GPD Win ready for preorder!

Not really. They have a production run of 5500 in October (there are chinese holidays until October 7th, so the production will happen after that.
Then the Indiegogo backers will get theirs first, after that the distributors (in order of payment, but I paid already, so I should be one of the first).
I hear what you're saying...
Hello everybody, came to let you know that a few people have received their GPD WIN.

And another who also got theirs from GeekBuying:

Both mention that the shoulder buttons like to wiggle around...

Also, it's the 8700 with a fan.
Geekbuying got the 40 left over first batch units after they were finished shipping to their chinese backers. IGG backers were promised to be the first ones so some of them arent to happy, but they should be getting the next batch. Then Geekbuying and around that time Ed as well hopefully.

The JD units were rushed because apparently JD have really strict requirements and will fine projects for going over the promised time.
I got my email about the shipment arriving at Dragon Box Shop for the preorders. Was there a less expensive shipping option that was worked out? Thanks.
I received my confirmation email too and completed the order this morning. I imagine ED is sitting on a pile of boxes wrapping and labeling like mad, and cursing because he'd like to spend the time rather on Pyra matters... :)
I still haven't received my units yet. It is December now. I expected delays with the Pyra. I'll be happy to receive my Pyra next+next June/July...of 2017/2018, when it's ready. I can wait. I've been watching (and talking) about our collective experiences for years (mostly behind the scenes). It's always a new learning curve and multiple problems happen to getting a new device to market. When you're a fan of these people and their eventual products, you just have to realize that any "timelines" aren't going to be met. They never are, so why expect anything? I'm okay with that. Heck, the TwoMonth thingie used to be an inside joke, and now it's known by millions of people on the internet...probably....Whether it's volcano eruptions, CircuitCom ruining pcb's...Craig's own incompetence/theft. Things WILL just happen.

That being said, I was slightly surprised about the GPD Win delays. I just naturally assumed that other companies ran a tighter ship, as my experience with them was expedient. Maybe if I had paid through THEM, then I'd have my GPD Win NOW? No idea. Some people have them. I paid for the device through DragonBox, and I trust ED, and I wanted a small amount to go to his it will be shipped eventually when he gets them...I hope.

Please don't take this as me "complaining". I'm just showing up after a few months without hearing ANY news/updates on the products that I ordered a long time ago. I haven't been following the developments of the Pyra lately, because when i show up, I get depressed. We're always LOSING time and the market share when we're dragging our feet getting the Pyra to market. I'm better off staying away from the forums. PEACE.
@FlapJack : ED is doing everything possible to ship it out asap. Even dangerously sleeping too few hours. There are some problems with the CPU, for which debugging is hard. However, I am confident that by February things go smoothly again (see what I did there?).
I agree that shipping in December is a boon that would give a sales boost, but if not... meh... I'll still buy a Pyra. From there, the sales will go up when Pyra owners start showing it around. Not everything needs to be a jumpstarter. Especially 'cause, just like the Pandora, the software space needs time to ripen (there will be bugs, and by God, we will squash them. CHARGE!). So after a few months it will have even better value.
Do not get depressed over a piece of plastic with some glass and metal. It is like waiting for grape juice to become wine.... good wine requires time. Pyra will be a killer product... you better believe it!

(actually, we need the new CPU daughterboard, with the faster chipset: twice as fast, half the power consumption. TI get off your lazy butt and start producing those chips!)

edit: And sorry for using a GPD-Win thread to post about Pyra...

As for your GPD-Win: Yes, some that bought directly already have theirs. But be glad you are not in the first badge... small revisions and such will make your device better.
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@FlapJack : ED is doing everything possible to ship it out asap. Even dangerously sleeping too few hours. There are some problems with the CPU, for which debugging is hard. However, I am confident that by February things go smoothly again (see what I did there?).
I agree that shipping in December is a boon that would give a sales boost, but if not... meh... I'll still buy a Pyra. From there, the sales will go up when Pyra owners start showing it around. Not everything needs to be a jumpstarter. Especially 'cause, just like the Pandora, the software space needs time to ripen (there will be bugs, and by God, we will squash them. CHARGE!). So after a few months it will have even better value.
Do not get depressed over a piece of plastic with some glass and metal. It is like waiting for grape juice to become wine.... good wine requires time. Pyra will be a killer product... you better believe it!

