Gp2x Versions


Still Fresh
Dec 5, 2005
Is it true a 2nd edition of this device will be released in january 2006? And what will the improvements be? Because if this is true I guess I'll better wait to buy the 2nd edition straight away.

I can't find very much information on this but I noticed on some places I see order 2nd edition (lik sang) and I see some guys talk about 1st edition here on the forums.
SO if I understand it right that 2nd edition is actually the official release and the 1st edition was more like a 'beta/developper' release.
You could call it that if you like... But as I understand it was like a half official release as every order was preorder and there where not only developers getting the unit...

You can pay for an official release if you like at
Midgard posted on Dec 5 2005 at 11:21 AM said:
SO if I understand it right that 2nd edition is actually the official release and the 1st edition was more like a 'beta/developper' release.

The first release was planned to be fully functional, but they couldn't hit their launchdate so they rushed the units out with non perfect firmware. However be asured, the hardware is the best I've seen so far in a handheld device, despite the scanlines on the lcd(firmware prob) it's really solid and feels very valuable in my hands :)

It's definitely a quality product, screw the psp with it's dead and stuck pixels and loose buttons, screw the DS with it's cheap plastic and loose hinge, screw the rest for not beeing as perfect as the gp2x Hardware :)
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Well I'm not in a rush to get it so I'll just wait a small month to get the 2nd version.

BTW at it costs 185.00EUR and at lik-sang 153.75 EUR big difference :P
Midgard posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:48 PM said:
Well I'm not in a rush to get it so I'll just wait a small month to get the 2nd version.

BTW at it costs 185.00EUR and at lik-sang 153.75 EUR big difference :P
Not when you have to add customs charge and VAT to the price at lik-sang.
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Custom is nice, first you pay ~10 euro just for them to check the package, then you pay the tax of your countly. And have you checked if the 156 Euro is including actually shipment of your unit?

-If you would've been earlier you could have got your gp2x for 165 euro plus shipment(like me, payed 172 for it), only if you live in germany, switzerland or austria that is. -W/O customs incl. tax.
Vimacs posted on Dec 5 2005 at 03:45 AM said:
there wont be any hardware changes, the official release will be jan 06.
Use the search function.

for some reason, i thought that they were switching the factory that produced the units....

which would affect some of the hardware problems.

also, though nobody's said it yet, i'm looking forward to (though it's a hollow hope) that there will be the sdk or some sort of cd coming with the second edition.

there has to be a reason besides firmware that they withdrew production. firmware updates wouldn't stop production, they'd just be quciker at releasing updates for the units already out..

could totally be based on misconception, but that was the effect of the 'gp2x goggles' i was wearing.
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:37 PM said:
It's definitely a quality product, screw the psp with it's dead and stuck pixels and loose buttons, screw the DS with it's cheap plastic and loose hinge, screw the rest for not beeing as perfect as the gp2x Hardware :)

I was astounded how cool the plastic used for the gp2x feels. a funky material indeed.

However I hate the stick. D pad for life! ;)
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Midgard posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:48 PM said:
Well I'm not in a rush to get it so I'll just wait a small month to get the 2nd version.

BTW at it costs 185.00EUR and at lik-sang 153.75 EUR big difference :P

Plus postage, and all sorts of troubles with possible warrantees and such. Not that I can complain, my dealings with LS have been pleasant. :) Nor was I charged customs or VAT when I got my GP32. :)

Rayek posted on Dec 5 2005 at 02:01 PM said:
for some reason, i thought that they were switching the factory that produced the units....

GPH's outsourcer outsourced the construction to trained monkeys and grandmothers. B)
They weren't happy, I should think. But this was supposedly just for the first 500 unit batch, the subsequent units were done by bonobo-apes, who, if I recall correctly, are very intelligent & handy. :)
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 11:37 AM said:
screw the DS with it's cheap plastic and loose hinge, screw the rest for not beeing as perfect as the gp2x Hardware :)

i have a DS and the GP2X's plastic is ABEOLUTELY NOT BETTER in any way :P
especially the shiny parts :P
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nik166 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 09:07 AM said:
Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 11:37 AM said:
screw the DS with it's cheap plastic and loose hinge, screw the rest for not beeing as perfect as the gp2x Hardware :)

i have a DS and the GP2X's plastic is ABEOLUTELY NOT BETTER in any way :P
especially the shiny parts :P

It all depends on how you handle it, I have seen DS's that the paint is worn away on and they are fugly(unless you happen to like the fake plastic, worn metal look of Kmart replica-star-wars blasters :))

I don't think the GP2X will bed in so ugly.
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I have to say, it definitely feels like a quality product... I can't find a wobbley bit on it, and although the battery case is a bit stiff, it also feels a lot more solid and secure than the old one (on which the safety catch easily snapped off rendering it uselss without some sticky tape)...

My only gripe, and similarly the only reason I would buy a later edition, is that the A/B/X/Y buttons are a tad too close together for my liking.

All in all I'm very, very happy that I pre-ordered. The whole point of pre-ordering (for me at least) was to see the progression from here to two years time. It's open source, so there are no limits. With that in mind, what's the point of waiting for the next release? There will always be a next release but there is only one first edition release :)

/me hugs his GP2X
first impression was that the buttons were too close together. but then I got used to it, and they really couldn't be much farther apart anyway.

If they were going to be farther apart I would like to make one with a 640x480 6" screen and a miniDVD drive in the back. Kind of like a MegaGP2X, completely backwards compatible, but with an awesome screen.

I know it wouldn't be portable, but honestly I keep mine in its case when I leave the house and that doesn't fit in my pocket.

I do put it in my pocket for trips to the kitchen for a snack, and then I forget it because it is so dang small, honestly my tv remote is bigger(and it isn't all that big).

The MegaGP2X could use the same circuit board as the GP2X, just in a slimmer case with a bigger LCD and it would seem very thin.
I thing the screen size is great as is. Sure there are some portable movie Players that hat 4" screens but 3,5 really is enough for me :)

The ABXY buttons could really be further away from each other, however you get used to it I guess, the buttons are the right size anyway, unlike say the DS with it's ultra small buttons :blink:
Jarska333 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
GPH's outsourcer outsourced the construction to trained monkeys and grandmothers. B)
They weren't happy, I should think. But this was supposedly just for the first 500 unit batch, the subsequent units were done by bonobo-apes, who, if I recall correctly, are very intelligent & handy. :)

I think you will find that they are built by Monkey`s and trained grandmother`s now, The monkey`s were doing a great job, It was the untrained grandmothers that were causing all the problems and defects.

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