I am still sceptical about the keyboard. This is critical for me.When I tried the GPD Win 1, I could not image to do some typing/programming etc on it. The few people I know who own a Win 1 all tell me that the keyboard is good enough to enter your name in a game but don't do more with it.
Now the GPD Win 2 keyboard looks again like a pc keyboard (with convex instead of concave keys) compressed on such a small surface. How do you type on that? Is it still possible to type with thumbs even with small hands?

Like I mentioned, the GPD Win 2 seems to be a lot better for gaming (I have a big steam library) but honestly, if moonlight 720p60 streaming with the Pyra would be possible, that would be much better for me since I am usually in areas with good wifi.

I heard that there is a docking station planned for the Pyra. That would be another killer feature for me. Just work/develop/do whatever while on travel, go home and put it in the docking station and continue.

I will buy both devices and then decide on what works better for me. You probably need to buy a new GPD Win X every 1-2 years. For now, I have much more trust in the Pyra as a longterm serious mini pc. The biggest problem I have with the Pyra is that it needs to be released asap.
Well, I got a Win 1, first model.
I will buy the Win2 after it is available at EDs, because of the little faults and quirks I expect of it like the screen-glue loosing contact, the buttons being crappy and in need of replacement etc. With ED I will have no problems with RMA.

I "need" the Win2 for Steam gaming and the Pyra for working and old-scool emulation.

My killer features for the Pyra:
- Backlit keyboard
- 4G modem
- stylus
- better mouse emulation for the nubs than the Win (you can see in the videos or on the old Win, the mouse feature is... not good)
- long term support
- self repairable: if you can change/ repair and get spare parts for everything yourself for a buck or two, I don't have to look out for it as much as I do for my Win
- this cummunity
- the keyboard layout in combination with the shoulder buttons
- the design (very personal "killer feature)
- upgradeable
- no Intel ME or other spy-stuff
Maybe more stuff I don't remember now.
Long story short:

I need both.
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I am still sceptical about the keyboard.
This is me. I got to kinda try out the keyboard on the Pyra, I got the shell when it was going around. It didn't function, hence 'kinda', but I think I could type on it. The Pandora was a little awkward for me to type on, maybe I'm not a small keyboard person, but the Pyra did feel better.

The reviewer on YouTube, can't remember his name, said the GPD WIN 2 keyboard was much much better than the previous keyboard, and was centered this time around.

Like one of NetBLOKS points for the Pyra I'm at least getting the Pyra just for this community, if the WIN 2 never has a good Linux community I might pass it by. It is interesting but without a good community with something that has such a small user base I don't know if it is worth it. If I was just going to run Windows on it maybe but Linux is my OS.
This is me. I got to kinda try out the keyboard on the Pyra, I got the shell when it was going around. It didn't function, hence 'kinda', but I think I could type on it. The Pandora was a little awkward for me to type on, maybe I'm not a small keyboard person, but the Pyra did feel better.

The reviewer on YouTube, can't remember his name, said the GPD WIN 2 keyboard was much much better than the previous keyboard, and was centered this time around.

Like one of NetBLOKS points for the Pyra I'm at least getting the Pyra just for this community, if the WIN 2 never has a good Linux community I might pass it by. It is interesting but without a good community with something that has such a small user base I don't know if it is worth it. If I was just going to run Windows on it maybe but Linux is my OS.

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It does work perfectly with Linux but after having a System76 notebook I swore off ever buying another computer that didn't have Linux pre-installed. Having tech support was really amazing, if I was running Linux on the WIN 2 I wouldn't get that. I would make an exception for the WIN 2 IF there was a good Linux community around the WIN 2.

I've ran Linux on all my computers for the last 17ish years and have always gotten by. However; with my current notebook I now have tech support and I just can't go back and buy a computer that doesn't run my OS of choice out of the box. It isn't if the hardware can run Linux it is if it's supported. . .
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Only 17? Youngling. ;-)
Longer but that is when I dumped windows 100% and have only used Linux. The last MS OS I used last was Windows 2000, when ever that came out, I'm guessing a little before 2000 so I said 17ish years. I have no idea when I first installed it, I remember it was Redhat, just can't remember what version.

So I guess it would be more correct for me to say I haven't run windows for 17ish years.
wow, i think i've only been around 7 years full linux... also appreciate supporting linux based people, so i've got a system76 machine here that works nice.
So the campaign has been running for one week now. So far they have raised: $1,420,651 from 2253 backers
Most of the people I know about that want a Pyra want it for things the GPD Win 2 cannot do.

