Pandora How to Port an App from A to Z : Pandoralive

I think neither of us knows over 50% of the female world population personally, so let's not make big claims about what "most women" do or do not care about. The fact that lots of advertisements are sexist does not imply that this is OK.
I know what you mean, but isn't it better to let women defend themselves if they have issues with that kind of things? A man defending women in their stead could be considered sexist as well :) as if they are not strong/mature enough to defend themselves :)

I don't know, do you have to be black in order to argue against racism? I happen to be white and an anti-racist activist, do you think that could be considered racist of me because I make it look like non-whites are not strong enough to defend themselves? I hope not.

It's not like women are very massively represented on this forum, particularly not in this subforum. So I'm not going to wait until the women show up here to "defend themselves". Like most geek/hacker/tech communities, this community has a tendency to be male-dominated. I don't know if sexism is a cause or a consequence of this (or both or neither), but it's certainly not going to help.

Anyway, I have no problem at all with pictures of semi-nude or nude women, to the contrary. But there's a time and place for everything. Using such pictures just as arbitrary "decoration" to make an unrelated wall of text more "sexy" and "easy on the eyes" does seem demeaning and sexist to me. It also has the effect of more or less explicitly orienting our beloved Pandoralive blog towards a target audience of heterosexual males.

By the way: thanks DREDD for the interesting diary/tutorial! It sure contains a lot of very useful tips & tricks for new devs. Sorry to nag this much about your choice of illustrations, but I have quite strong opinions on many issues (including sexism) so I hope you don't mind me expressing my concerns.
Excellent article, though I would have liked a brief mention of cdevtools as an alternative build environment.

This is the kind of thing that is making pandoralive a first rate e-zine so far.
and honestly I consider theses picture as an ironic mock toward nerds...
i am in agreement with _wb_ ; great article dredd but if you want as many people as possible to take up porting those pics are not encouraging.
and honestly I consider theses picture as an ironic mock toward nerds...
Also a tongue-in-cheek mocking of advertising, which uses sexy bodies to sell products.

I saw the pictures as a kind of joke. I understand how some people might feel annoyed by them. It is similar to how some extremist muslims are offended by females showing skin. :D
concerning the picture, I see them as displaced, rather fun and honestly I just couldn't care less about theses
What is chocking, the picture or the nomber of message generated by thoses pictures?

Like elwing, I couldn't care less, but the number of message around the picture, and the lack of message around the main subject... :(
It's a thin line between "tongue-in-cheek mocking" of X and actual X, and in my opinion it's a bit easy to claim that your X is not actually X but just an ironic tongue-in-cheek mocking of X. Whatever the X is.

I mean, I do like irony and sarcasm a lot, and mocking references. That can be a great way to comment on the big issues of life. But sometimes something just is what it is, and saying "this is just a joke / mocking reference / sarcasm, don't worry" is just a lousy excuse. E.g. in cases of sexual harassment on the workplace, the offenders will very often claim that it's all just for fun and laughs, no worries.

Like all those comments that start with "I'm not a racist, but [racist comment]".

Let's be honest: that use of pictures just _is_ mildly sexist. It's not some kind of deep social commentary on the role of objectified female bodies in advertisements in today's sexist society in the form of tongue-in-cheek mocking references to that phenomenon. And if it is, then a tutorial on porting software to the Pandora is by far the weirdest way I can imagine to make such a statement, and a blog on the Pandora is by far the weirdest place to put it.
What is chocking, the picture or the nomber of message generated by thoses pictures?

Like elwing, I couldn't care less, but the number of message around the picture, and the lack of message around the main subject... :(
I think we can agree that those pictures manage quite well to divert the attention from the main subject :)
But the pictures - seriously ? How old are you guys 11 or maybe 12 ? Is this how you want the Pandora and its community to be represented ? A bunch of

undereducated teenagers that are unable to outgrow their childish interest for the physical charactersitics of the other gender ?

if thats really the point you guys want to make, thats fine by me - but also the point where I start recommending to people to skip that nonsense blog.
I agree, unfortunately. Not nice.
What is chocking, the picture or the nomber of message generated by thoses pictures?

Like elwing, I couldn't care less, but the number of message around the picture, and the lack of message around the main subject... :(
I think we can agree that those pictures manage quite well to divert the attention from the main subject :)
Yes. No discutions on porting, creating a PND, using SSH or not, things like thats that. That's sad.

Personnaly, about SSH and so one, I use both (I'm trying to get back to main subject).