(actually, we need the new CPU daughterboard, with the faster chipset: twice as fast, half the power consumption. TI get off your lazy butt and start producing those chips!)

edit: And sorry for using a GPD-Win thread to post about Pyra...

As for your GPD-Win: Yes, some that bought directly already have theirs. But be glad you are not in the first badge... small revisions and such will make your device better.

Thank you, FBnil...for some clarification. I'm not here to complain really. I'm here to just "catch up" in a way. Like I said, I expect delays. I was just in the I await official word(s), but you've been helpful to assuage my concerns.
Your ordered through us?
Did you complete your preorder? Because every preorder that has been completed has been shipped on the same day.
I've recently received a GPD Win, I didn't order it through Ed though I'll admit, I had it pre-ordered before it came on sale in his shop. It's a nice device that's true, I'm lucky in that I've found no major faults with it so far but I'm still looking very much forward to the Pyra, in some ways even more so since I got the Win! People seem to expect the Win to play the most recent and demanding of games, it will not do that. It's got Windows 10 on it, with all the advantages or disadvantages that includes. I know most on here are Linux people so that may well be a big no but I've generally used Windows on my PC over the years. The keyboard is better than I expected but finding separate keys can be very tough, and impossible at night. A back lit keyboard would help so much in that (+1 for the Pyra). The Win has limited storage space and can be a little tricky to expand (slow SD card rating speed, really large game installation requirements for lots of games), the Pyra will be much better at using removable media as storage (+2 for the Pyra). Also there is little chance of ever getting any software specifically optimised for the Win (+3 for the Pyra!)

I could go on like this for ages but I won't. The two machines while are broadly similar serve different demands and potential markets . I know I'll enjoy having both, and they won't be used for the same things.

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Your ordered through us?
Did you complete your preorder? Because every preorder that has been completed has been shipped on the same day.

I can't speak for FlapJack, but I am one of the few that did not complete the pre-order in hopes of a bulk shipment with other customers to the US. I was curious if there was any word on that or if anyone else from here was in the same situation.

I didn't realize that there were delays or problems with testing. In that case, I understand better now. I apologize for my impatience.
I can't speak for FlapJack, but I am one of the few that did not complete the pre-order in hopes of a bulk shipment with other customers to the US. I was curious if there was any word on that or if anyone else from here was in the same situation.

I didn't realize that there were delays or problems with testing. In that case, I understand better now. I apologize for my impatience.

There weren't any delays, that was just for replacement units :)
I just had to wait until most preorders are gone...
Unfortunately, there are not enough for a bulk shipment... but I'll make the few remaining ones an offer within the next few days.
I placed my order through I had my funds taken out of my bank account in early July. If I didn't complete the order, then WHY was my money taken? I can provide further proof, but I've already emailed it to ED. I'm hoping that he will do the right thing.
I placed my order through I had my funds taken out of my bank account in early July. If I didn't complete the order, then WHY was my money taken? I can provide further proof, but I've already emailed it to ED. I'm hoping that he will do the right thing.

As I understand it, we ordered a voucher for the unit that we had to redeem when they came into stock by ordering it again. I still haven't redeemed mine due to what I stated above. It sounds like you haven't redeemed yours either.
Apparently, from what I saw on the email he sent me, his bank for some reason substracted payments from his account recently (with as the receiver) though we never requested anything... and I can't find any payment from our credit card service provider here as well, so that's pretty weird.
I can't speak for FlapJack, but I am one of the few that did not complete the pre-order in hopes of a bulk shipment with other customers to the US. I was curious if there was any word on that or if anyone else from here was in the same situation.

Could you PM me your name so I can contact you about the order?