Priorities are important at times...


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2010
I have been waiting patiently to get my Pandora and I think things are starting to look pretty good. Though I have to say one thing is starting to concern me in these forums. Lately there have been some people waiting for their Pandora complaining they have so little money that they only have pocket change to live on for weeks. Or others going on how they have absolutely no money and thus the premium route is not an option. I am really starting to wonder about people priorities if they are that tight for cash. I think only a very small minority of people getting a Pandora can say they have to get a Pandora. This is a luxury purchase, not something that is life and death. Yes it looks amazing, yes it will be awesome, but in the end it is a hunk of technology that will become obsolete in time.

If those complaining about being broke truly are, then I think a serious re-evaluation of your priorities is in order. Instead cancel your Pandora order and use the money for something more important like feeding yourself. The Pandora will not make your life complete. It will not make your life better. And BTW having fun with a Pandora is NOT making your life better. Do something to focus on making your life better. Learn a new skill. Move to a city with better opportunities. Do something, anything to fix your life.

I am fortunate to be in a position to afford getting a Pandora. This is through hard work and getting a good education that presented me with opportunities to succeed. I understand the challenges of wanting things before you can afford them - our world is driven by constant marketing trying to convince people that some device solves a problem they did not even know they had.

You can easily nickel and dime yourself out of lot of money and Pandora is one such example. Heck, I still refuse to upgrade my phone line to have call display. I don't drink coffee from places like Starbucks. I don't have cable or satellite, instead getting TV for free Over the Air (OTA.) Yep, the selection is limited, but it meets my limited viewing needs. I have saved enough with avoiding those three costs in just two years to get a nice big screen TV. It is all a matter of priority.

And if you really are tight for cash, please just get a refund and use the money for something more important.

I'm really trying to not be preachy here but I truly am getting frustrated with folks complaining about their utter lack of money when complaining about not having their Pandora. I can completely appreciate that some folks have saved up money to make this purchase and that it can be a big $$ purchase. But a little self-evaluation might be in order if money is so tight that it is impacting your ability to provide for the basics to survive. The Pandora is a nice luxury item... nothing more.
Being in debt and complaining about it is the American way!!

Don't you know that?
The Pandora is a nice luxury item... nothing more.

No, actually is a life saver. I'm not married, don't have any kids, live all alone, my girlfriend kicked me, no pets, no plants, quit smoking, not drinking a lot anymore,

all i have is Pandora, to amuse me, to remind my childhood :D

but i'll have to return it, :( to get the lcd cable fixed... I'm selling my netbook to buy another pandora so i won't fall into deep depression, while it's overseas

I can appreciate the ribbing. But I also think you have a lot of common sense... you admit to selling one item to afford to buy another Pandora! Which seems really, really smart from my point of view! :) Enjoy your Pandora.
