i had good luck with a hdd restoration program, i don't remember what it was called, i did purchase it but it was cheap. it wasn't pc inspector though. but what it did was, grab the hard drive as an image and then try to intelligently detect files.
unless you did a ton of writing to the disk while it was busted, chances are all your data is still there.
if the drive electronics are OK: hook it up as a secondary drive in another computer. do not do a disk check or any kind of OS-based repair. it will try to fix your "corrupt" data, which is most likely good data that is inaccessible because of a bad partition table or a track 0 failure.
if it's the drive electronics, which is less likely but possible, what pferguso's suggestion is your only solution.
if the problem is mechanical failure then the freezer trick may work. put it in a freezer bag and leave it for a few hours, see what happens. also giving it a quick slam (flat side down, not on a corner or anything) might buy you some time.
it's sometimes hard to tell why a drive is failing. obviously if it's clicking then there's a mechanical problem, and the heads have decided to banging against the case. if the spinning is weird or it won't spin, it's mechanics. if you have any reason to believe it's mechanical, just freeze it (in a bag) for a few hours as this does work. but if it sounds normal and acts responsive, then you probably just ended up with some corruption near the start of the drive, and a data restoration program might do the trick.
good luck ruckage. remember that your data IS recoverable as long as you haven't done anything rash, the question is just how much it is worth it to you to be able to recover it. also there may be people here who'd be willing to help if you mailed it to them.
edit: found it... http://www.dposoft.net/