Release Hase 1.6 - more gravity, more particles, more fun!

I will not:

  • make an Android release
  • make an iOS release (for so many more reasons)
  • add Hase in steam
  • make any attempts to earn money with hase (except donations)
I like the game. I think this is the best game idea I ever had. But for a release outside these communities I would need to start allover again and to do things very different. So let's just keep it this way. :)
Beware, beware!

I proudly announce the new version 1.6.1!

These are the changes:

  • I hopefully fixed all remaining stucking bugs. In fact it feels much better now!
  • Levels which don't leave a 256px border around are cutted now. Important for selfmade levels.
  • level width and height are now fixed to 1536x1536. In the past I wanted this to be editable, but in fact 1536 is the perfect number. Fun fact: This needs around 5 MB of RAM - not 750 :>
  • Items don't land on the head, but are collected
  • Decreased the bunny collision box again, so they appear smaller. I finally understood my code. Maybe I should comment it NOW...
  • Tomtatoes collected outside own turn are added next turn
  • Made the weapons menu wide instead of high for low screen devices. I learned that somebody plays Hase on his GP2X! :D
  • AI shoots if no time is left instead of jumping around
  • Traces fade out
  • New level save format, which easier to edit and to change. In the video I use self made levels of a pacman and a gp2x console. :D
  • Camera changes at border warp, so it doesn't jump so much
  • Speed improvements, especially for CC units
  • No enter of empty name possible anymore
  • Computer player don't get kicked after timeout in game lobby
Here is a video of the changes:

As always in the Repository

You may have noticed I increased the minor release counter. I did this because this version is not compatible with Hase 1.6.0.x, I needed to change too much about the physics. So if you want to record an old game or play against other Hase 1.6.0.x players you will need the old version. But why should they not want to update? The new version is much better. :D

Greetings, Ziz
Does that mean this will use less resources on my i386 machine too?  As is, if I leave it running in the background, playing videos on other workspaces becomes choppy, but I just have to remember not to leave it in the background if I want to watch a video.

An idea for AI navigations, not sure how well it would work, but I've observed now how the AI seems to dither, thanks to its random decisions to turn around.  How easy would it be to code something that only turned when it detected it was going backwards i.e. the place where it lands is behind where it launched from?  If it could do that, it might make the AI look less neurotic, though hopefully wouldn't make it much harder or easier to beat.
Does that mean this will use less resources on my i386 machine too?  As is, if I leave it running in the background, playing videos on other workspaces becomes choppy, but I just have to remember not to leave it in the background if I want to watch a video.
Dunno. Not in the game lobby, but maybe ingame.
An idea for AI navigations, not sure how well it would work, but I've observed now how the AI seems to dither, thanks to its random decisions to turn around.  How easy would it be to code something that only turned when it detected it was going backwards i.e. the place where it lands is behind where it launched from?
Probably not too hard. However I tried it once and it didn't work. I am not in the mood for a second try, because imho the AI is fine as it is. ^^'
If it could do that, it might make the AI look less neurotic, though hopefully wouldn't make it much harder or easier to beat.
It's not about winning... It's about the message. :P
For anybody still not playing Hase here two videos of Holysmoke, levi, toocwa and me playing the Version 1.6.0. These were two very exciting matches!

Greetings, Ziz
Fun fact: This needs around 5 MB of RAM - not 750 :>
I see what you did there! :D

Nice videos (but brutal timer setting! ) and even nicer updates, you really put effort in that game, impressive. The fading of the traces also seems much better now and I like the "Pizza" Surface of the levels.    ^_^

I almost forgot to suggest some minor tewaks of the ingame GUI, it's a little bit hard to keep the overview because the Text aligment is off. Would it be possible to align the text so that equal elements are always straight in row?  Like numbers, names, etc, this would greatly increase the readability imho.

I also still miss "popup" damage numbers directly over the characters. Woulöd make it much easier to see how well it was hit, especialy through splash damage etc... ^^"
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Fun fact: This needs around 5 MB of RAM - not 750 :>
 I see what you did there! :D
This specific thread is so ridiculous...
Nice videos (but brutal timer setting! )
This was in fact not intended, I forgot to change it after some tests.
and even nicer updates, you really put effort in that game, impressive. The fading of the traces also seems much better now and I like the "Pizza" Surface of the levels.    ^_^
This texture is from Binky and I think it is meant to be an asteroid surface. ;)
I almost forgot to suggest some minor tewaks of the ingame GUI, it's a little bit hard to keep the overview because the Text aligment is off. Would it be possible to align the text so that equal elements are always straight in row?  Like numbers, names, etc, this would greatly increase the readability imho.
I could improve this, yes.
The one Texture looks like Pizza for me and the other one like Cookies. Which is absolutely not bad at all!  :lol:
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The one Texture looks like Pizza for me and the other one like Cookies. Which is absolutely not bad at all!  :lol:
Wasn't one of the Worms textures cheese? I should think about using vegetables as background textures...
Yupp, Worms always mashed up basicly everything for the Level Textures, including  "cheesy" levels.  :D


Since your "Planets" can have every shape, square or triangle Pizza/Cheese surfaces fit perfectly imho. Of course Rabbits are more on the veggie side so your idea fit better, not only for healthy reasons. ;)
I really appreciate the changes in 1.6. The game is more challenging and fun now.  I particularly like how variable shot damage (depending on flight time) encourages longer range shots and no more point-blank shooting.

If you haven't tried hase multiplayer yet you should give it a try.  Best time seems to be evenings european time.
Maybe I _will_ replace the former themeless textures with vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. :D
I do want to point out that the menus get messed-up on the PC version when you resize the window.

P.S. Everyone should try this game! :)
Yes, that's been true since I first tried the PC/linux i386 version at least.  I thought for a while that it only liked running at the initial window size, but it turns out that if you can make it refresh, it resizes fine.
Yes, I even improved it once, but you are right, I should refresh the window parameters for the menu. I will add it to my todo :)
Heya! I just noticed, I totally forgot about my "vegetables plan". XD However I made a new release with some real changes. Little glitches and bugs, which annoyed me for a longer time...

  • Fixed skull behaviour in end game. You may have noticed, that in the endgame the skulls didn't hit you anymore. Which is bad
  • Fixed bug about random accelaration in no gravity areas. This is a bug nobody seem to have noticed yet! But especially in the endgame you acceleratered even more - although there is no mass for acceleration. O_o
  • Made it easier to shoot while mid air (removed crosshairs hopping). Basicly be letting the last position when you enter "no gravity area
  • AI doesn't choose already choosen sprites
  • Life over max health is shown differently
  • Fixed menu resize bug
I hope you enjoy the changes! New version as always in the repository. You may have noticed, that I was rarely in the chat the last weeks. I was in holidays. But now I am back to drink green tea and kick some hare asses! But the green tea is still quite hot, so the hare asses may need to wait 30 minutes or similar. :P

Greetings, Ziz

PS: Boar, this board update really really sucks.
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