GP64... Oh really...!


May 15, 2003
Lots of people say they will/ may buy a GP64. Personally if it ever comes out i think it will not be very good. lets face it the PSP will probably pee over it. Sony has the mass market, the money and the R+D to make an interesting contender.

Dare i say it GBA will have a run for its money..!

I bought the GP32 for its emu scene and the fact that it was the best of the current crop. Sure not many good releases in UK, BUT the old emu games are as fun as the garbage put onto the GBA.

I reckon only geek factor and loyalty will make peope buy a GP64. I personally dotnt think it will compete with PSP. Even if GP64 was VERY powerful , the games and extra on the PSP will be better... and lets face it, if it has mem stick support, then the home brew scene and emulator scene will be great.

What do others thnik..? given a similar price point would you go for the Sony of the GP..?

As for N-Gage.. dont get me started.. small screen fidly.. unplaybale if your eyes are screwed..! I hated it from concept and when i acutial;ly had a go on one and fiddled with it.. confirmed my views... I mean.. you cant play a game without inserting a SIM CARD,.... notmany peole knew that..!

Thanks for reading..

Actually, youre wrong about the PSP, the homebrew scene will probably be very small. Why? Because the PSP is almost comfirmed to be closed-source, and also, it uses UMD discs, which is not exactly the best format for homebrew, I mean, who has ever heard of a UMD writer!? And the memory sticks will not have anything to do with the homebrew support, memory sticks are just that, memory sticks, not full-fledged cartridges, just cartridges to hold saves and game data. And also, Sony has never been supportive to open-sourcidness(is that a word!?) before.
Well, I wouldn't say they've been entirely unfriendly to open-source, they use a lot of linux tech in their top-o-line stuff. Though I see your point, not to much in the mainstream console stuff. (except the linux kit). One more point, SONY may have more R&D money, but chances are Gamepark will just use another companies (i.e a chip making company like intel or samsung) chip.
First of all, I think Gamepark said if they'd be making a GP64i, it would be released somewhere like 2007. But anyway...

If it was backwards compatible, I'd definately buy it. Otherwise, no.
Likewise. Either backward compatible, or fast enough that it could run an emu of the GP32 *faster* than the original unit (which is pretty darn fast). Or any .fxe could be patched fairly easily in order to allow it to run.

At least, that is, unless there was a darn nice homebrew scene for it as and when separately too...

I suspect if they want backward compatibility, they may end up going for rather than, say, a completely different sort of chip (x-scale system), something like either StrongARM (which don't go hugely fast iirc - although could be wrong there). Or possibly more likely, several of the ones we've got at the moment, and stick in some multi-threading into the SDK - so you CAN only use one (thus making it backward compatible) but if a proggy is so coded, you can divide up instrcutions between the lot and... well... get much higher speeds.

Although with that setup, power consumption becomes an issue very quickly...
I think that PSP will be very nice, small, useful, powerful,greatgames etc....

BUT Gp32 is an "Open-Source" console, this mean that if gp32 community will increase new powerful free games, emus, ports (and 3Dengine), would be made. Also with european lunch there will be new commercial games(with 3d graphic). If the PSP would be luched at the end of 2004, Gp32 CAN NOW takes PSP's place. So will never be a PSP BIG(like psx) market.

Now take a common 15y old boy. He know nothing about Gp32 or PSP but when he would see Gp32 in every markets of Europe with great games (better than GBA games) he would buy it.
After 8 months will be lunched PSP but our boy has a GP32 so his parents wouldn't get PSP for him.


(Sorry for my english:( )
You have to remember that its not all about how powerfull a console is though.

Infact less powerfull consoles tend to beat their more powerfull rivals.

GBC Vs NGPC winner GBC by a country mile
GB Vs Game Gear GB again by a country mile
PSx Vs Saturn PSx winner by two country miles
3DO Vs Amiga CD 32 VS CDi Vs SNES again SNES winner

If you look at Japan you will see that most weeks Xbox is outsold by the PSX and even Wonderswan.

Most people expect Sony to come in and steal the hand held market away from Nintendo but i can see a major major battle breaking out the biggest ever in gaming, Sony with its 400 euro console vs Nintendo and its 120 euro console, you also have to remember Nintendo has a catalogue of over 1000 games for the GBA now Sony is likely to launch the console with 10 games or so, while the PSP will sell in the first few months it will be the test of time that will tell if Sony is upto it, if Nintendo was to release a new Mario, Zelda and Pokemon game about the time of the PSP release that would be enough to sink the console.

To be honist i do not care what is coming or even what went before the GP32 ( well apart from the NGPC) i like the GP32 for what it is and whats coming over the next few months and i cant see that about to change.

Long live the GP32 :D
Sony is likely to launch the console with 10 games or so

I don't think so they will prob ripoff the old psx games and update them a bit or even just make them to run on the new software.

who knows it might be psx compatiable so they can repackage there games.

Nintedo does the same thing repackages most snes games.
