Rivroner said:
I have tested as many games as i have time and have an special interest to me, i think i will add teen titans to the next testings
I thought that 30 games tested would be enough
I think I've found my other beta tester..
If you have AIM or MSN could you IM me? Exophase on AIM, exophase@adelphia.net on MSN.
Otherwise e-mail at exophase (at) gmail (dot) com.
I don't see any Exo-email-adresses and for fastest results here is the sav-file:
I had made a quick ingame-Save-point via VBA (from a Savegame done completely with GPSP on GP2X! smile.gif ) so it should be usable it in GPSP to. Save A - Sector 4 Underwater, go to the area left from the save room and explore (yes, Samus is full "developed" so Enemies shouldn't interupt you- just use the Screw-attack if something blocks your way wink.gif )
It's even slows in VBA on my (older) PC here and there laugh.gif
Thanks. I should be able to make the gpSP .svs I need from this. I'll post results in a few minutes.
EDIT: Here are the results.
With the current C expand_blend function:
Full test : 11192 ms (37.307178 ms per frame)
No blending : 8694 ms (28.980730 ms per frame)
No video : 4065 ms (13.550647 ms per frame)
No CPU : 6232 ms (20.775290 ms per frame)
No CPU/video: 578 ms (1.927083 ms per frame)
CPU speed : 3487 ms (11.623564 ms per frame)
Video speed : 7126 ms (23.756531 ms per frame)
Alpha cost : 2497 ms (8.326447 ms per frame)
With the new ASM expand blend function:
Full test : 9958 ms (33.194565 ms per frame)
No blending : 8645 ms (28.817802 ms per frame)
No video : 4053 ms (13.510473 ms per frame)
No CPU : 5634 ms (18.782593 ms per frame)
No CPU/video: 577 ms (1.924990 ms per frame)
CPU speed : 3475 ms (11.585484 ms per frame)
Video speed : 5905 ms (19.684090 ms per frame)
Alpha cost : 1313 ms (4.376760 ms per frame)
The results sometimes vary a lot so take these with a grain of salt, they might not be the "real" ones.