Good Free Stuff Websites?

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Mar 29, 2005
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Yes you heard it i made this thread because its confirmed that free stuff websites actually work! My friend sent in for a ds and he got it after his referels, and the other thing were done. He also got 250$ in paypal from some psp site. He has a credit card though.. so ya

I was kinda wanting to look for one that will send me a free psp, ds, anything usefull if i dont have to use a credit card for any means thats availiable in Canada, if you refer me ill refer you :P.

As in the offer that you have to do. Usually they have 1 offer, and you need to get 5 referals. Like a try outebay wouldwork for me since you can bid without a credit card :)
hmm. i may sound a bit pedantic here, but have you tried searching google for "FREE FRICKIN PSPS"?!?

may result in something.
Nova posted on May 27 2005 at 05:54 AM said:
hmm. i may sound a bit pedantic here, but have you tried searching google for "FREE FRICKIN PSPS"?!?

may result in something.

yes i have, but most of them are just for us ppl only. I think i found one though :P
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Drak posted on May 27 2005 at 02:19 PM said:
Nova posted on May 27 2005 at 05:54 AM said:
hmm. i may sound a bit pedantic here, but have you tried searching google for "FREE FRICKIN PSPS"?!?

may result in something.

yes i have, but most of them are just for us ppl only. I think i found one though :P

If you get a 'free' psp, then I will give you mine!!!!!!!!!

Unless you win it in a comp, it will NEVER be free!

Can't believe how gulible some of you lot are.....
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LHC posted on May 27 2005 at 08:49 PM said:
I know someone who got a 'free' DS, but I imagine it's hardly worth the effort.

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rabbits with hats posted on May 27 2005 at 01:33 PM said:
Something about them "free stuff" things don't feel right :blink:

Im not lying guys, its REAL easy to do, some of you just havent tried it :)
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All you are doing is setting yourself up for lots of spam. Only the first few people who join a scheme like this will ever get a freebie the tens of thousands of others will get bugger all except a bucket full of spam.

Would you give away freebies? No! so they don't either. They rely on the fact that a few freebies and rumours nets them probably hundreds of thousands of fresh new email addresses they can then use and sell.
It does work. But it only works if instead of working like a pyramid scheme, a single respected member of a community is targeted by everybody else in that community uses them for referrals. So it is a free ipod (or whatever) but only for one person. And it isn't worth it.
LHC posted on May 28 2005 at 10:53 AM said:
It does work. But it only works if instead of working like a pyramid scheme, a single respected member of a community is targeted by everybody else in that community uses them for referrals. So it is a free ipod (or whatever) but only for one person. And it isn't worth it.


Nothing in life is got without working for it! Sad but true! I hate all those lazy Chaffs who go on 5live radio saying "we want this" or "we want that"

Don't have these people in Germany, as far as I can tell! If I won the lottery, I'd be happy, but for the rest of us, if you want it work for it and buy the bloody thing!

You appreciate it then!
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a well organised person can take advantage of the situation

my friend got a "free" ipod

he got really good at playing an online game (it was some card game)

so he signed up, did the thing which required you to put £10 into an account for this onlibne game website

but, the site was offering an extra £10 in credit for the firs £10 put in

obviously this cant be cashed, to egt his money back he needed to win a little over half of the games he played (they were pay £1, get £1.90 if you win) then he could get his original 10 back

he then needed to do this with 15 of his friends (he ended up begging) and he got the ipod

but he spent so fucking long on that game website and sorting the whole thing out it really wasnt worth it
and all his friends had to pay ten pounds?

I bet they got fuck all, so in the end they basically bought him an iPod...

Drak posted on May 27 2005 at 02:19 PM said:
Im not lying guys, its REAL easy to do, some of you just havent tried it

no-one said you were lying, just that you were stupid
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lubidog posted on May 28 2005 at 06:53 AM said:
if you want it work for it and buy the bloody thing!

You appreciate it then!

I'm going to have to go ahead and.... disagree with you. I appreciate free stuff just fine! :lol:
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lubidog posted on May 28 2005 at 11:53 AM said:
Don't have these people in Germany, as far as I can tell!

Excuse me, but which Germany are you talking about again?
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