I Got It!

carlgeorge said:
Laurens, what is your opinion of the device? Is it all that you thought it would be? What is better than you expected, and what is worse? Can you just describe what you think of it a little please?

I like how your asking us drooling onlookers for advice how to use it.

Thanks for the photos and your comments so far.

I really like it sofar :) IT feels very nice, buttons feel good; the nubs are a bit too sensitive, but that I can tweak (haven't yet). The text on the screen for chat & websites are larger than I expected, it's all very readable. The .pnd system works VERY nice, really awesome. As you can read above, there are a few minor things I came across, but nothing major. The thing feels great, and I'm glad I got it. The Quick start guide is a very nice touch; unfortunately I did need it (as I didn't know how to reset it), so it's great that it was there. It even had a (printed) signature from Craigix, so that's always nice ;)

But the cripsness of the screen is something to behold :) The keyboard & controls are extremely nice, it's good to have a real volume dial etc :)

I do need to clip my nails a bit further, as the number keys are very close to the hinge and I keep hitting that :)

Awesome device, really worth the wait :)
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Grrrr I wanted to be the first that had a Pandora in the Netherlands, Im at 550-650 and I thought that was good enough for being first. I hope I will still be the first in Gelderland/nijmegen.

Now I cant wait till I get, luckily that will be soon :D (ok I got airmail, thats alot slower than UPS)
For quake3 ..

I found until I tweaked the controls in the game .. set mouse sensitivity down a bit, set up the buttons to work how I wanted them .. before that I found it'd "Stick" a lot; movements seems funky (or to me it did.) So I use d-pad for strafe and fwd/back, and right-nub for freelook, and triggers for fire and weapon rotation, and works great. But if I use left-nub (say) for movement, it gets 'stuck' .. ie: it thinks its still going one way, while you're pushing another so the game gets all confused.

pickle -- if the demo files are small, you could put them in a 'foo' directory, and then on first run..

if ! -e baseq3
mkdir baseq3
mv foo/* baseq3

Type thing, so that first run creates and populates the dir (which would be on appdata).

Theres probably a better way to do it, but works :)

for the record, I've got the issue where.. q3 (not ioq3) .. right nub doesn't work (can't move more than 1cm up/down), so can't fire the game up.

tyke said:
Open Pandora's lid, even you go retro!

EDIT: don't let the battery die!!
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Mithrildor said:
Grrrr I wanted to be the first that had a Pandora in the Netherlands, Im at 550-650 and I thought that was good enough for being first. I hope I will still be the first in Gelderland/nijmegen.

Now I cant wait till I get, luckily that will be soon :D (ok I got airmail, thats alot slower than UPS)
Be lucky you're in the first 1000.
I still need to wait a long time...:(
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pretty sweet you guys got yours :D
I'm in the 3000's, so one more picture and i'll surly die :P
Dragons_Slayer said:
I'm +/- number 700... on ED's list................................
May you reveal your ordernumber of ED's shop to me? Mine is Bestellnummer: 2979. If I have yours I could at least have a coarse estimation if I have to wait much longer.
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SONY said:
Did any of you Pandora owners have a screen protector ready?

I have ready a screen protector for Archos 605 for my future Pandora :D
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ricki said:
Dragons_Slayer said:
I'm +/- number 700... on ED's list................................
May you reveal your ordernumber of ED's shop to me? Mine is Bestellnummer: 2979. If I have yours I could at least have a coarse estimation if I have to wait much longer.

Mine is 41XX, when did you order? my order was completed on November 10th 2009.
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Dragons_Slayer said:
ricki said:
Dragons_Slayer said:
I'm +/- number 700... on ED's list................................
May you reveal your ordernumber of ED's shop to me? Mine is Bestellnummer: 29XX. If I have yours I could at least have a coarse estimation if I have to wait much longer.

Mine is 41XX, when did you order? my order was completed on November 10th 2009.

I've also ordered from EDs shop:
Bestelldatum: Wednesday, 18. February 2009
Bestellnummer: 35XX
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Dragons_Slayer said:
ricki said:
Dragons_Slayer said:
I'm +/- number 700... on ED's list................................
May you reveal your ordernumber of ED's shop to me? Mine is Bestellnummer: 2979. If I have yours I could at least have a coarse estimation if I have to wait much longer.

Mine is 4157, when did you order? my order was completed on November 10th 2009.

Mine is ~3400 , 30th January 2009.

There were discussions about this on the german board, basically the order number system got a reset at around october or something 2009, also, included in these numbers are also all other orders, like wizzes, dingoos, extra stuff etc. so its very hard to estimate your actual position! ED has not really talked about this, he could have some hints like "the 100th order of the pandora was taken 13th november 2009" or something, but this never happened, so we're kinda left in the dark.

But he has stated several times that he has 500+ orders, contrary to the popular belief of ~700. Which is a good thing.
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ricki said:
May you reveal your ordernumber of ED's shop to me? Mine is Bestellnummer: 2979. If I have yours I could at least have a coarse estimation if I have to wait much longer.
Mine is in 25xx range and I ordered on first day, one or two hours after it began. I've asked Ed about position but got only "Yep, you should easily be within the first 1000 :) ".
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Don't post your ordernumbers guys. We can use them to cancel your order and speed up delivery of our own Pandoras ;)

Besides, ordernumbers and queue numbers are not the same.
In linux, I usually alt-drag a window if I don't want to grab it's taskbar. I can't seem to pull that off on the pandora yet. I tried pushing start/alt together with dragging a window with the stylus, but that didn't do the trick. What does?

I'm trying to setup my email account; chat was a breeze, but I normally use pidgin anyway, so no surprises there.
fanoush said:
ricki said:
May you reveal your ordernumber of ED's shop to me? Mine is Bestellnummer: 2979. If I have yours I could at least have a coarse estimation if I have to wait much longer.
Mine is in 25xx range and I ordered on first day, one or two hours after it begun. I've asked Ed about position but got only "Yep, you should easily be within the first 1000 :) ".

I've got a Bestellnummer around 2310 and that was with spending 1h on ordering the second it first became available.
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