I am sick and tired of this shit...

I thought Foxblock had finally lost it! Congrats on getting one. Does this mean more boards have arrived or were you one of the last 50?
I feel offended by that post, I am at least 7 of those things you're sick off
I am sorry.

Btw, did you count "people not getting the irony in my posts" or does that make eight things then?

yes I did count that one .. so it stays at 7 :D
when did you premium? When is mine showing up? Why doesn't Craig read every single post on the forum? Why is the sky blue? Why are you so awesome?

1) Well clearly not within the last 7 days unless the flying spaghetti monster personally noodled the delivery.

2) Well, he does, he's an omnipresentedish like the spaghetti variations, and noodle like in his many tasks, except he is comprised purely of awesome thought and components yet to be delivered.

He's like a burning bush in telling what you wanted to go and do (far better than any corporate ad, or announcement from an invisible mad man in the sky imho), yet sadly, few pandorians, have realised that their own selfish pleas to the creator, are often left unheard or unanswered, as a way of DING DONG heaven calling, and thus choose to piss on the fire, rather than stoke it further and see what sets ablaze and offers a promised land. There's load of legal bits to this decision though, so he is busy and will ignore international legislation on this issue. He doesn't have any lobbyists either, except for the often mis-translated "if we had's we'd do" of the the prophet and a mis-printed version of the iCP manual, that mentions a towel only in passing and not as point 1.

3) It isn't but appears to be, due to an effect of sunlight through molecules in air within the atmosphere and our distance to them, coupled with the small spectrum of wavelengths that our eyes are adapted to interpret. Apparently its called Rayleigh Scattering,(due to some rich biiiiiaatch Lordy lordy type) which disappointedly, has nothing to do with an overdue execution for lying and failing to convey the correct useage of foreign fruit to a female of our apparently linked species.

4) Can only be answered by Foxblock himself, but his various games and developer contributions, his posts on PandoraPress and his unwaveringly nice attitude to the equation which equals 42, yet encompasses all the questions no one can wrap into a forum post, or a PandoraPress insult, without assuming anonymity.

edit : I noticed you may have noticed that point 2 was missed and infact point 3 took its place and so on and son thereafter. Point 2 of course cannot be answered, even by OPT, any given godhead figure of imaginary selfrelief or otherwise. Let's just say "2 months" mkay?
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Being one of the people who have waited for 2 years, i had absolutely NO PROBLEM what-so ever in spending the extra money for premium.

Enjoy, I know I will. It's not as though it's a criminal offence after all.

EDIT: Nothing sus.
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I thought Foxblock had finally lost it! Congrats on getting one. Does this mean more boards have arrived or were you one of the last 50?
I dunno, ED had some dead boards he needed to bring back to life, it could have been one of them (also I upgraded quite a while ago).

:( i have been waiting since january 2009..........
Yeah, me, too.

Also remember reading books at a kid you later watched as a movie which totally ruined your impression of the world because you imagined characters totally differently.

I don't want to ruin you expectations of my face (it's not prettier than the trollface anyway).

Also there is a time and a place for this, it's not here and now. :P

I am pretty sure you can find pictures of me if you are just trying hard enough
