GP32 DDR Type game for gp32


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Don't you think it would be cool to create a ddr type game (without all the fancy graphics on the psx and ps2) for the gp32 that would allow you to download files that contain the stepcharts and the mp3 for a certain song, and then play them in the ddr game for the gp32.
If I saw someone holding a small hand held gaming device up to their face and dancing in place while looking at the screen I would punch them as hard as humanly possible.
I actually suggested this to some coder friends of mine, and after an initial interest period of 8 seconds they gave up. Now I think the latest idea is to totally replace a DDR cabinet's PCB with StepMania somehow. And to be honest, in retrospect it is a dumb idea, and that is coming from someone who has been playing DDR constantly for what...4 years now? :P

And yes, I have stood on the DDR machine and played my GP32. I admit that is both bogus and sad. FYI I was playing Twinbee! (I'm not telling you what I was playing it on though! Buahaha!)
Nice suggestion. I only think that they shouldn't be played with a joypad but with a dancemat. And hooking up a dancemat to your GP32 could be a little difficult.

DDR and girls in tight shirts, the ultimate gaming experience... B)
I was thinking that it wouldn't be used with a dance pad, but instead with the gp32's buttons (not the d-pad) and then you could download songs to the gp32 and play them. I think it would be fun.