Release Hase - Prototype two

these bunnies with their little hop make me think....

Could you adjust that animation a little bit so it look less like f*** ? :D
Sorry, this will not be possible as I want my game to be shown at theweirdn8's chaste gamers website. And unmarried (!) bunnies fucking around with each other (gang bang!) with low gravitation (so it would maybe even make more fun!) is BAAAAD. Furthermore you can't surely differ the sex of the bunnies, so it could even be all male hares! O_O

Please, think of the children!
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That menu system looks a lot nicer than it used to be... or maybe I'm just getting used to it. Oh, and thanks for whichever update made it so you're not always the first player to start, that made it a lot more fun in local mode.
That menu system looks a lot nicer than it used to be... or maybe I'm just getting used to it.
I rewrote it. With feedback functions and stuff. Bitches LOVE feedback functions. I will make a looooong changelog posts if the new release is ready. :)
Oh, and thanks for whichever update made it so you're not always the first player to start, that made it a lot more fun in local mode.
It was the last one. However there were only two updates, from which the first one was the release. :D
You will LOVE the new release. :)
Sorry, this will not be possible as I want my game to be shown at theweirdn8's chaste gamers website. And unmarried (!) bunnies fucking around with each other (gang bang!) with low gravitation (so it would maybe even make more fun!) is BAAAAD. Furthermore you can't surely differ the sex of the bunnies, so it could even be all male hares! O_O Please, think of the children!
You misread, he said to make it look LESS like humping, because.. you know... it kinda looks like that right now :P

Also do I spot particles flying around affected by the gravity in that last video, that's neat.
Sorry, this will not be possible as I want my game to be shown at theweirdn8's chaste gamers website. And unmarried (!) bunnies fucking around with each other (gang bang!) with low gravitation (so it would maybe even make more fun!) is BAAAAD. Furthermore you can't surely differ the sex of the bunnies, so it could even be all male hares! O_O Please, think of the children!
You misread, he said to make it look LESS like humping, because.. you know... it kinda looks like that right now :P
Oh... OH! But my interpretation is more funny! ^^'
Also do I spot particles flying around affected by the gravity in that last video, that's neat.
Yes. In fact every other attempt would have been harder to code as I already have a gravitation lookup table for the whole level, from which I also generate the background arrows.
I am also thinking about bouncing after touching the ground. Have to think over it. Would be surely look awesome. Particles are so awesome...
I am also thinking about bouncing after touching the ground. Have to think over it. Would be surely look awesome. Particles are so awesome...
Yeah, actually was thinking the same after I saw the video. You should totally do that.
Looks really good. Pity I've not had time to play it since your first release.

You should set up a mini tournament :)
Looks really good. Pity I've not had time to play it since your first release.
Wait for the next release. It improves a LOT stuff.
You should set up a mini tournament :)
In fact I thought about that, too. However this is a real time game, so I would need to find a time, when a couple of board members is available... So quite hard. ;)
I thought about making it pauseable in a next release. Then you could even make a turn and wait some days for the counter turn of your opponent. But this is quite at the bottom of my To Do list. :) And I am not sure, whether this still really makes fun with big pauses in between...