After 2 months in use I wanted to share my impressions with the GPD Win 2.
Overall, I am very satisfied with the device.
- Modern games: It is great fun to play modern games with the device using eg. steam. Games like FIFA18, Rocket League, but also Civilization (I tested CIV V and my beloved Civ IV - possibly it is too slow with CIV VI) and several not too demanding Shooters. I am very impressed with the huge step the Win2 made forward. A fantastic experience.
- Vintage Games: Everything works perfect with Retro Arch.
- Working/typing: Well, you can type far better than on Win1. But you would not want to work with this machine, right? For me, these devices are far too small for productivity work. Buy a proper Ultrabook instead.
Build quality: It is excellent. Miles ahead of others like the Win1 or the Pandora.
Battery Life: I am impressed. 4-5 hours of gaming are absolutely no problem (unless you play eg Doom 2016 and push the device to the limit)
Cooling: Well, this is not perfect. The device is getting warm. Not hot, but warm. OK from my point of view. But the price is: The vent is loud, (I think, in a silent environment it is probably too noisy for other people)
I am still waiting for the pyra (and even for the Smachz - but this device is not so much for me, should it ever become reality).
In terms of competition I believe It will be hard for the pyra, but in terms of typing and cooling i belive the Pyra still has a chance to succed as a proper (maybe the better?) vintage gaming handheld. But overall, I think, the Win2 is superior in a lot of aspects.
Love this device.