Got My Pandora. First Impressions.


The dreaded craigix out snatching Pandoras.

Remember keep your Pandora safe, don't feel tempted to press select then choose about.

Prometheus said:
If anyone from the team is reading this, can you please tell me if the lightpipes are a part that's snapped in from the outside or not? If so, can I shoot you an e-mail and get the missing one posted to me? Thanks. :)

A shot of the controls. You can also see the place where my adorably-missing right-hand lightpipe should be. I honestly find this kind of cute. :p
Wow I can see the whole pipe is missing.

Does the unit rattle around if you shake it? Maybe it broke off in shipping or something (doubtful it is pretty solid).

The bad news is no you can't put it in from the outside. Well you could if you ground off the flange around the base of one then carefully cemented that one in. Could be done but you would need a bit of skill.


  • Pandora_Controls_and_Lightpipe.png
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Nope, it's solid as a rock. :p I don't mind, though - if it becomes a problem, I'm sure I've got something here I could make a substitute with.

EDIT: Skill? Well, sewing is my thing, generally, but I work with some really tiny pieces far too often. :p I've got quite good dexterity.
Prometheus said:
Nope, it's solid as a rock. :p I don't mind, though - if it becomes a problem, I'm sure I've got something here I could make a substitute with.

EDIT: Skill? Well, sewing is my thing, generally, but I work with some really tiny pieces far too often. :p I've got quite good dexterity.
Someone must of forgot to put it in. I would ask Craig for a new light pipe with the flange ground off (sides only not ground shorter) you you could put it in from the front. Then carefully put a small dab of superglue in the seam and let it wick around the pipe. That would pretty much do it.
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MDave said:
Whats the story with the slightly recessed A button, that was also mentioned in another thread? :)
Mine doesn't have that, and I don't think it should.
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I think I'll do that. Thanks muchly for the info, Dave. :) (And thanks also for the incredibly great controls. I love them. :D)
Opening it up to do it would pretty much require 90% disassembly wouldn't it? That sucks, but like Prometheus said she doesn't mind so I'd just leave it be. Bad things happen when you try to fix the functional yet ugly things. If it works I'd say leave it alone.
Azure said:
MDave said:
Whats the story with the slightly recessed A button, that was also mentioned in another thread? :)
Mine doesn't have that, and I don't think it should.

I see, I thought I was also seeing the same thing in Prom's Pandora too, making me wonder if it was like that on purpose. Guess not! :)

Funny how we're starting to see slight differences in people's Pandora's, each one having their own identity :p
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second exodous said:
Opening it up to do it would pretty much require 90% disassembly wouldn't it? That sucks, but like Prometheus said she doesn't mind so I'd just leave it be. Bad things happen when you try to fix the functional yet ugly things. If it works I'd say leave it alone.

This is good advice.

Prometheus, I'm sorry I said you needed medication. You're fine as you are so don't try and fix it.

Having said that, not wanting to fix the lightpipe is madness! Well if you're happy with it, all the best.
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Haha, where did I say I don't want to fix it? :p It's cute, but it is also a gaping hole in the casing. I'm going to do as DaveC suggested, tomorrow, and get an e-mail fired off. :p
TylerAW said:
What is a light-pipe?
It is what you do when you want to get stoned. You light pipe.
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Of all the things that can go missing, you still have a light there though right?
Yes, but the LEDs are on the board below, so technically it means there's a hole in the case. :p
Great in depth review thanks Prometheus. These reviews and youtube videos are the only thing that stands between the OP team and a mob of angry pre-orderers storming the village hall. :)
If it were my Pandora <sigh> without the LED lightpipe, I wouldn't fix it either.
I'd send Craigx my serial number and ask him to send a letter describing what happened, and what was being done moving forward to minimize the chances of repeating the error.
Much cooler to have that letter from the originator.
Makes it a very unique thing.