Gigas Engine 0.6.0

Pirotic posted on Apr 29 2004 at 08:11 PM said:
Deleted User posted on Apr 29 2004 at 07:01 PM said:
WE need a Gigas section on the boards.

How to you add AI to an object?
if its an entity, go into the entity editing mode, move the cursor over the entity, press SELECT, then goto 'edit' and change the AI from there. its a bit contorted at the moment :(

And greven, i probably wont make an RPG myself - dont have the time.
leave the rpg making to us baby ^^
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Damn! I left my gp32_console home ... grr. Will check this out when I get off work.

* Is eager *
Lethe posted on Apr 30 2004 at 02:36 AM said:
this a great program.  is there a way to edit your own sprite?
edit your own sprites?

dont want to sound rude, but try reading the editor.txt found in the editor kit subfolder, that explains how to customize your characters and tileset graphics etc

however - if your asking 'can you edit them while in gigas', no.. no yet, if i get enough demand i'll code a sprite editor into the GP32 program.

(scratchs head) - actually you may be asking if its possible to edit the playable characters graphic, :P sure it is, go onto map 1 and move the cursor over the little sod, then press SELECT and goto EDIT, and move the cursor to 'animation' and go left and right until you find a decent one, i didnt have time so only copied across 4 or so ChronoTrigger graphics :P so not much choice, i only also drew an attack animation for Chrono so unless you make a new attack animation it'll look a bit weird, as whenver they attack they'll magically transform into chrono.

i didnt link the attack animations with the character animations, as i figured you may have multiple attack animations for each character holding a different weapon etc

As for fonts, fonts will be a custom graphic like everything else, and be displayed based on the ASCII value. so supporting other characters (korean etc) shouldn't be a problem, how many characters are there in the korean alphabet?

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heh, hows the windows editor comming?
i gave this program a go on my gp32 and must say im quite impressed, but i think editing the games on PC would be alot easier :)

you can download rpg maker 2000 (if u havent done that already) and look how it all works there.... i had some fun with it when i was ~12 years old (and with rm95 of course), its a really a perfect tool, please look if u can get some ideas of it :)
hiya, thanks for the suggestion - i did try RPG maker a few years ago, its was pretty neat, something i have spotted however is, that despite it being around for years and years, you get very very few 'proper' games made for it, because of the amount of time required to learn scripting and so forth.

my goal with gigas was to allow people to churn out a short but fun game within a few days.

i'd love to see a large collection of fun, 20 minute action RPGs etc than one half finished epic.

the windows editor should be alot easier to use than the in-built one, but for now im focusing on getting the inbuilt one polished a bit, i sorta like the idea of it being inclosed and that you can make a game without a pc, i enjoy making games more than playing them - and as i only really get free time when traveling etc, being able to build something while on a train etc will really help pass the time.

the PC editor shouldn't take very long to develop - so by getting the GP32 side of things done and dusted i can just relax and take my time on the PC editor.

once everythings done i'll probably open-source everything so people can port gigas to other platforms, thats my long-term goal anyway :P
well, will it be possible that if someone portes gigas to zodiac.... that we can play their made games? i surely hope so, just like Zot! :)
i dont like talking about when its finsihed, because i know how much work i've still got to go, but yup - i'd like to keep porting it to the latest platforms and carry on improving it until its the "standard" rpg format :P and cos its open source nobodys games will go to waste once that system dies off.

i suppose thats a long term investment, but as its coded in C and its using my own SDK it should only take a day to port to any format.. so long as they have some sort of data storage medium to save onto, i really like the GP32 tho and hope it has a nice long life yet :)
oh my god, that would simply own. we could take the handheld world with this!! XD =_=
to the button config of gigas060:
1) B for the menu isnt the best i think, start would be enough.
2) Once "talking-to-ppl" is integrated, you should make A for talking or other shit and B for fighting. i think this is more usefull :)
3) What about R let your person run? :ph34r:
4) If you dont know anything for L, what about bringing you directly to Items menu?
5) yes advertisement for your gigas is good, but maybe let this bring up the save/load menu would be more usefull? :lol:

best regards :)
hmmm...wouldn't it be simpler to be able to edit the button config. yourself, once the editting side is bought in more strongly?

Because after all the button config for a Zelda style game is entirely different from that of a FF style game.
hiya, in response to your suggestions:

the custom button code is already done, just need to make the settings interface in the menu so people can configure it - should be done in the next release.

B button for menu will also be removed to make room for new functions (talking, etc)

R for running.. hmm, well the guy runs by default :D it pissed me off in games where you had to hold down a run button as 99% of the time i'd be holding it down (pokemon, etc), i'll make running optional tho as some people may like it to drain the strength bar (ala Secret of Mana)

and the select advert thing was just temporary to allow me to take screenshots with the logo over ;) that'll go into the items page eventually as i can no longer use GeePee to take screenshots :P as it loads everything off the SMC now.

thanks for your suggestions, any improvement ideas are more than welcome. you better not be taking the micky out of me saying 'regards' in all my posts tho ;) lol

regards (its my thing!!, lol)
