Pandora How to Port an App from A to Z : Pandoralive

I just think you are over-exaggerating the "issue" at hand. We have all been educated and in SUPERSEXIST environment since we all born in the SUPERSEXIST past, yet we have not become some awful kind of men discriminating women around us in real life. It's just the same stupid debate about violence in video games and in the media. It does not make people violent (on the contrary).

I have yet to see what harm would come from having such pictures in an article.
Well, actually, quite contrarily to the issues of violence in video games (where it is rather well-established, research-wise, that violence in games does not make violent persons), it is rather well-established (once again, with proper research - Science, Y'all!), that being immersed in sexist culture does shape your outlook on male and female gender roles, and so on. As in, for instance, thinking it be OK to throw in some half-dressed females as general windowdressing :) (And yes, I'd find it equally unseemly to spice up a development article with pictures of half-naked men)
And the harm of those pictures, of course, would be what thatgui remarked: It makes you, and us in the wider community, appear like some sort of 12-year old immature boys. That isn't really an image I would like to be associated with.
Or, to put it another way (and also echoing a bit of what thatgui said): On the "Support us" page, you say that you want us to add a banner, link to articles, and so on. I teach computer science at a swedish university, I have loads of students - would-be developers (we have a game programming study program). This kind of article is something that would be right on the spot to share on my FB wall, or send to my students, and so on. Except I can't, because if I recommended that to my students, I would get in trouble with my superiors. In fact, I'd now have to think really hard about recommending any pandoralive article anywhere where people may connect it to my professional role, since someone  might click around, arrive at this, and start asking questions about that. 

That is the harm of these pictures: It limits the possibility of spreading the good word.
... So ... Well ... This thread ... Somehow ...

The first post doesn't really fit to the real topic :) .
This kind of article is something that would be right on the spot to share on my FB wall, or send to my students, and so on.
Porting code to work on the Pandora is like some kind of retarded ape-dance.  Not a good idea to infect young minds with it.  My pictures are serving a good purpose if they keep it out of your curriculum.

If I write another article, I'll make sure to include pictures of attractive men, in order to avoid claims of sexist bias.  Although most people are biased one way or the other.
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The photos which have been used as an example are almost completely replaceable. They are pointless and meaningless.

I hate them... hey, let's use this pandora device to download pictures of boobs.. LET'S GO
Mammals in general are very interested in boobs, fact of life.

I will create alternative edition of my post for the prudish / victorian / traditional islamist / easily distracted / male defenders of women's rights / haters.  But no one will read it.

Here is censored version of post, with erotic photos replaced by tux.  Here is original version of post, with one additional Linux babe:


You can read whichever you choose or most likely neither.  Now fuck off!   :)
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I'm sorry DaMummy that I did not include any erotic pictures of horses for your pleasure.
Where I come from, the children are more interested in toys and games.

It's mainly the adults who are keen on the fucking and such.
Well I never was in Australia, but my guess is that the human species has some inherent basic steps in its growing process that do not divert that much from continent to continent. That beeing said, depending on point of view of the department of science you want to "come from", children migrate into their adolescent phase somewhere between 11 and 14. But years before that they already go through several phases were they are discovering their sexuality which surely is far more innocent than what comes in their adolescent phase, but its there.

I see no problem with using pictures of beautiful, happy women to spice up a post.

You can see more revealing pictures in "women's magazines" scattered around the workplace.

I'm aware that both the women's magazines and my lovely informative post might be considered overly sexual or even sexist.

Yes, they are overly sexual, perhaps mildly sexist. I really don't care.

You can copy paste the article, excluding the pictures, for a sexually neutral reading experience.

If you still have a big problem with the mildly erotic imagery in my post, kindly fuck off and read something else.

"I like offending people, because I think people who get offended should be offended." - Linus Torvalds
I really don't care if you care or not. Posting pictures that have no relation to the text does not spice up anything. They just let you look like an 11 year old boy that found a playboy in his fathers wardrobe and is eager to show his friends his discovery.
That doesn't mean you should stop writing articles or even try to be funny in it - I have no problem with someone trying hard and failling in the end. But I do have a problem with someone desperatly shooting decoy flares in all directions just to cover up that he intended to do something but in the end dismissed the thought of even trying.

