Gpx2's New Name Is Gp2x

mattbakse posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:02 AM said:
wait wtf i put GP2X but i never got an email

Anyways, GPX2 is a homosexual name... quite unimaginative.
and yes it was quite unimaginative i couldn't think of anything else so i just thunk, "Hey what the hell why not just switch the 'X' with the '2'"
i didn't think they'd actually choose it

No offense to you... I thought GPH didn't choose any of the name and just changed the two letters. Would've not said it if I knew it was actually someone's idea. :P

Congrats, btw. This was one contest that I'd have loved to win, but oh well. :D
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tommymordecai posted on Sep 2 2005 at 02:26 PM said:
what a con CON CON!!!!

I think they might have thought it a bit too silly to be taking "Animal Protection Area is Horny" seriously. :D

Oh well, there are other 2 thousand people who did not get a free unit so at least take comfort in that. :P

oh, and LOL @ efegea's sig. lol
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im not assd about the free unit what i am assd about is it being a con fair play to matt that gets a free gp2x but i have shown proof i submitted it first so its a big con although i do love the translation its fantastic isnt it but seriously though i translated using babel fish from english the writing what was in english so gamepark extreme entertainment means animalprotection area is horny??!!?? funny as fku tho

but for those that want proof i have posted it in the other thread here it is
"ui had already posted my email showing the proof on another thread, as i said on that thread i couldnt use the website so i went and emailed them asking them why i couldnt use it and forwarded to them my ideas and details. but just for everyone else here it is again - by the way im not a cry a baby im not assd if i get one for free or buy it but as i said it upset me. im sure if it were anyone else they would state the same
"Hi Tommy,
Your naming suggestion has been duly entered.

Best Regards,
Kyutae Hwang
----- Original Message -----
From: tommy mordecai
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: more names

hello im still having trouble adding to your site - i have more ideas for names

prime = roman for first made

predator = something that preys on victims to satisfy its need - ie the gpx2 needs to be played.

oro = spanish for gold

romany , gypsy, gitano = race of people that move around and entertains.

star / estrella = a star or solar being giving life to other sentients.

sentient = see above also part of something bigger

phoenix = a mythical bird that is reborn in flames every 100 years

millenia = meaning a thousand years

solar = from near the sun

solarflare = a flare from the sun

flare = a flame moving away from its energy source

energon = energy in transformers ^U^

please add these to my naming entries

(can you tell id really like a gpx2?)

best wishes
tommy mordecai

>From: "Kyute" <>
>To: "tommy mordecai"
>CC: ÀÌ ¹üÈ« <>,È« Á¤¾Æ <>
>Subject: Re: help over naming competition
>Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 11:26:38 +0900
>Hi Tommy,
>Thank you, your naming suggestion is duly entered.
>Best Regards,
>kyutae Hwang
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: tommy mordecai
> To: ;
> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 3:09 AM
> Subject: help over naming competition
> hello there i have tried sending my competition entries all day but i am unable to post for some strange reason therefore i would like to forward this to yourselves for my inclusion in the competition as i feel its a little unfair i am unable to enter with all my ideas!!
> below is what i have tried posting all today
> my name idea is the following
> evolution /gp evolution /gpx2 evolution /game play evolution /°ÔÀÓ ³îÀÌ ±âµ¿Àü°³ / ¼¼°èÀûÀÎ ´ç ±ØÄ¡; °ÔÀÓ ´ç ±ØÄ¡/global party (e)xtreme (2) /game party (e)xtreme.µ¿¹° º¸È£ ±¸¿ªÀº ÈïºÐÇÑ´Ù; °ÔÀÓ ³îÀÌ ÈïºÐ/game play (e)xcite /gp (e)xtreeme (e)xcitement/gp±ØÄ¡ ÈïºÐ - (the gp2x might mean gp xx - like o2 or co2 uses the 2 as a way to emphasise its actually got something of a duality.)such as dual core processor etc etc new horizon.
> ok evolution we all know about evolution in people but it is evolution of gaming that is most exciting today so game play evolution means the evolution of gaming and new horizons of gameplay, game play (e)xcite games should be exciting and it is exciting to play new and different games or even just games we love to play its the buzz its the excitement, global party extreme, everyone engaging in a party atmosphere and making it extreme or enjoyable, global party xcite, is the excitement of going to a party with friends wherever it may be ie global as long as your with your friends having fun you can be anywhere. gp2x (gpxx) (e)xtreeme (e)xcitement is when you find out about a new thing such as a new arcade game and get extremely excited about it, you then speak to all your mates about it and it creates a huge buzz around then you finally get to play the game and enjoy the exteme excitement.

