Gngeo V0.7a Beta, Garbled Sound


Still Fresh
Dec 6, 2007
I'm using gngeo v0.7a beta and am very impressed by the framerates I get with 22k sound. Everything would be nice and dandy if not for the fact that audio output gets garbled every now and then. Sound is fine for 80% of the time, then gets very garbled and messed up for a few mins and then back to normal etc. Anyone else experiencing this? I've tried with different cpu speeds, low and high, to no avail.

If only this could be straightened out I would live happily ever after since neo geo emulation was the prime reason I bought the GP2X for.

(I have an F200, but I doubt that makes any difference)
i believe this is a known issue - without a known workaround. the author is aware of it.

i also experience slowdown when i first load games into this emu, though that only lasts a few seconds. not as frequently discussed, that last point.

Hence the "beta" tag :)

Try v0.7. I run it on the F-200 and it works garbled sound here!
zektor said:
Hence the "beta" tag :)

Try v0.7. I run it on the F-200 and it works garbled sound here!
Aha, does that release make use of both processors?
Actually, I think I used that version before, but it didn't run very well with 22k sound, right?
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The stable release is slower compared to the beta. The beta uses the second cpu, which gives additional boost in performance.

Just curious though, what games did you experience the garbled sound on? I don't think I experienced it (or I might have not noticed), unless you meant the hiccups that causes the sound to skip?
I definitely get garbled sound when playing samurai shodown with the beta. Haven't tried too many others. I'd be happy to see this issue fixed, as the performance of the beta is great!
Manjuu said:
The stable release is slower compared to the beta. The beta uses the second cpu, which gives additional boost in performance.
Ahh, I was not aware of the usage of the second CPU in the latest beta. Even still, Gngeo v0.7 works great here...although I do have to clock at 266mhz to get it to the perfection I require :)
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Manjuu said:
The stable release is slower compared to the beta. The beta uses the second cpu, which gives additional boost in performance.

Just curious though, what games did you experience the garbled sound on? I don't think I experienced it (or I might have not noticed), unless you meant the hiccups that causes the sound to skip?
Well, all games, really. Can take som time before it appears, though. Judging by the input from other users here, problem is software related, so if your system is not affected it's very strange. If you can play for, say, 15 minutes with 22k sound, without problem, let us know.
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If it helps, I'm using the beta version with Rage2X as a front loader... here are my settings:

* Activate sound
* 11Khz
* CPU speed - 200Mhz (havent O/C yet)
* Activate Raster
* Resolution - 320x224
* System - UniBios
* Country - USA
* Craigix's RAM Timing - Active
* Auto Reload GUI

So far I've had no problems what so ever on all of the games.......
seamoon said:
Well, all games, really. Can take som time before it appears, though. Judging by the input from other users here, problem is software related, so if your system is not affected it's very strange. If you can play for, say, 15 minutes with 22k sound, without problem, let us know.

Hmm... I only set the sound frequency to 11kHz, so it might be a factor. What I do experience after playing for a while is having hiccups more often, which causes the sound to skip. :P

I'll try playing at 22kHz and check if the garbled sound would be present.

iCeD00D said:
If it helps, I'm using the beta version with Rage2X as a front loader... here are my settings:

* Activate sound
* 11Khz
* CPU speed - 200Mhz (havent O/C yet)
* Activate Raster
* Resolution - 320x224
* System - UniBios
* Country - USA
* Craigix's RAM Timing - Active
* Auto Reload GUI

So far I've had no problems what so ever on all of the games.......

That's pretty much my settings also, EXCEPT the enabling of raster effects.

I believe it's better to leave it disabled; from what I read, it is still buggy and impacts performance. Also, not many games really use it.
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