How Close Is The Team To Having 1 Finished Pandora?

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Oct 2, 2007

I, like I am sure most of the paying customers, have been scouring and trying to keep all the minutiae re: the Pandora in mind...but, with a new child and new job, I have to admit that my allotment of time (and brain cycles) devoted to research of said product is somewhat minimal) Unless I misunderstood certain bits of information, there are limited amounts of all the individual parts available at this time. (if I wrong about this, then what are the holdouts? The antennae? The screen?)

As such, what I am wondering about, is how close is the team to having 1 finished pandora for us to see? Not shipping/etc/ but one finalized unit for display.....I seem to remember a month or so ago Craig mentioned having a completed unit by the end of that month. I do realize there were other unforseen delays, but I am just wondering how feasible it is that we will see any sort of completed Pandora soon.

Any idea?
Yes, I have read that -

Aside from the banking issues, I thought there were some LCDs available. I would assume construction of the device would proceed in parallel. I can't imagine that the banking issue would preclude them putting together a system (or, maybe it would....but I can't imagine the whole team is constantly working with the bank.....possibly kernel/software dev I could see)

Are there molds are such made? Or does it all happen in linear fashion?
you're fighting a losing battle authoreyes... there is no reason they cant put one together... but it wont happen, because there IS a reason, they just wont tell us it. who knows why, its 1 of a million unanswered questions. the problem is that if you make any criticism at all a hundred people will jump on you with ridiculous remarks along th elines of "omg this isnt sony".
javaJake said:
Summary: no one knows, but they'll let you know once they know.
they themselves dont know why they cant put one together, brilliant.
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gibberish said:
you're fighting a losing battle authoreyes... there is no reason they cant put one together... but it wont happen, because there IS a reason, they just wont tell us it.
How about, not all the parts are all in one place yet? The boards just arrived (see blog post), and we know they have 600+ LCD's.

There are good reasons, and no, no one's really come out and said it, because we all figure you can figure it out.

gibberish said:
who knows why, its 1 of a million unanswered questions.
The developers couldn't tell you either. Indeed, your comment has truth: it's an unanswered question. Doesn't mean we freak out about it though. Just means we wait and be patient.

gibberish said:
the problem is that if you make any criticism at all a hundred people will jump on you with ridiculous remarks along th elines of "omg this isnt sony".
*jumps on gibberish with ridiculus remarks about "omg this isnt sony"* ;)

But wait, what if those remarks are right? What if the reason they can't answer all your questions is because they don't do it like Sony?

You know about the Pandora project weeks, maybe months before Sony would've ever even considered accepting your money, or input, or even announce the full details. No, Sony would've done everything under an NDA, and tested out every last detail so things like the bank issue don't happen.

If the small size and inherent inability to spend millions on test runs makes you nervous, you shouldn't have pre-ordered. It's the honest-to-God truth. Hard to accept? Maybe. Must accept? Yep. :P

Edit: Grammar.
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I accepted all that when I pre-ordered. Honestly, being in software development I really did think the proposed schedule was VERY aggresive. I don't begrudge them for that, as I myself do tend to underestimate the amount of time I will take me to hit milestones as I tend to estimate optimistically (even after 12 years of this :) )

I guess I just want to know why...Its the engineer in me....I hate feeling in the dark....

I just need to see its state....argh.....:)
authoreyes said:

I accepted all that when I pre-ordered. Honestly, being in software development I really did think the proposed schedule was VERY aggresive. I don't begrudge them for that, as I myself do tend to underestimate the amount of time I will take me to hit milestones as I tend to estimate optimistically (even after 12 years of this :) )

I guess I just want to know why...Its the engineer in me....I hate feeling in the dark....

I just need to see its state....argh.....:)
I think that sums up the thoughts of most of the serious Pandora supporters here, and i very boldly included myself there, ready to wait, but always ready for updates as well ;)
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There are two valid sides here, and both deserve respect.

1) People have paid for something and have yet to even see a single completely assembled prototype. That will make people worry, and that's completely understandable.

2) The dev team is dealing with all sorts of logistics and problems. They're trying their best, and in some cases just don't have control of certain aspects of the process. That too is understandable.

So unfortunately we're all left in a stalemate.

There's nothing to do but wait and hope for the best. No amount of questions will speed up the process. If only they could.
I totally understand posts like this and at the same time I'm willing to just sit tight. I, too, am very anxious to see a completed unit, but what can I do? I understand the thread starter was just curious, as I am, too. But at the same time I guess we just have to wait for them to release photos/video when they are ready. I really have to stop checking these forums 5 times a day.... :-)
socket said:
I totally understand posts like this and at the same time I'm willing to just sit tight. I, too, am very anxious to see a completed unit, but what can I do? I understand the thread starter was just curious, as I am, too. But at the same time I guess we just have to wait for them to release photos/video when they are ready. I really have to stop checking these forums 5 times a day.... :-)
five times? you are so lucky:P but i think there will be some major updates really soon that will lift the mood here :)

Edit: language ;)
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I think a lot of things depend on other things. e.g. I heard that the keyboard membranes weren't done, but they probably couldn't be finalised until the mk2 boards were fully ready.

Hey, for some perspective, think of this -- if the bank hadn't refused some orders, we'd all be sitiing back merrily awaiting the first ship-outs (with half the RAM we're now getting). Nothing's really changed.
personally, a 2 month delay is worth waiting for when double the ram is on the other end.
Yes I do want to see at LEAST 1, but manufacturers like to send in bulk(of course) and the way bulk economics work, it will only cost more money
I think people are also forgetting that the Cases have to made in large batches. The best protos they would be machined and even then they wouldn't be the same, since I believe it was said that the cases were going to be injection molded.
javaJake said:
All the information you need is here. Summary: no one knows, but they'll let you know once they know.

It's no attack on you, of course, but that's a damn weak excuse for a company who, for all intensive purposes, just got a million plus dollars for pretty much nothing. :P
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CronoTriggerfan said:
It's no attack on you, of course, but that's a damn weak excuse for a company who, for all intensive purposes, just got a million plus dollars for pretty much nothing. :P
And is in the process of giving most of it back so we can re-order, and upgrading the RAM and internal storage at significant cost to themselves.

I'm hoping this question is one that gets answered this weekend. Topic closed for now at the request of the OP.
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