Here Is Soruce Code For Duke Nukem 3d

Nah it can be done, it's been suggested many times before. The main reason it's not been ported I think is because of the lack of controls. There's just not enough buttons on the gp32 to play this game properly.

Edit: But theres a class doom wad that you can play if you're after a bit of duke fun! I'm sure drumaster will step in any minute to let you know the address :D.
Lack of controls? Come on! I'm sure we can easily come up with some good controls if we just put our minds together for like 30 minutes.
This has been discussed so many times it's not even funny :P

Seriosly, the lack of controls was one thing that would make porting harder, but the (probably) biggest problem is that the code is full of asm and would be quite hard to port over to GP32 (unless someone has made a C-only version, which could be possible). It also uses float processing math, which the GP32 can't handle. Please correct me if I'm wrong. (I probably am, because I haven't looked at the source yet, even though it was released about a year ago). But it could be possible to port if someone really would give it a shot.
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Well, first one of the features of the site (they ported Duke3D to Linux):

"Assembly code all has portable C fallbacks, now"

For the thing with the floating point math: of course the GP32 can do floating point math, but you have to do it in software because you don't have a coprocessor for that purpose, so the compiler has to translate it.
The newest development version of GCC (3.3) has now a very optimized floating point translation for ARM processors (read the Changelog).

A bigger problem seems to be the RAM which is used by Duke3D, but as you have seen with the BOR port, this could possibly be changed, too.
although it would be really cool if duke3d did get ported, would it really be worth it? I mean, Doom and ROTT are great as tech demos and good fun to play but I get the feeling that not many peeps actually play them much. don't get me wrong I used to love duke3d, but I can see it being considered just a tech demo....
sam fisher posted on Apr 18 2004 at 08:59 PM said:
what button changes weapons in doom gp as It does not say on the gbax cd?
Hold select and press either r or l to cycle through weapons.
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Twinbee posted on Apr 18 2004 at 04:46 PM said:
I didn't think the Duke Nukem 3d engine was all that completely different to doom.
Its very different. Far more complex, more features, and uses a portal system.
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