I know I have paid


songs in the key of AAAAAARRRGH!
Sep 18, 2006
is there any way I can get an email stating my order status? I dont wanna be a bother, it's just that I don't have the confirmation email anymore and I know the funds were cleared. Any help would be appreciated :)

EDIT: Dammit, in my haste, I spelled confirmation wrong :P And I do have the google checkout email asking me to rate my shopping experience through Open Pandora Ltd, I'm just recently a little paranoid about where my money went. I don't mean to sound overly paranoid or doubtful. :) I just wanna find out how to make sure my order counted :)
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is there any way I can get an email stating my order status? I dont wanna be a bother, it's just that I don't have the confirmation email anymore and I know the funds were cleared. Any help would be appreciated :)

EDIT: Dammit, in my haste, I spelled confirmation wrong :P And I do have the google checkout email asking me to rate my shopping experience through Open Pandora Ltd, I'm just recently a little paranoid about where my money went. I don't mean to sound overly paranoid or doubtful. :) I just wanna find out how to make sure my order counted :)

If you're not German, you can email sales@openpandora.org for an update on or confirmation of your status. It takes a while to get a response, as they have a massive email queue. It will probably be even tighter over the next couple weeks, as they just got a load of cases to partially assemble and are deeply immersed in chats with with the boardnub company in the hopes of getting all their parts in, and all that will make for a hefty distraction from their inboxes.

(..."info@openpandora.de", in case you had a followup question)
Thanks for the reply. I wont be emailing openpandora sales as to not add to the backlog of emails they must have. I found confirmation through the old google checkout account I used that the payment was cleared and my order is good, so I feel much better about it now :) In hindsight, creating this topic was a bit silly. I was just a little concerned because I ordered well over a year ago and I don't wanna lose my place in line.
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I do not mean to be rude either but I ordered a while ago for the second batch and did not get one email back. I don't want to bother the Pandora team but I have a fear that my 400 dollar order will be rejected or something and I will find out at the last minute.
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I do not mean to be rude either but I ordered a while ago for the second batch and did not get one email back. I don't want to bother the Pandora team but I have a fear that my 400 dollar order will be rejected or something and I will find out at the last minute.

Your reaction is not rude at all. This is, in fact, a perfectly valid reason to send a message asking for a receipt (or, at least, a confirmation of what your order number is). The only downside is that you have no idea how long you might need to wait for a response (it's okay to bitch about that, too -- the rest of us will counterbalance any negativity with praise in other threads).
I ordered in june and im in the second batch 250. Hope that helps you a little. Just don't think your getting it this christmass. It will be amiracle if it happens but plan on some time early spring
no, second batch isnt even close to sending out yet, theres still 3100 in the first batch to be sent out, youre way further down the line that you might thing, people that have ordered in october 2008 still dont have theirs. so be patient, and dont gravedig