Release Hotfix 6 Final released!

I used the hotfix from tuesday, maybe that was the one whit the wifi bug on it, and there is a newer one since that, but because i wants starfox 64 3D too, i just bought the stick..

And i waitet until the first install wizard was apeared..
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Damn, I'm having problems with MAME4All again. I'll just reflash later - I guess going from Hotfix 4 to 5 to 6 when each one has been released, using only the respective PND-updaters, isn't working so well for my Pandora. :P
Damn, I'm having problems with MAME4All again. I'll just reflash later - I guess going from Hotfix 4 to 5 to 6 when each one has been released, using only the respective PND-updaters, isn't working so well for my Pandora. :P
I did a total reflash with the newest hotfix and still have issues with TV-out and a few other things that were supposed to be fixed with hotfix6 final.Comes with the territory. ;)
Was the PND Updater updated to fix the little bugs found? Would be nice. ^^
I have filed a bug report for the thing: http://bugs.openpand...d=267&project=1

Which other errors are reproducible?
I wait until the PND Updater 100% works, I don't want to take any risk. ^^

I wonder If it would be still possible to copy back the after the Update, even if this file doesn't work. Thunar or the system programms of the Pandora should work without the pnd_run, right?
Damn, I'm having problems with MAME4All again. I'll just reflash later - I guess going from Hotfix 4 to 5 to 6 when each one has been released, using only the respective PND-updaters, isn't working so well for my Pandora. :P
I did a total reflash with the newest hotfix and still have issues with TV-out and a few other things that were supposed to be fixed with hotfix6 final.Comes with the territory. ;)
Me too, although my only problem seems to be MAME4All. I'm going to go and post in the Support section about this. :lol:
... and it works, as some have done a full reflash and I just downloaded and tested it as well.

The CRC is fine for that ZIP, it works like a charm.

The md5sum for the ZIP should be: 6579fa366689b0f3f5c689508028bdf5

Do you have any proxies, download manager or similar things running that could break the download?
I've downloaded it a few times, It's changing checksum every time. I've used all sort of browsers, still it's downloaded with the error. I'm thinking some sort of speed boost is added to it but it's sever side. I've not used any download managers or other. No other files have had any issues. Could some one supply me a mirror plz?

[edit] It's been downloading very fast, at about 7mb/s, I used a download manager and throttled the dl to only 1mb/s it seems to have worked.
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Finally fixed my forgotten password

Konqueror must be set up with strange font encoding,

had to use firefox to get a correct link

Is there somewhere a bz2 of HF6 for SD cards?

Or can someone post the command line conversion?


I installed the upgrade version, and got the "no pnd run" problem, and solved it using this method:

But seeing the changelog:

"XFCE4 got a cleaned up menu as well as a more useful panel bar (I hope
) including Toggle WiFi as well as a quick CPU Speed changer"

My panel bar doesn't seem to have been changed, there´s no toggle wifi (which would be very useful).
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I installed the upgrade version, and got the "no pnd run" problem, and solved it using this method:


But seeing the changelog:

"XFCE4 got a cleaned up menu as well as a more useful panel bar (I hope
) including Toggle WiFi as well as a quick CPU Speed changer"

My panel bar doesn't seem to have been changed, there´s no toggle wifi (which would be very useful).

Similar experience here, though the method above did not solve it for me. PNDs began to fire but each died and message popped what error file to look in for details. I also had none of the taskbar updates etc. I humbly admit that I didn't even look at the logs before doing a full refresh.

The full refresh worked like a champ. :)
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My PND Update Version workes fine so far, WIFI works and everything is still there where it should be. The new buit in browser is the weirdest WebBrowser I've ever seen but it is ok for Text viewing, much faster than the old Aurora in this job. ^^

But I also miss the new panel bar additions, I still have to use my old desktop links for these functions. Is there a way to get the new toggle options back in the panel bar?
For the new panel, the problem is tricky : would an user allow OPT to modify it's user configuration ?

I sure would not want this (as I'm tweeking it to my needs).

So only the new user templates are impacted. If you want to only update yet get the new bar, create a new user to play with it.
I can add some functions by right click to the pannel and choose "Add new items" but the new ones are not in the list somehow. Are the new panel functions somehow different to add?
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