Plus anyone forward thinking. Pyra is modular, GPD Win 2 is not. I will buy a Pyra with the expectation of not needing to buy another entire handheld computer again in a few years. Also I don't Windows.
I believe I pre-ordered the Pyra a month or so before the GPD-Win 1 was released, I'm starting to really lose interest at this point now.
If you want to go back to buying an entirely new device just to upgrade the SoC, go ahead.

Me, I'll stick with the Pyra, and in a (hopefully) short time, I'll upgrade the SoC on the cheap and it'll be even better.

The Pyra was never designed to play recent triple-A Windows games. The GPD Win 2 is. If that's what you want to do with your handheld, the GPD Win 2 is obviously the better choice. But if your use-case is completely covered by the Pyra like mine is, there's still nothing better.

Modular aside, the Pyra can do headset phone calls, always-on internet, and run all of my Pandora software (with a small bit of effort, granted). It has a giant battery, is made to be hackable (and by extension, easily fixable), and has more storage options than the GPD Win 2 (though nothing as fast as the SSD slot).

Basically, if you need max specs and speed in your pocket for playing Windows games, the Pyra was never what you wanted but the Win 2 is. If you don't care about AAA windows games whatsoever and just want a good pocket Linux computer that can replace a smartphone and still let you get your PSX on, the Pyra has no competition.

It's simply an upgraded Pandora. It feels weird that I feel obligated to defend it to people who own a Pandora. I don't know about you guys, but I still use my Pandora every single day. It's an integral part of my life. It's busted to hell and back but I can't seem to part with it long enough to send it in for repairs because it's so useful to me. The Pyra will simply be an upgraded Pandora with a few killer features (modular, 4G, bigger battery).

If I got a GPD Win 2 for free I would play with it for a couple of weeks just to feel GTA V on a handheld then get bored, stick it in a drawer, and go back to my Pyra and use my desktop when the GTA V or League of Legends mood strikes me. Hell I wouldn't even "go back to" the Pyra since it's my smartphone replacement anyway so I'd be using it the whole time. I'm done with the new-pocket-computer-every-couple-years train. I have a Pandora and a iPhone 4S. I love the Pandora still and hate the iPhone still. I got the iPhone for free and still feel ripped off by this stupid piece of shit with its 5-minute battery life and endless problems.

I am pretty much the perfect customer for the Pyra though, you may not be. Get whatever suits you best. Duh! lol
Why does no one mention the 2 SD cards?
This is still the most killer feature of the Pyra for me.
And SIM card slot.

For portable gaming I have my Nintendo Switch.
Think it'll be a pain to get things running well on a handheld ;)
I think it was probably like $250K, something like that

The more brand awareness GPD has gotten, the better the campaigns have gone.

Not only that, but as they delivered the GPD Win and GPD Pocket, less people are scared of it being a scam.
That's the good thing when it's not your first campaign :)
Why does no one mention the 2 SD cards?
This is still the most killer feature of the Pyra for me.
And SIM card slot.
For me it is pretty important. Biggest use case for me right now is moving/copying ebooks between my PRS-700 and Nook Tablet (for quick reference, and Nook and Kindle books, so used mainly as a color ebook reader, with internet access for downloading books and checking in here and a few other places).

I am back to not carrying a mobile phone again, so the Pyra will give people a chance to get in touch with me at all times if we get voice and text working effectively. Even with only days they could send me messages or whatever.

While I acknowledge the Win 2 has a use case, and is probably better for more people, the Pyra is definitely for me. Not only do I like the hardware and OS/software choices, but I like the ideas and position ED used to make these decisions. It kinda sucks to know that the Pyra wouldn't be a thing if ED knew the Win line was going to be made.

I need some stickers to mark my drives slots. Hell, now I want to make a Pyrapple II. I guess I need another clear case for that.
Why does no one mention the 2 SD cards?
Personally, I don't see it as a killer feature. I generally use my phone over a real camera, and the number of times I removed the SD cards from my Pandora was very few. Obviously there are benefits to having two slots, but I don't see it as the killer feature. To me, the GPS/Modem is the killer feature, as none of these other devices are offering that
Has there been any official word if @EvilDragon will be selling the GPD Win2 (or perhaps Lin2) via his shop?

I can see reasons for and against this but hope he does.

Must admit I'm pretty much on the fence between the Pyra and the GPD Win 2 and would like at the least to buy the Win2 from ED if it comes to that.