Good Free Stuff Websites?

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lubidog posted on May 28 2005 at 11:53 AM said:
Don't have these people in Germany, as far as I can tell!

Excuse me, but which Germany are you talking about again?

Oh no, don't depress me!!!

One of the reasons I wanted to leave the UK was because our nice house was being terrorised by a bunch of Burberry wearing teenagers (13 years old, the leader!!!!!).

We lived close to a council estate (a cliche I know, but when you live with it it is hell, I mean it-hell!). So they would come over to us and burgle, smash cars (after nicking them first), smash telephone boxes etc.

I worked abroad quite a lot, had a pregnant wife. I would ring up from say Spain, and my wife would say the kids are pulling our fence down to make a bonfire. The police came round, and wouldn't do anything AT ALL!!!!!!! And she was in the house, completely alone and terrified. Not nice. And that happened all the while!

So here in Bremerhaven, there just doesn't seem to be these gangs of bored, listless uneducated teens. Even tho this is one of the poorest areas of Germany. It isn't even close to what it was like in south wales.

When I ask people here, and tell them about how it was for us, they tell me that it is nowhere as bad. And that they still have national service here. Don't want to sound to right wing, but in britain the problem for those who suffer from it.

So please, don't burst my bubble. I don't wanna see chaffs in Germany....
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lubidog posted on May 28 2005 at 11:53 AM said:
Don't have these people in Germany, as far as I can tell!

Excuse me, but which Germany are you talking about again?

Oh no, don't depress me!!!

One of the reasons I wanted to leave the UK was because our nice house was being terrorised by a bunch of Burberry wearing teenagers (13 years old, the leader!!!!!).

We lived close to a council estate (a cliche I know, but when you live with it it is hell, I mean it-hell!). So they would come over to us and burgle, smash cars (after nicking them first), smash telephone boxes etc.

I worked abroad quite a lot, had a pregnant wife. I would ring up from say Spain, and my wife would say the kids are pulling our fence down to make a bonfire. The police came round, and wouldn't do anything AT ALL!!!!!!! And she was in the house, completely alone and terrified. Not nice. And that happened all the while!

So here in Bremerhaven, there just doesn't seem to be these gangs of bored, listless uneducated teens. Even tho this is one of the poorest areas of Germany. It isn't even close to what it was like in south wales.

When I ask people here, and tell them about how it was for us, they tell me that it is nowhere as bad. And that they still have national service here. Don't want to sound to right wing, but in britain the problem for those who suffer from it.

So please, don't burst my bubble. I don't wanna see chaffs in Germany....

Well, we sometimes have some really heavy stuff going on here - recently some turkish gang around here executed someone. Happened two roads away from me. But I have to say that this is a rather unusual occurence, and surely no way as frequent as you describe it. We do have an abundance of lazy buggers who elect their "tribe leader" by volume of voice and want something for nothing though ;) And those people are idiots! Some tried to get me to join their demonstration. I asked them what they were protesting about: "We want the Nazis to go away!" I told them they're sixty years late and was treated to a very confused look and a face going blank.

@ mosch

whats with the poem?

....I wrote a poem?
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There's a guy at another forum I visit called Cyburn, who makes threads about free stuff all the time. He got an IPod shuffle, recently. However, as Matt says, it's hardly worth it for the amount of time it took him.

I think Cyburn's disabled somewhat. I swear, he just talks about the BNP, free samples (cookies, mouthwash, jellybabies etc.) pyramid schemes, MP3 players and Freeview. Ocassionally Dragonball Z.

LHC posted on May 28 2005 at 10:53 AM said:
if you want it work for it and buy the bloody thing!

You appreciate it then!

I agree
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We lived close to a council estate (a cliche I know, but when you live with it it is hell, I mean it-hell!). So they would come over to us and burgle, smash cars (after nicking them first), smash telephone boxes etc.

I hate to sound like an american but... Buy some guns :P In all seriousness, that does suck and it's lame the law does nothing about it. It's not as bad here but the police are so lazy pretty much everyone has some form of self defense weapon.
pretty much everyone has some form of self defense weapon.

uh, I don't see that as a positive thing really. In fact that scares the hell out of me.

