I have released an updated work in progress version of 'GP2X Invaders'.
This version uses the Hardware SDL by paeryn. There is still a lot that will change, and much more content to follow in later releases.
It flickers occasionally due to a bug somewhere in the HW SDL I think? Anyone else had this? There may still be a memory leak in there somewhere as well.
You can download the game here:-
EDIT: When you get to the first mini boss (wave 5 ish) or the end of level boss, you need to press the 'Y' button when it flashes up, to disable the enemies shields, if you miss time it the little wave will turn red and you need to wait x number of seconds for a re-try
A is normal fire, B toggles your special weapon, X fires the special weapon (use L + R triggers to steer guided missile), and Pad button enables your shield. It's much easier in this version (3 lives plus a health bar). Sorry the controls (re menus) aren't consistent at the moment, and I know people don't like the pad button...
This version uses the Hardware SDL by paeryn. There is still a lot that will change, and much more content to follow in later releases.
It flickers occasionally due to a bug somewhere in the HW SDL I think? Anyone else had this? There may still be a memory leak in there somewhere as well.
You can download the game here:-
EDIT: When you get to the first mini boss (wave 5 ish) or the end of level boss, you need to press the 'Y' button when it flashes up, to disable the enemies shields, if you miss time it the little wave will turn red and you need to wait x number of seconds for a re-try
A is normal fire, B toggles your special weapon, X fires the special weapon (use L + R triggers to steer guided missile), and Pad button enables your shield. It's much easier in this version (3 lives plus a health bar). Sorry the controls (re menus) aren't consistent at the moment, and I know people don't like the pad button...