Release HHexen / HHeretic


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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this is cool but i'm confused, hexen and heretic seem to work fine in Chocolate Doom
Ooh lovely! Thanks for that.

I've just given both a try, all seems well, except the horizontal mouse sensitivity seems to be set at a million-billion, and the mouse sensitivity setting seems to not affect this.

this is cool but i'm confused, hexen and heretic seem to work fine in Chocolate Doom

hhexen and hheretic support proper mouselook. Also I found chocolate doom would crash just as I finish the first stage of Hexen.
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Thanks!, working great.

this is cool but i'm confused, hexen and heretic seem to work fine in Chocolate Doom

There are some features that this has over Chocolate Doom. Also why complain about new things?
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Not a complaint in any way trashy, just wondering what the differences are. As SD card space is at a premium for me atm (i have VERY limited space) i have to be economical. What made you think i was complaining? I usually love all of Pickle's stuff he is awesome, sadly i wont get to try this for a while until i get my 1Ghz.
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Cool, thx !

I had great times playing those on my i486, a long time ago... ^^
Okay, it's not just sensitive, it's really weird. The horizontal mouse-look axis is very, very messed up on both games., am I really the only one experiencing this horizontal looking issue?