will ther be a gp32 sold in the usa anytime soon?
There already is a US seller -
http://www.upstategames.com/ug_gp32.phtml but I do not have any experience of these people at all. I am in the USA and bought mine from -
http://www.cdworld.co.uk/mmcd/gbcd/#gp32 it was cheaper than the US seller and I trust these guys more! There are other seller too, liksang and play-asia, there sites will be on here somewhere in the forum, I have no experience of these though.
also is gp64 in progress or is that a myth?
It's supposed to be in development, but whether it is worth putting off the purchase of a GP32 in anticipation of the GP64's release, well I would not hold my breath!
finally what stands out in the gp32 is it worth it and what's the best place to purchase on?
Since the slashdot article (http://slashdot.org/articles/03/04/03/1530224.shtml?tid=127) many people have been on here asking for the lowdown, just have a look around, and you'll see just what is available now and what's potentially in development, I shall not go into all this again since it's already been done to death in the past couple of days.
also are there neogeo emulator out there for gp32 (not neogeo pocket). or some thing that can play metal slugs and or other neogeo games?
Currently no, potentially maybe, but I do not know if the GP32 can do these types of game justice (I am very willing to be proved wrong though

) There is apparently a MAME port in the works, but who nows what the performance of newer (1990 onwards) hardware will be.
Hope this helps