Getting A Port Of Zelda Classic

This is great, so glad it's going through. :D
Still it suprises me, Zelda Classic has had no problems with Nintendo before?

Off topic: Awaiting the time where 1 € is 1 £ and 2 $. :D
David Beoulve posted on May 19 2006 at 02:34 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on May 19 2006 at 05:25 AM said:
But as you can also use own graphics and sounds, you can create a completely unique game :)
Hint taken!

I'd love to play a game incorporating your style of artwork. :)
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nickspoon's Kuru Kuru Kurin copy is a sinch to adapt with your own style graphics. The gp2x is great for messing about with graphics.
nickspoon's Kuru Kuru Kurin copy is a sinch to adapt with your own style graphics. The gp2x is great for messing about with graphics.
Here's the link to the topic Ste mentioned.

Welcome WarLordAG! A mod should like, give you honorary status as Telcolou has since his retirement from being a mod, that way you won't feel strange posting and seeing "newb" by your name ;)
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This is great, so glad it's going through. :D
Still it suprises me, Zelda Classic has had no problems with Nintendo before?

Off topic: Awaiting the time where 1 € is 1 £ and 2 $. :D

Well, both Zelda Classic and OpenZelda had problems with someone claiming to be Nintendo. (as well as a couple of other Zelda-related projects)

OpenZelda went and changed their name so as not to invoke the wrath of Nintendo, so now it runs as OpenLegends.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing the Zelda Classic port, and hope that along with that port we might see an Open Legends port. (If I can talk them into porting it ;))
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Yeah, I slept on this thread first time round too, but just done some background reading and this looks to be a really good release in the making. I can't wait.

Inspired by TelcoLou's Kid Chameleon quest, I've been doing my own private GP2x Zelda quest, so far I'm most of the way through Zelda II on NES, with Gameboy and SNES episodes to go!
If you can't wait for this port, then just play through all the NES, SNES, and Gameboy Zelda games until it is released. :)
Welcome WarLordAG... I just notice you already got your 2X. :)

I think it's safe to say we all really appreciate that you're doing this. Looking forward to hearing more about the port.
Just got a quick eMail from the author:

The port runs pretty well already, there are still a few issues (and he doesn't have much time at the moment), but he's working on it :)