When on the move I use the keyboard and screen of the Pandora, but try to use a real mouse (because Nubs / Touchscreen are good, but I'm not very productive with them°. So when I move more than a day, I have a small USB-HUB + a mini-mouse and Wifi stick attached...

When at home, I use SSH, X11 tunneling somes times, and Samba shares (the share are on the Pandora) so I can use my computer to Edit files. I most of the times lauch the compiles on the Pandora directly, and use SSH to do "administrative" work, like git and svn clone and update, tar, things like that.

I sometimes do 2 compiles at the same time. I have a long one runing on the Pandora "Command Line", and the PuTTY on my PC, I launch small one, like a PPSSPP update, packaging, and so on, that I test later whan my main compile is finished (or failled with some @#! error after a day or so).
What is chocking, the picture or the nomber of message generated by thoses pictures?

Like elwing, I couldn't care less, but the number of message around the picture, and the lack of message around the main subject... :(
 I think we can agree that those pictures manage quite well to divert the attention from the main subject :)
Yes. No discutions on porting, creating a PND, using SSH or not, things like thats that. That's sad.
Personnaly, about SSH and so one, I use both (I'm trying to get back to main subject).

When on the move I use the keyboard and screen of the Pandora, but try to use a real mouse (because Nubs / Touchscreen are good, but I'm not very productive with them°. So when I move more than a day, I have a small USB-HUB + a mini-mouse and Wifi stick attached...

When at home, I use SSH, X11 tunneling somes times, and Samba shares (the share are on the Pandora) so I can use my computer to Edit files. I most of the times lauch the compiles on the Pandora directly, and use SSH to do "administrative" work, like git and svn clone and update, tar, things like that.

I sometimes do 2 compiles at the same time. I have a long one runing on the Pandora "Command Line", and the PuTTY on my PC, I launch small one, like a PPSSPP update, packaging, and so on, that I test later whan my main compile is finished (or failled with some @#! error after a day or so).
I can't comment on the content being the total linux noob described at the start of the article and having no pandora... and all theses dramas is all the fun i'm getting out of pandora currently, please respect that :)
Let's be honest: that use of pictures just _is_ mildly sexist. It's not some kind of deep social commentary on the role of objectified female bodies in advertisements in today's sexist society in the form of tongue-in-cheek mocking references to that phenomenon. And if it is, then a tutorial on porting software to the Pandora is by far the weirdest way I can imagine to make such a statement, and a blog on the Pandora is by far the weirdest place to put it.
Then _wb_ I wonder what you think about video games like Tomb Raider where there is visibly no excuse to have a big-breasted heroine doing archeology with big guns. And many, many, many, many other games; whether recent or old. 

Are you upset that Mario is the hero instead of Peach in Donkey Kong?

Are you also unsatisfied that the guy is driving in Outrun, and the girl sitting on the side?

Do you consider classical paintings sexist when they show women naked around little angels?

Seriously, there is SEXISM everywhere around you if you really want to look at it _ and honestly it will drive you crazy if you want to turn things around. Why take it so seriously ?

And it's not like there were sexist references in the article, putting women down or anything.


New article on Pandoralive today. Without sexist pictures (A FIRST!!!) :
I use ssh mostly FROM the Pandora to other machines, e.g. to the one where I have an irc screen session running.

I only use ssh TO my Pandora in case I happen to have another computer nearby and I'm doing coding or other stuff that may cause my Pandora to become unresponsive (e.g. when I have a bug that makes something go into an infinite loop), so I can kill stuff and continue working without needing a restart. I occasionally use scp to transfer files to or from my Pandora, but usually I find it more convenient to use a USB stick or swap an SD card around (my laptop has an SD slot).

I always do everything on the Pandora itself (I use an SD install of SuperZaxxon with all of the dev packages like gcc installed). I don't work on huge projects so compilation time is not a big problem, but still, to minimize re-compilation times while coding, I compile everything with -O0 (no optimizations, so very fast compilation), I overclock to 980MHz, and of course I use a Makefile that ensures that only the stuff that changed gets recompiled.

You'll be able to read more about my Pandora habits in an upcoming "my day with the Pandora" article Ekianjo asked me to write. It won't contain any pictures of semi-nude women though, sorry if that's disappointing ;)

Accusation of racism in 3... 2.. 1.

Let's be honest: that use of pictures just _is_ mildly sexist. It's not some kind of deep social commentary on the role of objectified female bodies in advertisements in today's sexist society in the form of tongue-in-cheek mocking references to that phenomenon. And if it is, then a tutorial on porting software to the Pandora is by far the weirdest way I can imagine to make such a statement, and a blog on the Pandora is by far the weirdest place to put it.
Then _wb_ I wonder what you think about video games like Tomb Raider where there is visibly no excuse to have a big-breasted heroine doing archeology with big guns. And many, many, many, many other games; whether recent or old. 

