I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

Well I managed to give this a quick test now :)

Tried Golden Sun and it's quite playable with FS2 and no overclock!
Also tried Advance Wars 2... hmmm it seemed to restart to the BIOS...

EDIT: I must state that this is with the V3 Fast gpe.... so yeah I haven't tested with the normal.gpe. I don't have time to play any more with this currently.
Yes, many games that don't work, will work if you give them a little jump start. :P ...Just load a game that does work, and then enter the menu and load the game that didn't work before. It will then most likely run fine.

Some games will run slower with the "fast" version. Most will find some sort of speed increase though.

Soon enough a Release #4 will include some fixes to help games such as Mario & Luigi. Maybe some performance increases as well.

Plus Exophase sounds pretty excited about getting a dynarec up for gpSP on the GP2X.
Anyone donate to him? When he gets his GP2X I think you'll be glad you did. The PSP crowd barely donates at all. :(

So lots more news to come from this project!

PokeParadox: Advance Wars 2 will work if you try the method of loading the game described above.
zodttd posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:26 PM said:
Plus Exophase sounds pretty excited about getting a dynarec up for gpSP on the GP2X.
Anyone donate to him? When he gets his GP2X I think you'll be glad you did. The PSP crowd barely donates at all. :(

Donated to the both of ya (from dansilsby@APOPULAREMAILPROVIDER.com
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I've tried quite a few games, almost all of which work in some way. (With gpsp_fast_3.gpe):

Pac Man - Fully playable at 275mhz
Castlevania Circle Of Moon - Pretty much playable at 250mhz, much better at 275mhz

Works Slowly
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles - Works at almost full speed at 275mhz, f/s=0. With f/s = 1, its full speed.
Mario Super Kart - Runs slowly at 275Mhz, with f/s=2 it's just about playable
Lego Racers - Playable at 275Mhz with f/s=1

Works Very Slowly
Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 - Very slow, but with f/s > 2 at 275Mhz its barely payable
Tekken Advance - Very slow at all settings, up to 280mhz. Unplayable.
GT Advance Cham. Racing - Very slow at all settings
Final Fantasy V - Jittery Graphics at any settings

Overall, for an Alpha release its excellent. The menu sensitivity even seems improved since the first release. Keep up the great work. Full screen scaling would be great for a future version.

Keep up the great work guys. Perhaps someone with wikipedia experience could update the page at the GP2X wiki so that users might contribute their testing results which might make bug squishing a bit easier?

I'm off to contribute to the 'buy exophase a gp2x fund'. A worthy cause if ever I've seen one.
I've never done an graphical work for the GP2X so I dont know wether this would work..

Heres a quick and dirty background for the emu, white area is for the video, should this be black?


Are you going to use a background zodttd?
Nice.. If this is going to work. Those glitches on side of the screen when i set Frameskip suck. :P
Heh yeah I should really get a background done. It won't be hard to do I suppose. I'll talk to Exophase about it, as it's a GP2X specific thing as of now. The reason I prefer not to have GP2X specific features if they're not required is the upkeep of things on Exophase's end of things. He'll have a GP2X soon though. ;P

I like the background hippo. Keep it saved if possible so I can come back to it.

Senor Quack: Thanks! I can safely speak for both Exophase and I, that we enjoy the support!
Don't worry about it, that's a typical response from Eclipse. He's a jerk at the best of times.

You only need to read this thread to see how the majority of us feel :)
zodttd posted on Dec 1 2006 at 10:09 PM said:
I like the background hippo. Keep it saved if possible so I can come back to it.

Thanks and No Problem :)
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zodttd posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:26 PM said:
Plus Exophase sounds pretty excited about getting a dynarec up for gpSP on the GP2X.
Anyone donate to him? When he gets his GP2X I think you'll be glad you did. The PSP crowd barely donates at all. :(

I won't actually be using this emu as I have an SC+SP, but I am sending a donation now to Exophase just to welcome him to the community :) (I've already donated to zodttd for his other work)

btw don't be discouraged at Eclipse's remarks on the archive, he is notoriously harsh in there ;)
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Exophase's gmail email is in the sig below for paypal. :)
Good to hear it's not a general feeling outside this forum.
I have a M3 so my need isn't there as well, but it's an extremely fun project. :)
Those like me who never owned a GBA will certainly enjoy playing Golden Sun, Castlevania, Mario & Co!

God knows I would like a DS if I could afford it :)
i shouldnt be, but still i am shocked and amazed at Eclipse's remark on the archive. This isnt gamestation, we arent expecting to get our hands on a polished and finished product and for me a lot of the fun of the GP2x is tracking the progress and seeing it (literally) improve in my hands and before my eyes.

to call something "not usefull" when it has clearly entertained us fanboys (read *enthusiasts*) just smacks of some bitterness at deciding to tear up ones own invite to a party and then snear from the outside whilst watching everyone within having a ball.

just for that im going to donate to both the fine fellas working on this - which considering this whole project seemed to have come about as a nose snub to the naysayers here in the first place leads me to believe that there is a conspiracy going on - but what the hell!