Bringing up the old "buuhhuu,but he did it too" argument doesn't validate your point in any way nor does it help your argumentation. Or is stealing something right because others do it too ?

I do not intend to "f**k off", as pandoralive together with the snake oil salesman type of website craig made up are currently the figureheads of the Pandora itself and its community. As I want to be a part of this community to some extend, I have a

natural interest in how the community is represented to the outside.

"I like offending people, because I think people who get offended should be offended." - Linus Torvalds
Why do you have to bring poor Mr. Torvalds into this ? Just because someone gets media coverage now and then does not mean he has actually something wise or interesting to say nor is it an easy way to strengthen your own point of view.
I enjoy boobs and think that we need more boobs in software development.

I have yet to see what harm would come from having such pictures in an article.
Two things come to mind...

*  It detracts from the point of the article. This whole conversation is a case in point.

*  Some people will find it off-putting. Depending on their worldview and why they are reading it might put them off:

.   1) Reading the article

.   2) Reading PandoraLive

.   3) The Pandora itself, especially given the blog's subtitle "All That's Worth Telling About the Open Pandora Handheld".

.   4) The subject matter itself, learning to port software.

Given that we currently need to encourage people to join our community, this counter-productive.

- Neelix
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Ok Neelix lets stick to facts shall we?

The article has been viewed more than 200 times and there is zero complaints in the related comments. 

I have received zero email from the contact form about the contents being an issue.

What did we do in this article? we delivered a clear, step by step explanation on how to port software on the Pandora, something that noone in the community has been able to do in the same way over the past x years. And you say our effort may be counter productive, sorry but if you really are a beginner, are you going to look at the forums or the un-maintained wiki, or the Pandoralive page... and make abstraction of the pictures? I think the answer is obvious.

Besides, the only feedback i received from my proactive post on the forum was almost exclusively about the pictures and almost nothing about the contents. This coming from seasonned developpers on Pandora. One has to wonder who is being the more counterproductive ones in this story. 
It is a very good article. That is why it is such a shame that it is marred by the unfortunate choice of illustrations.
I personally didn't read the article, I just looked at the boobies.  What was the article about again?
The article has been viewed more than 200 times and there is zero complaints in the related comments. 

I have received zero email from the contact form about the contents being an issue.
People have been posting all over the forum, in case you'd missed those. Viewing figures are probably distorted more by all the drama it's kicked up.
The "Linux Power" picture is unnecessary, it is completely out of place and doesn't really relate to the web browser or porting, which is what the article is about.

The /pix/bra picture is kind of okay - it's showing a web page which pictures, you're porting a browser - makes sense. It could have done with being more representative of a web page though, ie with some text and layout. Keep a photo or two of a woman, but make it obvious you're looking at a website and not just a photo collection. Maybe going to something like the Miss World site or something.

The last picture (miranda) is just a photo in a browser, but it could easily have been just a photo viewer. Again, it either shouldn't be there, or more representative of a web page.
Ok Neelix lets stick to facts shall we?

The article has been viewed more than 200 times and there is zero complaints in the related comments. 

I have received zero email from the contact form about the contents being an issue.
If you want to, I can add some complaints in the comment section of the Pandoralive post and fill out the contact form, if that is needed to establish the fact that the mildly sexist use of pictures is an issue for me.

By the way, are you allowed to redistribute those photographs? Where do they come from? They sure don't look like home-made pictures. Are you sure you're not infringing any copyrights by putting the pictures on your server? (this question applies both to ekianjo and DREDD, since they're both hosting the pictures on their servers). As much as I sympathize with the notion of "information wants to be free" etc etc, and as unlikely as it is that you'll get a DMCA Takedown notice or similar for something like this, I think it would be a good idea to keep your website legal.

In my opinion it would be a good idea to remove those pictures (or replace them with something less controversial) from the article on Pandoralive. If DREDD wants to host a Playboy-edition of his article on his own website, he's of course free to do so, for all I care he can throw in some screenshots of porn websites too. But the Pandoralive blog should aim at a higher degree of professionalism than that.