Are you upset that Mario is the hero instead of Peach in Donkey Kong?

Are you also unsatisfied that the guy is driving in Outrun, and the girl sitting on the side?

Do you consider classical paintings sexist when they show women naked around little angels?
Well, if we are to continue that thread of thought: Yes, of course it is (a bit) troublesome. Still, in Tomb Raider, Lara Croft is active and doing things. In Donkey Kong and Outrun, the girl is there as a part of the narrative (what little narrative there be). And in classical paintings, the point of the painting is, um...the painting. The artist doing a rendering of the female form, and so on (there is quite a lot of artist doing a rendering of the male form, too, so it isn't really much of an imbalance). Here, the pictures have no relations to the text other than being "something to look at", or "a joke".

Which really, honesty, is the worst excuse ever: "Oh, this text is a bit boring. I need to make it more funny. Uhm...What should it be...Yeah, TITS! *insert Beavis laugh here* Tits! I said Tits! That's funny, yes?" Honestly, "a joke"? :)

Seriously, there is SEXISM everywhere around you if you really want to look at it _ and honestly it will drive you crazy if you want to turn things around. Why take it so seriously ?

And it's not like there were sexist references in the article, putting women down or anything.
Well, apart from the idea that scantily clad women are best used as jokes to spice up a boring text - No putting down there, no siree :)

Yes, there is sexism in a lot of places. Why take it seriously? Because the only way to turn it around is not to go crazy, but to point it out where it appears.
Let's be honest: that use of pictures just _is_ mildly sexist. It's not some kind of deep social commentary on the role of objectified female bodies in advertisements in today's sexist society in the form of tongue-in-cheek mocking references to that phenomenon. And if it is, then a tutorial on porting software to the Pandora is by far the weirdest way I can imagine to make such a statement, and a blog on the Pandora is by far the weirdest place to put it.
Then _wb_ I wonder what you think about video games like Tomb Raider where there is visibly no excuse to have a big-breasted heroine doing archeology with big guns. And many, many, many, many other games; whether recent or old. 

Are you upset that Mario is the hero instead of Peach in Donkey Kong?

Are you also unsatisfied that the guy is driving in Outrun, and the girl sitting on the side?
I do think that many video games are mildly sexist (some even rather severely sexist), yes. Particularly the big mainstream video game industry. It doesn't bother me that much (as it's mostly just a reflection of the sexism in our society in general), but it still sufficiently annoys me to actually notice the problem and acknowledge that it exists. It's kind of sad that this is considered an extreme or radical position by some, who seem to think that it should be the norm to not care about sexism and not even notice it.

See also:
 It's kind of sad that this is considered an extreme or radical position by some, who seem to think that it should be the norm to not care about sexism and not even notice it.
I just think you are over-exaggerating the "issue" at hand. We have all been educated and in SUPERSEXIST environment since we all born in the SUPERSEXIST past, yet we have not become some awful kind of men discriminating women around us in real life. It's just the same stupid debate about violence in video games and in the media. It does not make people violent (on the contrary).

I have yet to see what harm would come from having such pictures in an article.That you find it out of place and context, well OK, why not, but that you find it sexist, it's just going a little too far. Anyway obviously there will be no resolution in this thread, and I don't expect to change your mindset (not wish to do so. I respect freedom above all).
I think we can agree that those pictures manage quite well to divert the attention from the main subject :)
I spent a lot more time writing the text than I did photographing those beautiful models, and I'd appreciate it if all your comments would reflect that.

blah blah ... childish interest for the physical charactersitics of the other gender
Where I come from, the children are more interested in toys and games.

It's mainly the adults who are keen on the fucking and such.

Anyhow, that weird complaint needs to go in my sig.

I see no problem with using pictures of beautiful, happy women to spice up a post.

You can see more revealing pictures in "women's magazines" scattered around the workplace.

I'm aware that both the women's magazines and my lovely informative post might be considered overly sexual or even sexist.

Yes, they are overly sexual, perhaps mildly sexist. I really don't care.

You can copy paste the article, excluding the pictures, for a sexually neutral reading experience.

If you still have a big problem with the mildly erotic imagery in my post, kindly fuck off and read something else.

"I like offending people, because I think people who get offended should be offended." - Linus Torvalds
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