[gigas] Website Downtime


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
Hiya, just to give you guys a heads up that my homepage, the Gigas homepage, and the Gigas resource site will be down for a day or two.

Got myself some proper hosting which has lots of lovely space and cgi support, so i'm in the process of moving it all over ready.
Hehe, wasn't as painfull as i thought - its back up for now, once the DNS register updates it may vanish again for a few hours.

all the gigas engine and gp32 page mirrors have now been deleted, so just go straight to http://www.pirotic.com/gp32/

I seriously needed the bandwidth, and also with the CGI script support i can allow anybody to upload stuff for Gigas - and get the online aspects started for my other project.

Can u add the upload thingy to the resources page? i would do it, but i dont have the coding knowlege...
Deleted User, your link to the resource page in your sig needs updating... and you haven't put my charsets on there yet :P :P :P