do you guys believe me now? i sent the emails in the day on the 3rd wouldve been on the 2nd but i got pissed off with the website (obviously korean time is different so just minus the time etc) i sent them two of the same email at the same time on the 3rd just incase 1 didnt get through , then i sent them a 3rd email and then a fourth with a few more ideas, i didnt keep a copy of the very last email.
You sent them names In korean translated through babblefish? if you submitted the GP2X in with those names they might have disregarded your entries as gag names and never even seen it especially if you included that beligerant looking ALL CAPS part... Your other list shows more likely candidates and in a much more orginized manner than the stuff below adding further credance to tha idea that they just skipped your first email as gibberish.
> From: tommy mordecai
> To: ;
> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 3:09 AM
> Subject: help over naming competition

That doesn't look like August 3rd to me... and learn to type, so people can understand you better and take you seriously.
im sorry it was sent august 3rd in the uk - matt yours was sent august 4th at 12 somet pm i guess that means even if it was sent in august 4th i still had lets say um..9 hours ahead of you korean time, listen i have been nice to you matt i havent slagged you off i can type perfectly well i have qualifications in typing and i.t can you tell the time?? do you understand the concept of time zones around the world?? i dont want to get childish about the whole thing its just a pure con no matter what - enjoy your gp2x I named on the 3rd of august 2005; i shall wait and see more about the gp2x and buy my own when ready.. i dont need some con competition... oh wait i know ill have a competition whoever answers my thoughts right now can have a new psp still in its box.. my thoughts are only known by me and anyone can enter but really i have someone in mind to win no matter what anyone else says. and my decision is final so someone has already won the psp = me.
You feel bitter about this, i understand. I've had many a time when i've given my all to some work or project and someone else claimed the rewards and recognition for it.

In the end there's nothing you can do. I doubt Matt will say "Hey no problems, have my GP2x", because... well i wouldn't either. I doubt many people would, no matter how fair they say they are. GamePark have already moved on from the contest, so appealing to them will just get you a "sorry, we picked, it was our decision, end of story" mail.

Best thing to do is just shrug your shoulders and carry on living life. There's more to it than trying to win a box of wires and circuits.
Matt the best thing you can do right now is to just accept your award gracefully and let Tommy deal with this his own way... which will likely involve several more outbursts repeating the exact same thing untill he either 1. gets his pwn prize, 2. accepts their decision, or 3. leaves.
tommymordecai posted on Sep 2 2005 at 07:18 PM said:
> my name idea is the following
> evolution /gp evolution /gpx2 evolution /game play evolution /°ÔÀÓ ³îÀÌ ±âµ¿Àü°³ / ¼¼°èÀûÀÎ ´ç ±ØÄ¡; °ÔÀÓ ´ç ±ØÄ¡/global party (e)xtreme (2) /game party (e)xtreme.µ¿¹° º¸È£ ±¸¿ªÀº ÈïºÐÇÑ´Ù; °ÔÀÓ ³îÀÌ ÈïºÐ/game play (e)xcite /gp (e)xtreeme (e)xcitement/gp±ØÄ¡ ÈïºÐ - (the gp2x might mean gp xx - like o2 or co2 uses the 2 as a way to emphasise its actually got something of a duality.)such as dual core processor etc etc new horizon.


> gp2x (gpxx) (e)xtreeme (e)xcitement is when you find out about a new thing such as a new arcade game and get extremely excited about it, you then speak to all your mates about it and it creates a huge buzz around then you finally get to play the game and enjoy the exteme excitement.

do you guys believe me now?
No. I think you are a pathetic liar. When I saw this post yesterday I struggled to find gp2x in that badly written mess of a list (and I'm english - I'd hate to think how a korean would make any sense out of that mess), so I searched the text. The only mention of gp2x was in the explanation for the names (the second part I have quoted). In the actual list you put gpx2 and I notice you have since edited your post and changed gpx2 to gp2x (the bit I have highlighted in bold). You even talk about it being like o2 or co2 - why would you talk about 2x being like o2? Clearly you were talking about x2 being like o2. I assume you copy and pasted your original email then noticed your mistake afterwards, and yet you still continue to bitch about this.
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i dont wanna win anything - i dont need to cut and paste anything - the people i entered my competition entry and myself know the truth - i really do hope all the winners have a good time with their gp2x i honestly have no probs at all im getting my own from gbax - anyway i have won somet funniest name using babelfish animal protection area is horny is amazing translation from gp extreme excitement. taa efegea i love your picture its simply amazing ^U^
by the way the edit was coz i missed out the bottom of the text , why do i need to lie about a competition? simply i dont - i wouldnt wanna win one anyway i wouldnt appreciate it as much ps gp2x gpxx description about o2 all slots in doesnt it...
im gettin all crazy if someone writes post merely without punctuations and some words that dont even make sense at all so if youculd just write like everyother person here as you say you can wrote pritty well i would be very pleased if you do thank ya.