I mean, I know the police that handle guns have to go through numerous psychological tests, have worked for a certain number of years, have a clean record etc. but the thought of any old person just being able to buy a gun....brrrr
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We lived close to a council estate (a cliche I know, but when you live with it it is hell, I mean it-hell!). So they would come over to us and burgle, smash cars (after nicking them first), smash telephone boxes etc.

I hate to sound like an american but... Buy some guns :P In all seriousness, that does suck and it's lame the law does nothing about it. It's not as bad here but the police are so lazy pretty much everyone has some form of self defense weapon.

Somehow i don`t think that`s going to help. Teenager rip`s down fence or smashes window of car and run`s away with stereo, Out come`s lubidog with two sawn off shotguns and blow`s his fuching head off. A fair trade i suppose (fence/stereo for head), But see it from the law`s point of view.

War in the streets. :(

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Drak posted on May 28 2005 at 01:29 AM said:
Im not lying guys, its REAL easy to do, some of you just havent tried it :)

So then why'd you start a thread asking about it, if its REAL easy to do... ;)
Just buy the fucking thing cheapskate
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Yeah but the difference is, trained and having a license to use a firearm is different than some kid going "yeah I want a gun plz". It's not "omg everyone has a gun now everyone dies like in fallout =(" like so many anti-gun people think.

It's not so much scary as it is comforting to know that the gun place here does criminal and psychological background checks here, and thoroughly, And will even -refuse- to sell to a rude or shifty person. so the only people armed are pretty certified to handle said guns. Even moreso than some police officers i've met. You get your gun from a clean store run by a clean shaven guy in a tucked in buttoned up shirt behind a bullet proof screen, not some gritty pawnshop. And you have to present your license and credentials too.

So those "thug" kids would probably be told to get out of the store and if they touched anything the police would be called, based on reputation and word of mouth alone, much less being underage and gritty looking.

So many people so un-informed how "proper" gun distribution is meant to be, well ordered, professional, legal, and safe. I despise pawnshops who sell guns like they were a harmless appliance. Same with online stores and people who just sell guns from their homes, And think they should be shut down or jailed, but I am -definately- pro self defense. The problem isn't the distribution of guns, it's the poor handleing of controlling the flow of illegal/no checking distributers in the streets and the independants that's the problem.

Back on topic, pyramid schemes, referall programs, and all of that jazz are a dishonest, shifty, and downright crap way to get -anything-, and the referrers get really nothing in return, so just use your spare internet time to try and set up a shop or look for work.
I can get american forces radio over here, after the latest school shootings, I heard a woman from the gun lobby in America (can't remember your anachronym(?)) say " Yes, it's time for us at the *whatever we're called* to start taking real action about our policies, yes- it's time we started arming the teachers...."

if the world was like this drugs would be legal as only reputable people would buy their drugs from a well dressed man

welcome to the real world

You must have awful gun control to compare it to drug distribution. The difference is, drugs will -never- be legalized worldwide. Maybe in a few countries here and there but the law will never be "Oh let's sponsor government programs for junkies to get their fix." People fighting for -proper- gun control however is a possible thing, since guns are a weapon, a dangerous one which shouldn't be allowed into the wrong hands at the wrong places, and both a self defense item. Even if you banned the sale of guns alltogether, illegal sources of firearms, and gunsellers on the streets would still be able to provide guns for whoever so wants them, Whether they are criminal or not. And everyone who would use one for self defense is really left out in the cold.

Narcotics are chemicals intended for a buzz and a release from reality, like alcohol. I don't like either of these things, but if someone else does more power to them. (Still thinks the sale of alcohol should be a bit more restricted) I may agree with the legalization if it cuts down the profit crime rings get, I just worry about -anyone- walking into a store and walking out messed up on something and not in the right state of mind, same reason why bars make me uneasy. But then again. I have no idea about the entire inner workings of drug distribution, since I don't follow it really.

So compareing the legal selling of damageing chemicals and narcotics to proper gun distribution is a bit off base, Why?

