Sound Quality From Headphones.

GpDogg posted on Dec 28 2005 at 12:04 AM said:
i got the sony mdr-ex71's today for £29.99. A bit pricey for in ear headphones.. not QUITE the $900 craziness mind.. but these headphones are amazing! the earbud style totally like does not let any sound leak, almost like being underwater! The bass is fantastic, best i have ever heard on in ear phones.

Well worth the purchase, the only gripe is that its got one longer than the other (the stupid neck wrap style) which sucks coz u got this silver thing just hanging on the left.. oh well. Amazing sound though.

I found that the 2x doesnt give out a good high range sound, bass is fine, high range sounds a bit damp..
Really? I found them to be pretty balanced on the whole. Remember that the bass on the EX71s is heavilly affected by the size of earplug that you use - if you're finding there to be too much bass, you could try moving down a size. I've been using the small set for as long as I've had mine, since I gave the other sizes to a friend who had lost theirs! :rolleyes:
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While only having ears sensitive enough to snub iPod headphones, i've not had any complaints about the GP2X sound that can't be traced back to my serious downsampling of audio quality in videos.

I've spent time at Head-Fi. While there I developed the illusion (which I still maintain) that I am a connoisseur of cheapass headphones. I've purchased four sets (for family too) of Panasonic HJE50s, which are roughly equivalent to Sony EX71 (possibly better) and cheaper (20USD rather than 30 GBP) if harder to track down.

That said, I generally use my Sennheiser eH 150s with the GP2X with no worries.

If you nly have gimme headphones or those costing $10, I do suggest you step up to the next tier or so of headphones; I've yet to meet anyone who couldn't notice a difference at that stage. Even when the sound quality is low (64kbps) you'll probably notice a difference.