Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*

Here's a picture of MVS Metal Slug running on my GP2X:

There's no sound either. On the up side, it seems to be running pretty quick. I'll try some other roms, maybe a different BIOS as well.
Looks like a bad dump...

How are the other roms?

mslug run almost fullspeed without sound here.

Sound is off by default. You can try it by passing --sound on the comand line. Or edit the romrc file.
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Hmm, probably a dodgy dump, I'll try and grab another version of Metal Slug from elsewhere.

Karnov's Revenge runs pretty solidly at about 30FPS (maybe a little more) with sound on at 280Mhz. Windjammers loads fine and does nothing, but can still be quit out of. Alpha Mission 2 loads fine and quits after it loads. Kizuna Encounter just quits without trying to load. Blazing Star loads three roms (can't be right surely?) and then quits after "Converting Tile". I'll try some of the older games next.

Hmm, probably a dodgy dump, I'll try and grab another version of Metal Slug from elsewhere.

Karnov's Revenge runs pretty solidly at about 30FPS (maybe a little more) with sound on at 280Mhz. Windjammers loads fine and does nothing, but can still be quit out of. Alpha Mission 2 loads fine and quits after it loads. Kizuna Encounter just quits without trying to load. Blazing Star loads three roms (can't be right surely?) and then quits after "Converting Tile". I'll try some of the older games next.

Windjammers don't work for now with cyclone. I'm working on it (certainly a stupid mistake on my side :lol: )

Blazing Star Is too big to be loaded. So you have a nice "Out of memory".

I'll check the other pb.

Anyway, gngeo often output intersesting info on stdout. A little >log.txt at the end of the script may be useful to diagnose error. Something like this:

cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe roms/ >log.txt
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Wow, so much stuff is happening today. Thanks for your great work! I gotta try this now! :)
Breakers working at 60FPS with sound at 280Mhz, that's a fantastic little fighter for you lot to try. It almost feel like a Capcom fighter apart from a few daft features. Slight bit of lag on the sound, but it doesn't affect things too much - it sounds and looks spot on!

Art of Fighting working at 60FPS, I hate pretty much everything SNK have ever made apart from Metal Slug so I couldn't be bothered to check out the sound, hilariously bad as it is in that game!
What? I've tried to enjoy their fighting games over the years, but they all fall somewhat short of the standards set by Capcom. It's not like I'm some kind of idiot who's played them for an hour once and then decided that they're crap either, I've put proper time into trying to learn to enjoy them (KOF2002 especially) but they're just not for me. But then, I do regularly attend Street Fighter 3 tournaments, so I am a little biased afterall!

I also happen to own a Neo Geo MVS as well, so I'm probably better placed to comment on it than many people.
I agree on StreetFighter being better than KoF series slightly but come on now...
Have you ever considered the Samurai Showdown Series any better than StreetFighter!?! ...come now lets be honest.... You knew when it first came out, it blew all fighters (2D at the time) out of the water!

Finally Capcom could not compete....
thank you so much for this. AeroFighters 2 feels so good handheld, and without sound it seems just about as smooth as it does on on real hardware. (which tended to slowdown)

I'm a little greedy and would like to try out the sound, but the readme files don't seem to be notepad friendly. where do I stick the '-sound' in my script. or isn't it that easy (or worth that much time)?

aside from the sound, the emulation seems to be just about perfect. That gets a triple-take from me... Full speed out of the chute. I seem to recall, back in the day, it not taking nearly as much PC to emulate neo-geo when compared to, say, SNES...for some reason... Am I crazy or do I remember my 66mhz doing it? maybe it was my old 120, but it was still quite a while ago... neoragex, lots of memories there.
I'll definatly donate when it runs the games I'm after (Mostly Garou) - and has good controls (easy to do the dragon punch motion) - and a good front end for picking roms.
Here's what you'd use to start Sonic Wings 2 with sound, assuming your roms are in the folder called "roms";

cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe roms/  --sound

Sonic Wings 2 is pretty good with sound with the 2X clocked up to 280Mhz and it's mostly 60FPS, until you get to the bosses which spew out the bullets big time, then you get a little slowdown. I wouldn't bother with sound on this game just yet.

Last Resort runs well without sound but runs a pretty constant 30FPS with sound on and an overclocked GP2X. It's not a patch on R-Type though...
i cant figure out how to get this thing to work. i used basically the same script posted above but for metal slug 5. i think it may be my bios that is messing me up. is it 4 .rom files? i used one called uni-bios.rom and tried the game again which loaded two blue progress bars then just quit on me. everything else i have tried just quits back to the main screen.
What Version of the Roms should we be useing? It doesn't seem to like my MAME .101 roms.
Can't wait to see this emulator progress, anyone try King of fighters yet?
KOF94 seems to work alright, that's the only one I've tried.

I've also tried Neo Driftout - again it loads all the roms and starts emulation, but it comes up with the same corrupted graphics that Metal Slug does. I might try another bios file later on.
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