Here are some pictures of games running through various emulators and ports. Note, nothing was done to the images as far as brightness or contrast etc. I am using an older GP2X where the gamma wasn't as bright as the newer ones so the black level is a bit better. They were just shot, cropped, resized, and arranged. The actual image looks sharper on the actual screen, any softness is due to camera focus etc. Any noise lines are due to camera CCD moire' and are not present on the real screen. The black border on some stuff is the edges of the LCD. I show it with the edges so you can see how the game actually fills the real screen unstretched. Resolutions vary from system to system so the border may be different for each system. All games were shot at 1:1 with no scaling or stretching unless noted below the screenshot.
See below post for pics...
See below post for pics...