Narcotics will never be legal in america and other major parts of the UK no matter how many people lobby for it, the government doesn't wanna fund your fix. You can't -stop- the distribution of drugs, to even -think- you can is a laughable pipedream. But I sincerely doubt it will ever be common place to see a heroine shop in a clean neighborhood.

Tightening control over gun distribution is a possible goal if only more people cared instead of saying "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE MY GUNS, DURRRRRRRRRRRR." or "Guns are bad mmmmkay."

Welcome to the real world, where more would get done if people would stop focusing on a goal that will never happen. Instead of an unlikely but possible one.

And the idea of teachers given guns is a -very- scary one, Namely because most teachers are not given psychological testing, backchecks, criminal record checks, or even paid attention to for signs of something being -off-, Plus giving a gun to someone who deals with obnoxious teens/kids all day is a guarenteed formula for disaster.

Why not assign trained school guards instead of those rent a cops I see? You get someone trained and properly licensed to use them, and they don't have to deal with the same type of stress a teacher has, so less risk of ms.applebee blowing away little timmy.

Now this discussion is getting damn boring and offtopic, if we wanna continue it (which I kinda don't want to, since I can't change your view, you can't change mine, endless pushing rock up a hill sort of deal.) I can make another topic, But now i'm getting it back to the topic.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Yeah but the difference is, trained and having a license to use a firearm is different than some kid going "yeah I want a gun plz". It's not "omg everyone has a gun now everyone dies like in fallout =(" like so many anti-gun people think.

so actually not everyone has a gun at all. But anyway, surely even if only the people that past this stringent psychologic testing that stills gets guns out into the genral populace where they can then be accessed by anyone (your own kid, for example or thieves, muggers or other less than sensible members of the populace).

back on topic: stop bringing up these stupid free websites. They don't work. And if they do work then its not worth the time and effort anyway.
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back off topic:

hasn't ot occured to you robojoe that the country with the highest rate of gun crime (USA) is the one that has legalised guns

You live in a sick country if you own a gun as a self defense weapon

If you were in a fight you would be able to get to it, therefore the only time u could use it in self defense is by hiding and shooting

I live in a country where people use the law to get rid of robbers, they don't fucking shoot them

I also think the tests are stupid

someone could easily act normal, then sell the guns on

I kno someone my age that own several guns, but he does not keep them anywhere near his house, and would never shoot a human with it

sadly the same does not appear true for americans, they seem all too happy to blow the balls off someone who looks even remotely foreign
Yeah, isn't it funny how high the gun crime rate is here despite the fact that for every "proper" gun distributer there are 1000 more gangs, car hood sellers, and pawnshops selling anyone with the cash a gun? :rolleyes: America still lacks proper gun control, a gun ban=/=control however.

I try and discuss something in a civil manner then I get "LOL AMERICANS" in return, <_<

And the law is a good thing, without them there'd be chaos, but guess what? If you are attacked in your own home, how are they going to get there instantly to save you from an armed intruder? They can't. They are humans who have to respond to your call (if you can even get to the phone) and have to rush there, not supermen.

Who would I rather have dead? My disabled mother who cannot defend herself, or someone breaking into my home with possible intent to hurt or kill her or me?

The choice is obvious, I -will- shoot the intruder, and possibly shoot to kill. And you can be a bleeding heart about it, but that's your decision.

And there is no way to "fake" 20-30 or even 40 years of background data on your psyche, personality, medical records, criminal records. Etc.

And you anti-gun lot seem to compare it to legal safe drug distribution, so in your own logic, couldn't someone who intends to sell the stuff on the streets to people not approved for it for a large sum act normal to get their share of drugs?

And nice american stereotypeing there, Now shall I say all germans are drunks and all english are gun fearing scone nibblers to even out the circle of stupidity? (doesn't mean these things, just throwing your own logic back at you)

and as a side note, the NRA makes me sick since they refuse to enforce proper gun distribution and seem to want to arm every tom dick and harry on the planet.

I think a country that fears arming the helpless while criminals easily steal guns, buy from illegal channels, etc... Is a bit touched in the head myself, but that's my opinion.
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