Gpx2 Name Suggestion: Gp2


gp2x! bananas! mayhem! mayham!
Jan 9, 2004
i posted it on gpx2, but i guess it'll dissapear under the tons of other entries.


I choose GP2 as name for the new console for a simple reason.

The prefix GP, at least in my eyes, over time developed a huge symbolic meaning for free, open, powerfull, independant handheld.

The 32 (GP32), was just an accessory to make it sound better. GP2 has a nice ring to it, and if you're really into it you could promote it as GPtwo.

But for now just say it loud three, four times: GP 2 - GP two - Gee Pee two. Now that sounds awesome, doesn't it?

If you choose a name without the GP in front, i guess you'll scare of some of the people that got used to the ring GP [something].
GP means a lot to me, it's my handheld philosophy!

I think this is the ideal name:
- it sounds good (spoken)
- shows that this is a new generation (2)
- shows that this still embraces homebrew development
- as well as high quality commercial games
- sounds familiar to the gp32 community / fanbase
- continues the spirit of the established name gp32

Regarding the Logo: i think the GPx2 logo is very sleek, thus i think the perfekt solution would be to just cut out the X.

Regarding mistaking it with GPH: Even if some people confuse GPH and GP2, GP2 sounds like the next generation of the GPH, thus people will buy the GP2 ;)

And again: if three letters are too few let's call it GP two (sorry for the rhime).
btw: GPH is the company manufacturing the GPX2. The other console is called XGP and manufactured by Gamepark
x68000 posted on Aug 4 2005 at 11:20 AM said:
why have you started a new thread for this???? there is already one open!!!!!

choose whatever you want

a) i'm a prick
B) i didn't see the other thread
c) i don't give a fuck
d) i'm too important for an thread with other suggestions
e) i like pizza
f) puppies are cute

i'm more on the B) side.
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I think your reasoning was e and f... you don't have to lie to us ;)

I submitted Zeitgeist because it means spirit of time and hopefully this system will allow us to relive all our past favorites while still allowing us to play new and exciting games :)
So what do you think about my idea? ^^
Just out of curiosity =P

"GPDuvo because Duvo is the ancient Greek word for Two. Ancient Greek because it's the language of the finest cultural and democratical Empire of its time. The GPDuvo is in a way a democratical console because you really listen to us, the consumers (The RAM-issue) =)
Duvo can also mean Digital Universal Versatile OpenSource
This baby really is versatile =)


Just saw this in the entries:

 Gamepark Ninja

Because thats what some in the community wanted to call an offshoot when we thought gpx2 wasnt coming.

the logo should be the words gamepark with a little ninja image on the right.

the word ninja and the gamepark logo will be on the back.

Someone`s stealing names!
Hooka posted on Aug 4 2005 at 06:47 AM said:
I think your reasoning was e and f... you don't have to lie to us ;)

I submitted Zeitgeist because it means spirit of time and hopefully this system will allow us to relive all our past favorites while still allowing us to play new and exciting games :)

Oooh, that's a good one, Hooka. I was trying to think of something good in german but couldn't come up with anything. stupid me...
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Magus 86 posted on Aug 4 2005 at 12:12 PM said:
Hooka posted on Aug 4 2005 at 06:47 AM said:
I think your reasoning was e and f... you don't have to lie to us ;)

I submitted Zeitgeist because it means spirit of time and hopefully this system will allow us to relive all our past favorites while still allowing us to play new and exciting games :)

Oooh, that's a good one, Hooka. I was trying to think of something good in german but couldn't come up with anything. stupid me...

*Smartass mode on*
A PlayStation-Game was called "Zeitgeist".
*Smartass mode off" ;)
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Jarska333 posted on Aug 4 2005 at 08:33 PM said:
Not "Ehrgeiz"? :)

"Zeitgeist" was shurly a PlayStation game as well as "Einhander".
Japanese game developers love to name some games with some fancy german words - even if they don't the meaning sometimes. Another example is "Herzog Zwei" for the Mega Drive. :D
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