

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2005
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Funny, because no kids came around the neighborhood this year...either they finally listened to me saying, "I don't celebrate halloween", or everybody got over it. What happened at you guys' neighborhoods? :huh:
My house faces over fields, has no street lights outside it and just looks really dark and creepy at night, you also have to walk upto the house, because of this i watch the kids look at the house, look at each other, then walk on.

Brilliant, it means I don't have to pretend i'm not in.
haloween sucked, i pretty much stayed outside played my 2x and handed out candy (i had no paint for my angel so i was quite bored, but playing hours of neo geo games was kinda fun ;) )
I got quite a few, but not as many as in years past.

I live across the street from the local corner store, and the proprieter usually gives out little packages of candy to the kids. So, usually we get every kid for 4 blocks trick or treating on my street.

In years previous the whole street had alot of fun with it, with decorations up, jack-o-lanterns a plenty and every house waiting to give out treats. This year though, looking up the street 70% of the houses were darkened or pretending not to be home.

Its too bad really. I was all prepared with almost 40.00 US worth of bulk candy expecting the deluge. I only gave out half of it, maybe 100 children total when in years past we'd get 200 or more.

I had tiki torches flanking my front door, with a jack-o-lantern and a skull candle burning to each side. I thought it was spooky enough.

The kicker was when a couple of six-year olds looked in the house and said "Wow! how'd you make it look so spooky in there!" - I hadnt decorated anything inside the house....lol :unsure: .

I can only assume that they were looking down the corridor into the kitchen where my girlfriend had herbs strung and drying from the ceiling for her herbalism class at university. That ,and I was brewing a batch of Beer on the stove which might have looked like a cauldron or something. Or maybe it was my swords displayed on the wall............hell, now that I think about it.......my house is spooky! :D
My wife and I didn't decorate this year... too few kids come by in our neighborhood to bother. What did happen was I went to Little Ceasers (A Pizza place) to pick up a simple cheese and pepperoni pizza and the place was an absolute madhouse! People elbow to elbow, parking cars on the sidewalk, scrambling around, it was like they'd announced free Xbox 360s or something! I barely got out of there with my pizza and life! Hallowe'en used to be so much better when I was younger...
last year i took my cue from the german riot officers and hosed all the "arsey" ones never had 1 this year :D

besides anyone know why trick or treat is not classed as blackmail?
Wow, last night was fun! Me and 9 other friends all got dressed up ( i went as a battlemage, costume was fricking A+ and won a competition at school) and got candy for a 4 kilometer stretch of town. We then made tracks to one guys house, where we had a going away party for a friend who's moving (we gave her like 9 Psych textbooks, Lolita, and some art & mythology books) and proceeded to party like it was 1699 until around 4 AM.

Effing Fun it was!
Nothing at all here. But then it always was mostly a US thing... for a few years you'd get maybe half a dozen people, but this year nothing - and there was nobody about on the streets either.
Here's some advice for people fed up with trick or treaters. Open the door and before they shout "Trick or Treat", you shout "Trick or Retreat!!!!". And if they don't retreat, you show them the trick with a hose pipe :D
I live in a council block (ie, I`m poor :rolleyes: ), And we recently had a security door with intercom fitted to the main communal door down stairs, Best thing they`ve done :D . It was very quiet this year, For some strange reason. :rolleyes:
