Gpx2 Final Name Announcement Delayed

To pass some time

If you want to know if you haven't won the naming contest stick your name followed by .com into

If the domain is taken I cant see them using your suggested name.
We have word! I wonder who the lucky one is?
I don't mind, I'm buying one anyway.

Dear consumer,

We have chosen our product name but we can not announce the name until we have the trademark registered.
We are very sorry, we will try to announce the new product name as soon as possible.

Anna Hong
Funny thing is, it might still remain as gpx2 if this post and reply are anything to go by:

Can there be an SDK in the downloads section when the name is released
I reckon the name shoud be kept at GPX2 or use GP32X2 (to keep it familiar with its good history)


Thank you for your suggestion for our product.
I agree with your idea on the new product name :))
SDK could not be released until Sep.

Kind regards,
Another intesting bit:

878 RE admin 2005-08-30 2

Thank you for your interest in our product.
Gpx2 will be out in late October and shipped in early Nov to Europe,USA and Asia.

So we won't actually be able to get GPX2's until November. Damn, 2 months of waiting... <_<

Yeah I saw that as well. But it could just be Anna saying she personally agrees. Might not have any bearing on the actual final name.

But we'll know sometime this week I hope.
anyone with experience in navigating trademark sites able to keep us updated to see what trademarks GPH submit?
I wouldn't bother. As soon as it's registered, no doubt Craig will tell us what it is, and they'll put it on there website.

The SDK can't be released, as they have said it's not complete yet.
haha! i was just going back through some of the name suggestions for the gpx2 and there are some really funny ones. I appologise to anyone whos name I have picked - perhaps the name sounds cool in your own language or something :)

One of my favs:
Pleasure Treasure (
Sounds like some sort of dildo! waahaaahaha!

GPsycho (
The serial killing handheld :blink:

GOHHD -> Gamers Opensource Homebrew Handheld Device (
(deep breath) and what a name. Do you say G.O.H.H.D, or go-double-h-d, or what :)

Handsome GP (

straycat (
gotta be a dig, yeah?

Palm saint (
A masturb*tion device? LOL :D

Self device (
ANOTHER ONE? (see Palm saint)

Forplay (
um.. ok

Climax (
seriously! Is everyone a 16 year old boy :)

GP-BSPD64 - Gamers Plasure BrainStorming Portable Device (

ODYN - Only-Device-You-Need (
to the point, I guess :)

...Just some laughs while we wait for the decision...