GP32 Gpquake On Sourceforge

the monsters seem to be invisible
is it normal ?
You've got the earlier version which is posted with the news story on the front page. Look a little further back in this thread for an updated version.

its very very dark on non flu machine anychance a a gamma correct option please
I tried to re-enable the gamma last night (it looks like it was disabled by the pocket quake porters), and it works fine as long as you don't try to play the game where it just crashes again :). I'm going to take another look at it now to try and see whats wrong.

I just remembered on my Amiga version of quake i have some files/scripts that increase the fps by turning the wall texture into 2x2 or something ,if any dev who knows what there doing would like these files i'd glady email em
I don't really know what I'm doing, but you're welcome to send the files through and I'll see if I can do anything with them :).

Gameplay freezes after several minutes. Do anyone have same problem?
I've had the game freeze for me, but it only seems to happen if I fall in some water. I've not started looking to see what the problem is yet.
nice work!

in shareware version, where the heck can i boom some monsters? couldnt find any. got the newest version im sure.

keep up the great work woogal & no_skill and any others ;)
Wont' the controls be hindered? I mean, Doom didn't have any vertical plane regarding where your shots would go, so you could easily shoot a monster way above or below you. In Quake, you actually need to aim vertically, so how would the GP manage this?
Well, I suppose you could sort it out by making a spirit-level preipheral or some such. It *could* work. Wasn't there a game on the Gameboy where it did?

Or someone posted a control set that would allow everything to go on using our 6 buttons; we could just implement that.

Or there's always a possibility that feels OK on my GP of using select to toggel into an aiming mode - whilst it's held, up would make you look up and down look down rather than moving forward and backward. As long as B was shoot and you don't need to run forward and aim up at the same time, I suspect that'd easily fix the problem. Of course, if you use that and keep L/R as strafing, then there's a slight problem with selecting weapons. But bearing in mind there's only 9 or them or so, you could probably get away with a "next weapon" button being implemented and only scrolling in one direction. Or someone could *really* take the code to pieces and implement a tomb-raider style inventory in which weapon selection could take place when the game was paused. But I suspect that might be a bit awkward...

However everyone gets round it, though, I'm certain that easy won't be as easy on the GP as on the PC. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing, is it? It'd just give the game more life than it would otherwise have :D
You can currently press and hold right shoulder to use aiming mode and left shoulder to use strafe, but you can always redefine them on the options screen.
woogal posted on Jul 17 2004 at 10:38 AM said:
You can currently press and hold right shoulder to use aiming mode and left shoulder to use strafe, but you can always redefine them on the options screen.
I think it would be really better to use L and R to strafe as GP Doom, L and R at the same time without releasing + stick to look around, and select to jump.

I think it would be much more convenient, it would be perfect! :D

VERY VERY great work!
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hm runs nice even on low clockspeed if you make the window a bit smaller, a really good start! thanks for your work..
i just have one wish, in have to use the brightness control :) cant see almost anything
On the default window size, I've so far found this wonderfully playable and a brilliant brilliant start. Thanks Anders Granlund for this port, Woogal for the recompilation and bug-fixing (of which there must have been at least a fair few since I can now actually run it on my 128 meg SMC), and GCC 3.4 for the excellent increase in speed. And no-skill for setting up the sourceforge CVS repository in the first place, which is certainly a massive step forward in bringing this long-neglected project back to life.

A quick note as to another bug, btw. If you try to save, the return is "cannot open file at Gp:\gpmm\quake\id1/s0.sav". Which looks to me as though it might well be able to save already too if that one slash were changed into a backslash. And possibly if the file were already present. Certainly it might well be able to load a save from a PC version of quake if it were in the right place with the right slash before the savename. Which is nice :)

I really look forward to seeing this progress; its already nice.
frolik posted on Jul 16 2004 at 11:16 PM said:
GPnator posted on Jul 16 2004 at 10:53 PM said:
hm strange, it seems that i cant run it, the screen goes white after i start it....
i have tried the 133 and 166 version on both the same prob..
i have put it like u said in gpmm/quake/id1
i have a question how big is the pak0.pak?
had the same thing but then tried including PAK1.PAK as well as PAK0.PAK and now it loads fine.

I did find it froze after a while running at 156Mhz, though my GP can usually handle that speed.

very nice

Where can I geth PAK1.PAK ?
Thanks :D
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This is good news, but it's such a shame that the GP controls don't really lend themselves to trully 3d shooters. The memory issue isn't related to screen size. It's related to the assets of the game (for example the textures, and to a much lesser extent, sound).

How does the game play on later levels where there are more varied monsters (thus more textures for their skins and more sound loaded)?

However, there were a few mods of Quake that didn't really need the up/down axis too much (QuakeRally, and there was a sport like Speedball). Admittedly, these were developed for PCs that were above Quake's Minimum Spec, but they might be playable on a GP.

The alternative is re-jigging the maps and having an auto-aim system in (Quake was pretty forgiving within a cone in front of you, if you can somehow elongate the vertical axis of that cone, it may make it playable).
Quake gp runs at about the same speed of a pentium 60 with a 1meg video card.

Thats pretty impressive.
hm..... I got the full version of Quake, but i cant find ANY pk0 files there, just a bunch of .LMP files (in ID1/GFX) .MS2 (in ID1/glquake) .BSP (in Id1/maps) .mdl .spr (both ID1/Progs) and lots of wavs (in subfolders of ID1/sound).

So how can I play quake then?
I think what you've got there is an unPAKed version of Quake.

Don't quote me on this, but I think the PAK format is simply a Zip with no compression that has been renamed (at least it was in Q3A). Zip all the contents of the folder above the Sound folder. Change the extension of the file from .zip to .pak, and it may work. Check it on PC first.
well, is there some kind of paker, so i can us my full version?

EDIT: I just found out, that ZIP GENIUS can extract Quake .PAK files, so what files do i have to pak in order to make it work?

EDIT2: crap, ZG cant create pak´s, just unpack them