Im So Excited I Just Cant Hide It


Sep 10, 2007
Hi peeps
WOW I read interview with Craig in GAMES magazine. jeez i want a Pandora :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora1:
I haven't been so excited since a box full of parts marked ZXSpectrum arrived on my doorstep when I was a kid.
Unfortunately, that was as far as I got with electronics because I became a game junkie instead. I got my GP2x last year. It is the best thing I have ever brought - its like glued to me.
I brought a GP2x f200 to help with my research as about the best thing a game junkie can do I reckon is be a game researcher. As it happens I have just got back from a conference where a friend of mine was doing a paper on cross platform compatibility for games, they had Eve on-line running on consoles and all sorts of crazy stuff , and the topic of discussion got onto emulation and my GP2x. Lots of people had simply no idea anything like the GP2x was out there but many were very very excited. I hope the Pandora fills the gap - I know I am going get one and rave on about it - - - the possibilities seem endless - - all my favourite games and research toys all in one place. its something I have been hoping for. and we got freedom that just cant be brought
Thanks guys and thanks to all the developers out there who have made gp2x what it is already.
Would be nice to see some scans of the interview. :P

Or I suppose we'll eventually get that issue here in the USA, at Barnes & Noble I guess?
I believe the guy who wrote the article has mentioned in the general GP2x forums that he'll scan it for people as and when the next issue of GamesTM (I think that's the one) goes on sale. Which seems ethically reasonable, I think :)
Prophet said:
Would be nice to see some scans of the interview. :P

Or I suppose we'll eventually get that issue here in the USA, at Barnes & Noble I guess?

I'm thinking you'd probably be right about that. At least in my area Barnes and Noble carries Games TM. I called after the post came on the forums last week and they just got issue #70 in on June 13th :( . I guess its the waiting game for me til next month unless the scan gets upped before then. I'll still be buying it though, if I can get my greedy little mitts on it. Gotta have it for my :gp2x collection. ;)

Good Luck to You Prophet :D !
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Morpheus384 said:
At least in my area Barnes and Noble carries Games TM. I called after the post came on the forums last week and they just got issue #70 in on June 13th :( .
I went looking for it locally (Aus), and they had #68 on the shelves. :lol: I'll buy it when it lands, but I'll be reading the scans two months before that happens.
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the craig article is nice of course. but apart from that, I think that the quality of the magazine suffered during the last months. GamesTM used to be something special, now it is like any other games magazine (apart from the retro section which gets smaller and smaller).

What do you think? Maybe, it also has to do with the fact that I lost interest in new console games and refocused more on my Amiga 1200 and my C64
^ I agree that GamesTM seems to have changed. I used to get it every issue, now never. There is a mag called Retro Gamer (or similar) but I hardly ever see it in newsagents.
Games TM is just as good as ever, imo. One of the best mags ever for multi console gaming.

Retro Gamer is jusr an excellent magazine, and all of us on these boards should read it. They send it worldwide so go and subscribe!
I enjoy GAMES TM and read it in conjunction with Edge. I find they are the higher end of multi format mags that cover game and industry development pretty well and I enjoy the written style. The journalism can give good glimpses of some of the contentious issues, surrounding our hobby as an industry etc. I agree though that Gtm has changed its format a bit lately. I found the article interesting regards how the manufacturers have a totally different concept of what the GP2x is, to that of the consumer/end user; the history is interesting too it has not been all roses when it comes to business relations, but hell it never is, in all a very good article and good promo for both GP2x and Pandora. What interested me most about some industry reaction i have witnessed to the GP2x is that it actually exists and then almost instantly is seen as a threat - Jack Sparrow eye patch wooden leg etc etc - then they relax as its seen as only a minority/niche interest. I wonder if the Pandora will change all this as it opens up another market? - William Wallace daubed in wode Freedom freedom etc etc -

Retro Gamer I love. Its where I first learnt of the GP2x and learnt of this community. Since then the GP2x has enabled me to take research in new directions, and the freedom associated with it is simply a breath of fresh air. Retro Gamer have just released vol2 of their Retro Gamer Collection: a guide to Video Gaming 1979-2008. Vol 1 was great and I read it drowning under waves of nostalgia. Vol 2 looks just as great and I'm gonna go off and read the amiga chapter with a beer and a sandwich.
I think you can order vol1&2 for delivery?
laters dudes
Tobriand said:
I believe the guy who wrote the article has mentioned in the general GP2x forums that he'll scan it for people as and when the next issue of GamesTM (I think that's the one) goes on sale. Which seems ethically reasonable, I think :)
Very good idea. I like that. :)

And as for keeping up with console news, I used to read Joystiq, who covered just about every single news item in the gaming world. Mind you, they only cover the stuff from or about the "big boys", but it's very informative nonetheless.

The reason I don't read now is because they've gotten huge, and they write so much it took me an hour or two every day to keep up. I might be able to handle that when the Pandora comes out, as some sort of electronic newspaper, but until then... :P
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thanks for the commments. hmm, I guess GamesTM is still strong and my lack of interest has to do with the fact that I am not excited any more about commercial console gaming. I will drop my subscription for gamesTM but keep the Retro Gamer of course. I could not live without it. Anyway, the gp2x/pandora article was a great read and I had a lot of fun with gamesTM in the last three years.