Zelda Classic and RPG Maker 2k


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
I think it would be nice to have an interpreter for Zelda Classic or ASCII RPG Maker 2k.
That would enable all the GP32 users to play a lot of custom made quests and RPGs mobile :)

Don't know what Zelda Classic is?
Just take a look at www.zeldaclassic.com :)
You are a doodie after my own heart evildragon-I scecond that thought-zelda classic would b great on my gp32 :D
yes, zelda classic would be really cool, also make own quest, but i didnt saw the sources on the site downloadable, so someone has to ask for them. I hope the best...
Isnt zelda classic open source now, i think theres is an exact zelda1 remake for pc.
From the FAQ on the original homepage:


Q: Will you make a port of Zelda Classic to some other platform (Windows, Mac, Linux...)?
A: Yes, the goal is to port to the Windows and Linux platforms. A Mac port has also been discussed as possibly happening, but don't count on it.

Q: Will you release the source code?
A: Don't count on it. We like to keep the source code inside of Armageddon Games. Not to mention that many things such as quest passwords would become unsecure.


Okay, they don't want to release the sourcecode.
But they are open for ports on other platforms.
So I guess if someone of the pretty good GP32 here in this forum asks for a source, he will probably get it.

A Zelda 1 remake wouldn't actually be the same cause you can create custom quests for Zelda Classic (and there already ARE some pretty good quests :)