I Don't Get Purchasing. Please Help?

pre-ordering is a life changing experience, I have levelled up to 1043 patience, soon I will become deified as "divinely patient eternal vigil master", I have even started to watch paint drying as a spectator sport. :lol:
It has to be said that it is a bit rich to have ordered just this month and already be agitated by the delays. Majority of us are still hanging on in there without too many ill effects :blink:
I ordered early 2009. I'm happy to report no negative side effects from the wait. :lol:
DaMummy said:
ive also just learned of this product no more than 3 weeks ago, i feel sorry for the people that have been waiting PATIENTLY for their pandoras...for those that have been waiting a whole 12 days and decided to pull out...go screw yourself
I learned about it in October 2007 and have been following it ever since and have been waiting very patiently. I almost to the point of going crazy with it being so close to coming out. ^_^ -> :lol: -> :P

I hope I can make it though. ;)
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ShadowPhantom000 said:
I am Worried about Spending $330 on something that's had this many delays.
Who in their right mind wouldn't? Read the old [unofficial] blog posts and threads to get a picture of where the project is and has been at.
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Quizzor said:
So the first batch is completely sold out... so when can we expect the second batch?

The second batch should be ready 6-8 weeks after the first batch ships, assuming the part lead times we were quoted 6 months ago are still accurate.
And that was said in back in June... Summer 2010 then for the rest of us?
The page you linked is ancient, it was left like that a year ago. A lot has changed since then, and there may still be some available from the first batch.

Oh, and could you translate Summer 2010 into a calendar month? It doesn't mean much to people on the other side of the world. ;)
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That link is over a year old, and during that time some have canceled their orders. There still might be some left in the first batch. If you want one, try emailing openpandorasales@gmail.com asking if there are any left.

edit: bah, ninja'd trying to remember the email address
Gruso said:
Quizzor said:
So the first batch is completely sold out... so when can we expect the second batch?

The second batch should be ready 6-8 weeks after the first batch ships, assuming the part lead times we were quoted 6 months ago are still accurate.
And that was said in back in June... Summer 2010 then for the rest of us?
The page you linked is ancient, it was left like that a year ago. A lot has changed since then, and there may still be some available from the first batch.

Oh, and could you translate Summer 2010 into a calendar month? It doesn't mean much to people on the other side of the world. ;)

Your own damned fault for enjoying the nice weather while I'm freezing my ass off... I mean, he means june/july.

And no, 6-8 weeks after first batch will NOT be second batch. It's already been stated that it will take a minimum of 28 weeks to get the parts ready. I can't remember when they were ordered, but that would imply 7 more months. Knowing this project, 7 months means 14 months, and 14 months means Two Months™.
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There still might be some left in the first batch. If you want one, try emailing openpandorasales@gmail.com asking if there are any left.
Because of this project going into overtime, there have been WELL over 4000 pre-orders. My email is currently a lottery ticket in a very big set of other tickets for the whole "BUT someone might cancel!!!" thing.

I'm waiting on the second batch. Even if Craig didn't intend it, because this thing has gone into overtime, there is far more demand than he can hope to supply even with a second batch I think. There damn well better be a second batch, and soon. Elusive/Exclusive **** pisses me off, especially when it's been flaunted about for YEARS as the "best thing since slice bread... eventually".

What is the best estimate for when a second batch can be shipped? June? July?
Quizzor said:
Even if Craig didn't intend it, because this thing has gone into overtime, there is far more demand than he can hope to supply even with a second batch I think. There damn well better be a second batch, and soon.

What is the best estimate for when a second batch can be shipped? June? July?

For all we know the FIRST batch may not be shipped by June/July! I wouldn't expect to see a second batch until maybe September next year.

Demand out stripping supply may have been fine a year ago. But demand doesn't last forever. The guys really need to work out some way of getting a steady supply of these things from the second batch onwards...
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Pleng said:
Quizzor said:
Even if Craig didn't intend it, because this thing has gone into overtime, there is far more demand than he can hope to supply even with a second batch I think. There damn well better be a second batch, and soon.

What is the best estimate for when a second batch can be shipped? June? July?

For all we know the FIRST batch may not be shipped by June/July! I wouldn't expect to see a second batch until maybe September next year.

Demand out stripping supply may have been fine a year ago. But demand doesn't last forever. The guys really need to work out some way of getting a steady supply of these things from the second batch onwards...

Well, assuming that they get the first batch out, the only unknown variable in calculations for the later batches should be the ever changing lead times on parts.

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
Well, assuming that they get the first batch out, the only unknown variable in calculations for the later batches should be the ever changing lead times on parts.

Or the production factory getting overloaded with backorders for other clients. Of one of the parts going out of production and therefore needing to be re-sourced. Or any one of the number of companies involved in the production of the Pandora becoming insolvent and a replacement company needing to be found...
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