Release GINGE Update and Ruckage Pack!

Hi all :)

Edit: also Magic Sam, if you could do me a favor and go to the appdata/ginge_packs/alexm/falldown/tmp folder and check the permissions set on the binary there it'd be good to know...

pandora:/media/Pandora/pandora/appdata/ginge_packs/alexm/Falldown$ ls -al
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 3 root   root   4096 Jan 16 13:24 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 root   root   4096 Jan 16 13:24 ..
drw-r--r-- 2 samuel samuel 4096 Jan 16 13:24 tmp

As you can see, with the current permissions I can't even 'cd' to that tmp directory. I'll try to chmod my way through this.

EDIT: confirmed. 'chmod u+x tmp/' solved this issue, and Falldown is now working correctly :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Ok, I'll throw a copy on an ext3 2gb and test it tonight, if I'm lucky just have to adjust the permissions when it's making the dir...

Edit: Alright, I changed the way the permissions are written on the tmp folder, and in the case of Pandora builds made it put the tmp folder into the PND and write there instead (so it'll wind up in the appdata folder, less mess on my WIZ/GP2X cards while testing and in general nice to have it all in one place if things do go screwy)
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Hey all. Any updates on this? I read there where some talks on making ginge (or gpmenu2x) the OS for pandora.