if the world was like this drugs would be legal as only reputable people would buy their drugs from a well dressed man
welcome to the real world
You must have awful gun control to compare it to drug distribution. The difference is, drugs will
-never- be legalized worldwide. Maybe in a few countries here and there but the law will never be "Oh let's sponsor government programs for junkies to get their fix." People fighting for -proper- gun control however is a possible thing, since guns are a weapon, a dangerous one which shouldn't be allowed into the wrong hands at the wrong places, and both a self defense item. Even if you banned the sale of guns alltogether, illegal sources of firearms, and gunsellers on the streets would still be able to provide guns for whoever so wants them, Whether they are criminal or not. And everyone who would use one for self defense is really left out in the cold.
Narcotics are chemicals intended for a buzz and a release from reality, like alcohol. I don't like either of these things, but if someone else does more power to them. (Still thinks the sale of alcohol should be a bit more restricted) I may agree with the legalization if it cuts down the profit crime rings get, I just worry about -anyone- walking into a store and walking out messed up on something and not in the right state of mind, same reason why bars make me uneasy. But then again. I have no idea about the entire inner workings of drug distribution, since I don't follow it really.
So compareing the legal selling of damageing chemicals and narcotics to proper gun distribution is a bit off base, Why?
Narcotics will never be legal in america and other major parts of the UK no matter how many people lobby for it, the government doesn't wanna fund your fix. You can't -stop- the distribution of drugs, to even -think- you can is a laughable pipedream. But I sincerely doubt it will ever be common place to see a heroine shop in a clean neighborhood.
Tightening control over gun distribution is a possible goal if only more people cared instead of saying "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE MY GUNS, DURRRRRRRRRRRR." or "Guns are bad mmmmkay."
Welcome to the real world, where more would get done if people would stop focusing on a goal that will never happen. Instead of an unlikely but possible one.
And the idea of teachers given guns is a -very- scary one, Namely because most teachers are not given psychological testing, backchecks, criminal record checks, or even paid attention to for signs of something being -off-, Plus giving a gun to someone who deals with obnoxious teens/kids all day is a guarenteed formula for disaster.
Why not assign trained school guards instead of those rent a cops I see? You get someone trained and properly licensed to use them, and they don't have to deal with the same type of stress a teacher has, so less risk of ms.applebee blowing away little timmy.
Now this discussion is getting damn boring and offtopic, if we wanna continue it (which I kinda don't want to, since I can't change your view, you can't change mine, endless pushing rock up a hill sort of deal.) I can make another topic, But now i'm getting it back to the topic.
There's no such thing as a free lunch.