Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

subcon959 posted on Sep 12 2006 at 11:24 PM said:
craigix posted on Sep 12 2006 at 11:01 PM said:
Subcan959, What did he say to you?
Well, I don't know the guy with the blog and have never spoken to him. As I said in the other thread, I had a conversation with a different person and it turned out he was a business partner. He asked me not to divulge any details so I simply pointed the community to the blog as I thought it would be an interesting topic for discussion (silly me I didn't realise there were people here that wouldn't think twice about publicly humiliating a disabled guy and his son).
Mature discussion is what I meant.. perhaps asking too much?
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I don't see how you could discuss this maturely for long. It's a joke, he has very little to base an argument on let alone a suit. Funny man
I'm madaussie if anyone is wondering :P I asked him some specific questions which he never responed in his blog to.

from inference, he has patents (I dont think anything has been granted). His biggest claim seems to be that his business plan was stolen. He never did quite say _exactly_ what his device was, but tt reads like its mostly a PMP rather than games machine and it sounds like he is targeting the XGP.. but again he is very vague but timeline suggests and features suggest its XGP.

I cant quite map the whole business plan failed PMP design anger. He asserts they stole loads of stuff... xgp + gp2x are just continuations of gp32 design.. nothing radical there.. there are loads of failed game units and pmp players.

there has to be more behind it, since it doesnt really stack up to me.

I'll still assert there is lots 'wrong' and 'off' in his post, but he never eally answered any of my probes or questions about gp32z etc.

I'm also not sure under what pretext he thinks he is going to sue resellers either...
According to what GPH told me, the reason closed down was NOT because of stuff like this but because of lack of time an other private life issues.
EvilDragon posted on Sep 12 2006 at 06:44 PM said:
According to what GPH told me, the reason closed down was NOT because of stuff like this but because of lack of time an other private life issues.

I heard that as well, but from David himself.
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subcon959 posted on Sep 13 2006 at 01:27 AM said:
I'm not saying I don't think any of it is ridiculous, I just wouldn't stoop to insulting the guy and his kid.

Sometimes maybe ridicule is the only way out. I don't know much anything about the psychology of these kind of cases, but usually these kinds of delusions brood in silence until the victim is completely enwrapped in his own idea of who did what to him and how unfairly he has been treated. Maybe putting the idea up on the blog and having it laughed off as ridiculous might help sow some kind of doubt as to whether this really happened this way or not. Y'know, reality check, before reality recedes beyond the horizon.

I don't really know, otherwise, how you could maturely discuss this. "Some company I won't tell which it is (but it is connected to either GP, GPH or Samsung. Maybe.) stole something from me which I wont tell what it is, at a time I cant quite specify, and so I'll sue several as yet unmentioned companies with connections with the thieves that I wont elaborate upon, for unspecified damages unless they come forward to an unknown place to do unmentionable things to compensate some unknown party". Not much very solid facts there to discuss, is there?

Come to think of it. it does sound very much like the SCO business...
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subcon959 posted on Sep 12 2006 at 06:27 PM said:
I'm not saying I don't think any of it is ridiculous, I just wouldn't stoop to insulting the guy and his kid.

nothing wrong with some teasing, the internet has little tollerance for idiots and it doesn't discriminate based on disability, sex, etc <_<

if you have a legal problem with someone, you don't threaten them. you file a lawsuit, get a court date, they'll be served papers, etc. his approach is either woefully inexperienced or immature.
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jmetal88 posted on Sep 12 2006 at 07:47 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 12 2006 at 06:44 PM said:
According to what GPH told me, the reason closed down was NOT because of stuff like this but because of lack of time an other private life issues.

I heard that as well, but from David himself.

thanks for the info, I was unaware. cheers!
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subcon959: The things this 'investor' told you, were they anything exciting?

I can tell you now the claims he makes about me are lies. Based on that I don't think i'm going to believe his other contradicting ramblings.
Form what I understand; the guy is an all over the place. His current intention if he doesn’t get his way is to take Magiceye (might be Samsung) to court for breaking the NDA and force them from selling hardware to GP and GPH.

This would be a disaster, but I doubt this could happen.

I hope he stops all this nonsense. It sounds like he is financially irrisponcible, and this will just worsen his situation.
What if the shitbag goes through with it and financially damages GPH with legal costs?

It's obvious that he spotted GPH for being a small vulnerable company (why didn't he go for PDA or other PMP makers?), and this can only attract bad publicity for our beloved underdogs. Give me a break about picking on him cause he's off his rocker, he's the one churning shit with his mouth, not us.

I wish I met him and that son of his, and sock them one. :rolleyes:

- Alex
How about just counter-punch? There's way too much disputing in legal courts and way too little good old fashioned butt-kicking.

- Alex
Alex. posted on Sep 12 2006 at 10:01 PM said:
How about just counter-punch? There's way too much disputing in legal courts and way too little good old fashioned butt-kicking.

- Alex

You know, violence never solved anything. The world would be a better place if we didn't have to resort to brutish fisticuffs whenever things don't go our way ....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

... damn, I couldn't even finish typing that before I lost it

:lol: :lol: :lol:

* Punches the next poster *
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*rubs head* OW... That hurt Lou..

Subcon, you seem like a decent guy and all, but there's only so much rational discussion we can have about such an irrational topic, based on mostly hearsay posted in a public blog, by someone who "feels" quite bitter to me.

His device DOES seem to be a LOT different than any of the devices I've read about on this forum, the XGP included. (None of them use WINE or an X86 architechture for starters.)

His disability is NO excuse for acting blatently irresponsible, accusing people like Craigix or ED of things so ridiculous, it's fit only for the LOL section of the forum, and then getting angry when people call him on that mistake.

His business plan, in all likelihood is simply catchy slogans and certain places to advertise that are logically the most effective.

Oh, and a website/webpage that sells things is NOT a pirate site. A pirate site is a (usually hidden) a webpage/website on which pirated applications or games or data (movies/music) can be found. (At least to the best of my knowledge)
Has anyone asked him to provide some sort of proof of his claims yet? I'd like to see how he replies to that.
Winterkid posted on Sep 13 2006 at 03:23 AM said:
Oh, and a website/webpage that sells things is NOT a pirate site. A pirate site is a (usually hidden) a webpage/website on which pirated applications or games or data (movies/music) can be found. (At least to the best of my knowledge)
This is exactly why I didn't think it had anything to do with Craig's site. I may have missed it but I still don't see him directly referring to it in any of his posts. He mentions a site in UK and in Germany so we immediately think of the 2 obvious ones, but surely no one could mistake either of them for a pirate site. Of course this could be me giving people too much credit again.
Serith said:
Has anyone asked him to provide some sort of proof of his claims yet? I'd like to see how he replies to that.
I doubt any details would be given out if he's serious about legal proceedings.
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Alright.... we all agree that this guy is perhaps 2 sandwiches short of a full picnic basket, but what we shouldn't do (as a community that supports our distributors) is disregard this guy altogether.

Even if he does sue craig or GPH and loses, GPH and craig will still have a really bad time while it is happening. I for one am really thankfull for everything that craig and GPH and the other distributors have done for us. Look at this great machine we all have. It is marvelous!

I am willing to donate to a legal-fees fund, if it comes to that. Craig seems like a top guy and I don't want to see him get screwed by some nut-job and his whacked out son.

Also, in an event such as this, we must not forget John Titor ( the time-traveller from 2020 or something like that. The Internet is full of crazies from all walks of life, but some people might believe the hype/crap that they speak and that is a bad thing.
I have a feeling that subcon is the guy and is just trying to see how far he can get the community spurred up.