added to the refund pot? Remember the iCP2 are looking for transparency, revealing this would certainly be in the spirit of transparency IMHO.
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I was really hoping that the iCP2 would have succeeded and led way for Pandora2. This is very sad and infuriating news. I suffered the ridicule of coworkers and friends for two years before I got fed up and upgraded to ED's shop for my Pandora.
Same here. They had a ball. In that sense Craig is also a good Samaritan as he gave loads of people he didn't know the time of their lives free of charge. :)
IMHO, Craig done a good job with first batch of pandora's. I received mine, so i shouldnt be unsatisfied. Of course i'm upset how it is turns, finally.
Finally, another project to be rescued by ED?

Queue up please. :D
I would bet that even now, he blames other people for his failures and believes that his spending of funds as he sees fit is *his right*.
Already done here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/14882-theyre-throwing-in-the-towel/page-6#entry289141/URL]

So is this an official ICP2 bankruptcy/insolvency? Is Craig legally obligated to open his books to his ICP2 creditors? If so it would be possible to finally see if the Pandora monies owed to ED went into funding the ICP2 project. That could spell legal trouble for Craig.
I think Craigs already in touch with his lawyers, trying to cover his arse. This was posted in another thread - an email reply from Craig

Hello Martin,

As i've told you before, Ed promised to fulfil your order and OP ltd transferred all our assets to Ed

on the basis of him doing this.

For whatever reason he didn't do it. I've never got a square answer from him as to how he managed

to ship 600 orders to his own customers but only a fraction to the other outstanding customers.

Perhaps it will help to know we have taken legal advice as to our options and you may hear something

about this later in the week.



What a complete idiot.

I actually think he must be on drugs to be so dysfunctional (disclaimer: This is my opinion, and just a guess- not a statement of fact).
For me, he always looked like someone on a regular dose of cocaine or a high dose of methylphenidate.

Would explain his behaviour and where the money went...

I do not say, that he takes this stuff, he just looks like it and coincidentally seems to be a bottomless pit for lots of money.
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My question is: Why, having done your research (and seen for yourself the enormous fuckup he made of the Pandora and to an extent the iCP1) did you back him?

My assessment stands, I believe.

Dunny,  you Sir are clearly a funny man.  

However, to asert that everyone who paid for icp2 was a fool, assumes that they expected it to succeed, and are destitute at its failure.

I bought a gp32, gp2x, Pandora, icp1, gcw zero and indeed an icp2 (plus countless other silly gadgets such as the Chumby.)

Did I expect them all succeed... well I went in with my eyes open for sure.    So why would I part with my hard-earned folding notes if I knew there was a chance of not getting it or my money back?

Because I romantically support the concept of the small guy producing slightly odd gadgets that are non-mainstream but aimed *exactly* at what I want.  I'd hope that if I was the man risking my livelihood, others would back me.   I will happily splash the cash again on anything Ed, M Weston or Dave C put there name to - not a second thought. 

Don't forget, that although Craig was involved there were others all of whom put work into creating this - isn't the least I could do to provide some encouragement??

In a similar vein, tomorrow I will be paying good money to watch Barnet.. despite the fact that we will get resoundingly beaten by Cambridge.   Am I a fool for that too?  Actually, don't answer that one ;)

So back to the question - are all icp2 backers fools.   Overly optimistic perhaps.  But life is too short not to take some risks.  We are a long time dead and I'm not going to loose any sleep over this and I will happily continue to support such similar flights of fancy.
We had no reason to suspect that he would eventually just give up and cancel the project altogether.
The only reason Craig was ever "successful" in the past was because he was relying on people like ED to make up for his mistakes and lack of involvement. Since ED said from day 1 he would have nothing to do with the ICP2 (apart from managing the relationship with GC), it was very clear for me that this was not going to end well. 
Would the fact that he's essentially told his pre-orderers to "go fish" give you some indication that he might do the same again with this project? For goodness sake, I really wanted to sit this discussion out but this line of thinking is about to give me an aneurysm. When you read the comments of those who were sucked in by the Craig Anti Defamation League (CADL) it really demonstrates the damage caused by such foolishness.
Since Link via his company product 3 received the ICP2 cash and disbursed it , and quite frankly because product 3 (links company) is the owner of the ICP2 KS.  I hope any money goes back to him for the refunds - which it should and not Craig.  

That said, I still would like a ICP2 PCB in lieu of a refund

"Hello Everyone,

This is Mark Linkhorst, not Craig, not Michael Weston. I'm here because my email address has been made public. This project is rolling along, slowly but surely.

In no way is this an update. I apologize for even getting involved with this project at this point, because had Craig waited just one more month, this headache would be all his and he could have just done it all within the UK.

Drammurt, I was open with you in my email answering all of your questions. I don't see that as a reason to go throwing my email address out around the internet. We are communicating, perhaps not to what everyone expects on a weekly or monumental basis in terms of the projects progression.

Product 3 LLC's mission was to disburse funds to all appropriate parties for the design, manufacture, and fulfillment of this project. That happened before the end of 2012, so the business when it began was temporary, there was no need to stay operating for another year."
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I kept thinking what's all this hub bub about a keyboard with icp2? I ended up buying a second icp1 off eBay for a deep discount. . I've been hanging around in hopes that the new Swivel clamp would work with the icp1.. that's the first product that should have been sold. . A swivel clamp for the icp1.. Now my last icp dying wish is that Robert Broglia continues to support icp1 and does an Atari lynx.emu

Sent from my SCH-R970C using Tapatalk
^ One would hope that, as soon as anyone here or from the ICP2 kickstarter get wind of any of his 'new projects'... that a ton of negative publicity would erupt and he'd get shut down.
This is assuming he uses his own name for them.
Hmm I didn't get this email from Craig, is this email from Kickstarter?   Now that its dead in the water and refunds maybe looking dubious especially from Craig, I wonder if a charge back claim would be appropraite..
And there goes the last ever project of Craig's anyone will ever back
I've heard tales of men who have one "brilliant" idea after another, never actually succeeding. Their job is entirely coming up with new ideas, starting a company, and convincing venture capitalists to invest money in the idea for months or even years until the idea eventually fizzles and the company goes bankrupt. Then they move on to the next big idea and start over again.
Don't think no one will back him, so long as he's got ideas he'll find some way of peddling them.

Oh shit, I just realized, I believe it's technically Link's company that is the owner of the kickstarter. That means everything is his legal responsibility. If it were anyone other than Craig I wouldn't be worried about him doing the right thing and coming to a fair and equitable solution, but he's already shown he'd be willing to throw his own grandmother off a cliff to save a couple bucks (metaphorically speaking, of course).
Ostap Bender's principle: "Your Gas — Our Ideas"

Unfortunately, most of ppl here did not heard for Ilf & Petrov, and consequently not for Ostap Bender (not that Bender).

From Wiki: "The name "Ostap Bender" has become an archetypal name for a con man in the Russian language." Well, I am not Russian (not even close) but I heard for that  famous character, long time ago.

I suppose that his counterpart on the west hemisphere will be known as Cragix The Noble.
