Give Newbies A Break..


Still Fresh
Apr 13, 2004
Do me a favour and give Newbies a break.. We were all newbies once. When I first got my gp32 I had no idea how to encode video etc but after a year I picked this stuff up. This was due largely to help and support that I recieved in these forums. However, just lately this support has been lacking. Telling someone to f**k off when they ask a legitimate question is simply out of order.

Heres a news flash, this community needs newbies. By pissing off a noob you are potentially denying this community of possible game creation/coding talent. People may be new now, but who knows whay they may contribute in the future..
I agree.

I posted about this in a light hearted manner here several months ago. It's worth reading for Rico's reply alone because it's so hilarious :)
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Newbies are OK as long as they read the rules of the forum they are posting in, and not asking immensly retarded questions. However, if they don't bother reading the rules of a forum and reading pinned topics concerning them, they can go get fucked.
I'm pretty new myself and didn't have any problems... (though I'm still trying to figure out how to set up a dev environment :P but havent really had enough time yet)
There'll always be people who expect things to be presented on a silver platter rather than putting in some effort themselves I think.
Although I must say that some people go too far in their bashing sometimes, but that's just some people, and as far as I gather that seems to be their reputation around here anyway.
I want this community to have all the Newbies it can grab... but I also want those newbies to read the archives and learn about the topic at hand before they start asking questions that have been discussed 100 times at great length...

Why start a new thread on larger than 128 meg smc's every second week?

or a thread about perfect ps1 em? We all already know the answers and those answers live in the search function. While its true the search function won't look up 3 letter words, most topics can be found by searching for the long form rather than the acronym.

So bottom line is, newbies welcome but if you ask a question you could have found the answer to with out posting... expect to irritate some of the old codgers who lurk waiting for that next "256 smc" thread.
Heres a news flash, this community needs newbies. By pissing off a noob you are potentially denying this community of possible game creation/coding talent. People may be new now, but who knows whay they may contribute in the future..

Exactly. However, by the same token, some newbies shouldn't be so sensitive. We're all a part of a fairly sizeable community so you have to expect to come in to contact with some pricks. I'd say the vast majority of users here are level-headed and treat newbies with respect.
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Amen Ratchet .. newbies are *vital*, since theres attirition; if oldbies are leaving, you'd better have the same humber or more newbies showing up, or your community tanks when it runs out of people :)

there's no reason to bash or get violent with newbies though, its all psychological. The people that bash the hell out of newbs are the skinny little nerd boys that if they met the person in real life would get the total crap beaten out of them, but because its a forum they think they can say whatever they want and act all hard and shit.
OMG ... is this the 'haridressers forum' ???

Worldwriter, if you do a search yourself, i'm sure you find a lot of these 'should we flame the newbies or not'-threads !!

.. it seems the newbies are not the only ones repeating themselves ;)

EDIT: oh, by the way.. is it acceptable to make threads adressed to individuals, or could a PM or maybe even an email do the trick instead? As a newbie i really get pissed about that sort of stuff :rolleyes:
I think it's perfectly acceptable to make threads to individuals if that individual codes something we want an update on or sells gp32's to the community and has an out of stock sticker up at his store... the info he or she gives that one user could help others who wonder the same thing.

And if you are referring to my should we ban thread... that guy was being a complete ass opening empty threads and insulting people... and then he disapeared....

EDIT** and by the way, with 110 posts, you are not a newbie.
Rico's reply is funny :lol:
anyway when I joined gp32x I never had "newbie problems", and it isn't hard to encode a movie, you dont need a guide to do that (even I can do it :D ) just read the manual.
Newbies are OK as long as they read the rules of the forum they are posting in, and not asking immensly retarded questions. However, if they don't bother reading the rules of a forum and reading pinned topics concerning them, they can go get fucked.
*doesn't disagree*

damn straight B)
but really, i say 10days/10posts, whichever comes first, then they're fair game- er, not considered noobs.
Now come on, I've seen a lot of post-happy newbs rip through the 50 post limit within an hour or less. Judge by quality, not quantity, but if you must use numbers then the time they've been there is a better identifier of their accumulated knowledge.
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Usual answer....

keep it nice :)

keep it friendly :)

and give people the chance to make mistakes without being pummelled into the ground!

If they still do the same again and again, then I'll be the first there with the industrial piledriver... ;)
You've got to be respectful to the 'veterans' at the forum. I joined not too long ago, and my entrance into the community was very smooth and I found most people were very nice and helpful.

There are problems with people being mean to newbies. I already knew a lot about emulation and this sort of stuff when I came in, so I didn't ever ask the "how do I get the files on the card" type questions. I do think it might be a good idea to actually have a forum here for newbies with lots of simple topics explaining all the basics (such as one called "There are NO SMCs over 128MB") because I always found FAQs kind of daunting... :unsure: