Advance War 32 Beta 1

After you have beaten/lost the map French text shows up (not sure what it means) while i'm using the english version. The're also some other small translation mistakes.

Any beaten camp1.cp3 yet? The enemy seems to be way to strong on this map IMHO while i've beaten the enemy serveral times on the water map :D

edit :
The editor is really easy to use but it would be nice if you could load a map in the map editor and the units types/land titels and stuff would load to.
Octavious posted on Mar 22 2004 at 11:57 PM said:
wow, i sold my gba but not adv wars 1 and 2, might hang onto them for legal reasons now...

You could always use them in GPAdvance (when complete) if someone ever makes a GBA cart to SMC converter. :P

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Guys, really it doesnt matter if you have the original or not it's not an emulation it's a port. it's totaly safe because it's NOT the real game that Nintendo made and it isnt being sold.
actually I think Nintendo could legally put a stop to it, free port or no they still own the title/assets and it's close enough that they could probably make a case "causing them to lose money." Not entirely sure but I believe there was a well-known starcraft-type port for PCs recently, which got shut down by Blizzard.. same sort of scenario.

Mind you, this is a much-lower profile case right here. MUCH MUCH lower. I am absolutely sure Nintendo have full knowledge of the GP32 and the relevant scene, to some degree - not that you'd see them posting on here, but I would bet they have been watching the boards (they are well-known for wanting to take care of their investments!) So far they aobviously haven't seen anthing that's got them riled (the limited SNES emulation we've got, etc) and at this point I think it's safe to say an Advance Wars-inspired/ripped game wouldn't raise too much of a flag for them - not on such an under-the-radar system like the GP32, anyway. However I haven't looked at the game yet, if it's pretty spot on (or gets to that point) then they may fire off a letter, but it doesn't seem terribly plausible.

Meanwhile, over in the Zodiac Camp, N's already all over the Firestorm guys who are developing the GBA emu for that system. If the new one that's been getting a little attention over here becomes noteworthy, I would completely expect it to catch the same heat.. so beware!
We've already been over the Zodiac issue, they were not only selling the thing but had freakin' AD BANNERS for it and someone specifically warned Nintendo about it.

Anyway all I'm saying is even if you had the game before downloading it it woulddnt stop nintendo form taking action against it if they felt it was warrented, which frankly it probably never will be a problem for them unless the GP becomes a huge HUGE player and people gp running aorund screaming about "that free advance wars game" which technically the Rom would be a lot more of a problem for them than a scratch made version which may or maynot have the same AI as the the original.

I eagerly await the completed version, keep up the good work!
I would just like to re-iterate the point: from an intellectual property viewpoint, whether you charge for what you produce makes absolutely no difference. As a simple comparison, if you steal someones gameboy, then give it a way for free, you are still guilty of theft. (Note that copyright infringement is not theft... no matter what RIAA says. It's copyright infringement).

Releasing this with ripped graphics was possibly a mistake. It makes it very easy for Nintendo to argue that the graphics in any future version are "derived works", which they have a legal entitlement to.

Not saying that Nintendo will necessarily do anything about it mind... they probably have bigger fish to fry.
Hey - looking good! Haven't tried it, but from the sound of things it plays like the original (minus the graphic cut-scenes). I know you coding this for the contest so yeah, don't get held up on nitty gritty things --> focus on getting the music (don't think you've added it yet), and although the graphic cut-scenes do slow the game down, an option to include them would make many happy. As for redoing the spirits - sure, but if you do, don't change to too much (I still want to recognise the units and terrain etc.).

Good luck! :)
Octavious posted on Mar 22 2004 at 11:57 PM said:
wow, i sold my gba but not adv wars 1 and 2, might hang onto them for legal reasons now...

haha i just saw this. is somebody gonna come round to your house and ask to see your copies of advance wars? i dont think so.

on a side note.....ive not played the game yet but nice one aquafish...keep making good stuff

EDIT::::::: this is a damn addictive game.....nice one
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How do you download this? I go to the link that is given and it just says "page non trouvee" what ever that means. Any ideas? thanks.