I HAVE A PANDORA!!!! ITS SURREAL - Now whats the coolest thing I can do with it???

Nice to hear that you got a Pandora and that you intend to donate back to the fund when your refund arrives.

I wonder how many people will get a free Pandora by requesting a refund with google and getting one from the Preorderfund when they ron't strike themselves from EDs list when the refund is there.
You can check if it's a 1ghz or not by the system clock speed..

cat /proc/pandora/sys_mhz_max

If you run the above command in a terminal window. If it returns 400 it's a 1Ghz if it's ~332 then it's a rebirth.

a rebirth unit should clock to 900-1Ghz fine if you set the OPP mode to 5.
Or just install Pandora System Info and go to the Model Info screen (press "i").
You can check if it's a 1ghz or not by the system clock speed..

cat /proc/pandora/sys_mhz_maxIf you run the above command in a terminal window. If it returns 400 it's a 1Ghz if it's ~332 then it's a rebirth.

a rebirth unit should clock to 900-1Ghz fine if you set the OPP mode to 5.
Why not use System Info PND for checking model version?
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Nice to hear that you got a Pandora and that you intend to donate back to the fund when your refund arrives.

I wonder how many people will get a free Pandora by requesting a refund with google and getting one from the Preorderfund when they ron't strike themselves from EDs list when the refund is there.
Don't think anybody here would do that for the same reason so many were happy to let OPL have their money for so long, we've got faith and we support the project.
I got mine the day before Hanukkah/U.S. Thanksgiving in time for a four day weekend! The things that I've been showing friends to get a "wow!" have included Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the two Jedi Knight games (perhaps the best looking games at the moment), Mari0, Not Pac-Man and Not Tetris. The later three play like a dream on the OP, and really "take you back" but in a new exciting direction.

About ten years ago, I modded my original Xbox and got a flash card for my GBA. Today, it feels like I have the two combined into one device.
I find the System Info app incredibly useful though. I'd usually suggest doing things the Linux way, but in this case you may was well install the app now rather than later.

Edit: Also, OPP level 5? On my GHz it'll only let me configure it up to 4. Is that a Ghz versus 600MHz thing, or am I doing it wrong?
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Ok - the CPU speed thing - in settings the CPU is set to 600, and the slider goes to 800... I thought it was a 1ghz machine - also - is it safe to put the slider up to 800?
I'd really wonder, if Ghz-Pandoras are donated via preorder fund.

The difference is not that big anyway, just overclock a bit.
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Nice to hear that you got a Pandora and that you intend to donate back to the fund when your refund arrives.

I wonder how many people will get a free Pandora by requesting a refund with google and getting one from the Preorderfund when they ron't strike themselves from EDs list when the refund is there.
I'm surprised anybody is getting their money back like that; I would have thought the deadlines for filing a claim would have long since expired. Not to mention that I'm not sure where the money would be coming from. Then again, I haven't ever filed a claim with google check out, so I've got no idea.

I do hope that folks who successfully get their money back will contribute it back to the fund if they receive their order with donated funds.
Hi there, welcome to the club! First of all, get a big SD card, then, download http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=pndmanager-bzar

I assume, that like me then, you will also want to look at the thing and keep it running the whole time.

Download this clock thing (there is also the ):


Then, download VLC, music players (I use rockbox, but there really are many, so you should try them all until you found one you really like).

But really... get GOOD headphones (non apple-compatible)... you will meld hearing the good audio quality (which is not so good when charging the Pandora)

More I recommend:

alarmclock (beep! beep!)

Cellwriter (write your letters, get them OCR'ed in realtime!)

sleeptimer (to shutdown automatically :) )

znotes (for quicknotes)

PSP-maps (for when you get lost...)

coolreader (the best walkthrough viewer you can get. period.)

and start here:


Also... SD cards can be fickle... backup often.

Download everything. Some things are not rated, but boy, they are good! (ps: help us rate!)
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Thanks for all the tips everyone! I've got a good headstart that would have taken me a lot longer without your help!!!

Gradualy filling up my memory card :-)