[Game Request] Catacomb Snatch from the Humble Bundle Mojam


Still Fresh
May 18, 2012
So going through some of my Humble Indie Bundle purchases I remembered Catacomb Snatch, an egyption steampunk tower defense that was developed by mojang (minecraft) for a 48 hr charity stream, the game is open source and some updates have been made by a small community and since it can run with just arrow keys i think it would be great for the pandora. It is written in java and it seems to be fairly simply coded. I hope this can be done, its a pretty fun game!

P.S. Message me if you want the source code from The Humble Bundle.
Well, Java is slow on the pandora. And the fact that Notch wrote some of it won't help performace-wise. I wouldn't expect it to be playable.
mmmmm Id love to play some catacombs... >_>

Well, Java is slow on the pandora. And the fact that Notch wrote some of it won't help performace-wise. I wouldn't expect it to be playable.

Even if someone was willing to recode the whole thing into c/c++, i might actually be obligated to donate to them if they do ;)
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Not only on the Pandora, thats the general problem with Java. :D

Benchmark-wise, Java is not THAT much worse in performance than any given language. It's certainly a lot faster than any script language, for instance. Of course it does lose to C and friends, but that's pretty much a given.

Notchs new spce game also seems to be written in Java, I'm a huge Minecraft addict but I never will understand why Notch has so much love for Java...
Have you programmed in Java and compared it to say C++? Compile once, run everywhere (there are exceptions to this, I know). Huge library of well maintained components that at most only require drag and drop of a single JAR file to use. Automatic memory management cuts your development headaches by a third. Awesome IDE support with code completion unlike any other language save for C# (with visual studio). Build tools like Maven that actually retrieve and upgrade your project dependencies. Test suite tools like Mockito that make writing tests for your stuff actually easier than is possible (AFAIK) with C++.

There are plenty of developer reasons to side with Java. You are probably only seeing the user side, which is the performance drop. Sometimes the above reasons may mean the difference between a 2 year development time and 5 year development time, or the difference between 1000 bugs and 10000 bugs, or the difference between running on all the platforms that support Java, or only those platforms the developer bothers to port to.

Though I'm guessing Notch is doing it because of familiarity :P
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Depends on what the processing power is being used for. I'd say the reason for that is the abundance of features and simply bad code. It's not Java's fault, inherently. I absolutely agree that some modern IDEs have resource-heavy features I don't use and as such would like to turn off. I dare you to recreate Netbeans in a reasonable time with all the same features and better performance :P
Not only on the Pandora, thats the general problem with Java. :D

Benchmark-wise, Java is not THAT much worse in performance than any given language. It's certainly a lot faster than any script language, for instance. Of course it does lose to C and friends, but that's pretty much a given.
I wonder how much of that is true for ARM, i.e. if the JIT is any good for ARM, it there is any at all.
^ I actually have no idea. My point was to counter Fusion_Power's Java-bashing in a desktop context by providing reasons why one could concievably want to use it :P