Gigas Engine 0.7.0 Released


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
Hiya, i realise i was keeping you waiting for the GBAX comp results - but i've just noticed on another thread craig saying..

"Plus many updated programs from previous comps have been release on authors websites anyway, there were no restrictions on that, I just have to get round to looking at them all + hosting the ones which have only been emailed."

.. which basically means the rules didnt say the program had to be unreleased before hand, and seeing as the results seem to be taking a while (i suspect craigs busy with all the blu orders) i've decided to update the website with it :)

Get it here

I've left the GBAX splash screen in as a good gesture.

i've also included a link to the new resource site (thanks to PinkSpider and Deleted User for making it), and a PDF tutorial is downloadable (its in the release .zip anyway tho)

I consider it a pretty big improvement on the previous release - i hope you agree :)


edit - link fixed, it was a rar and not a zip - thanks to KoRnfReaK for spotting that
Cool. I will try and do more of the site in the morning. Kat aint speaking to me so I have the hours between 10 and 1 to work on it. Ugh. Wants to die. Anyways more time to spend in paint shop pro :)
very nice \o/ honestly, this release is GODLIKE!!!!

a few tiny remarks :)

- move entity speed up and down in cutscenes
- Changing contrast in cutscenes
- more support in keyboard mode (brackets and stuff :))


Thanks pirotic!

ooo.. i c my name
I can finally see y Enslaved was so hyped about the manual, its thicker than most of my books

problem is i dont know if i am gonna be able to digest it all

its just so well written
Awesome news. Will be working on my fairly big project starting today :). Poor Pink Spider what did you do to get the silent treatment from Kat this time :P
will work when time. Now 180 MC-questions and 500 pages of psychology await me. It's 3am. I'm sleepy. Exam in 6 hours. >_>
still working on my demo, going slow due to exams and I bought a ps2 :) expect is at about the end of july :P

Anyhowz, I mirrored the download:

Have fun =)

(Pirotic, I don't think I have a cap on my upload, so you can use this mirror if you have too much bandwith... I'll upload future versions too)
Awesome news. Will be working on my fairly big project starting today :). Poor Pink Spider what did you do to get the silent treatment from Kat this time :P
I got drunk and told someone something I shouldnt.

Anyways I will try and work on the site today. Im gonna go sit in the pub with my gp32 waiting for Kat today so I will mess about with it :)
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I love the way you have done triggers. it is very, very clever!

I first thought " nah, i can work it out!". But soon i had to go to the instructions!

Now to mess around with cut scenes!
I love the way you have done triggers. it is very, very clever!

I first thought " nah, i can work it out!". But soon i had to go to the instructions!

Now to mess around with cut scenes!
Hiya, thanks :)

im happy with the idea, but the implementation is pretty poor at the moment, to create a hotspot, which changes a tile of a switch and changes a conversation takes a few minutes when it should really only take a few seconds :P

the GUI is something which is going to get A LOT of work on, to make things like triggers more natural and easier to implement.
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