Zelda Classic


Dec 23, 2007
i saw someone ported zelda classic to the gp2x. i wish so much it will be ported to the pandora. its a classic zelda players dream come true and to have it on pandora would be fun!

http://zeldaclassic.armageddongames.net/ is where you can find the pc version. i still hope they will make super mario bros classic where you can make your own super mario bros games.
Yes I finished the port, but it should work much more easily on the Pandora, the main problem on the gp2x was lack of memory.
zohnnyg said:
you finished the port to the pandora? or to the gp2x.
There's no Pandora yet! :P

I meant "I finished the port that someone else started but didn't finished.". ;)
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zohnnyg said:
are there any plans for zelda classic and all of its features on pandora?
Well I just got a gp2x so I don't know when I will have a budget to buy another gadget, but if I get one someday surelly it shouldn't be too hard.
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Hitnrun, are you still working on Zelda Classic?
I know you were experimenting with ways to get the larger stuff playing.

In my opinion, I think you should concentrate on making the current version faster, and dont worry too much about the larger games for now. Its *almost* playable, and there are still a LOT of great smaller games that do run already.

Just my thoughts.. I am really greatful for the work you've done so far, and of course its up to you what you want to do!
grahf said:
Hitnrun, are you still working on Zelda Classic?
I know you were experimenting with ways to get the larger stuff playing.

In my opinion, I think you should concentrate on making the current version faster, and dont worry too much about the larger games for now. Its *almost* playable, and there are still a LOT of great smaller games that do run already.

Just my thoughts.. I am really greatful for the work you've done so far, and of course its up to you what you want to do!
Yes, actually I got some more speed improvents (running at 34fps vs 26 of the previous version), now I am trying the make the bigger than 800kb custom quests to work, it is almost working, but some of the top 10 quests crash misteriously with no sign of error, I'm trying to find out why.

I could release this version that is a little faster, but it is just this crash that is preventing from running any custom quest (que bigger one, 3mb, is running, don't know why the smaller ones would crash).

I will definetly continue to try to improve Zelda Classic, I think it fits perfectly with a portable machine.
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Hitnrun said:
zohnnyg said:
are there any plans for zelda classic and all of its features on pandora?
Well I just got a gp2x so I don't know when I will have a budget to buy another gadget, but if I get one someday surelly it shouldn't be too hard.

Well, I donated a gp2x to the Zelda Classic team to get the thing started... so... you never know... :D
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EvilDragon said:
Hitnrun said:
zohnnyg said:
are there any plans for zelda classic and all of its features on pandora?
Well I just got a gp2x so I don't know when I will have a budget to buy another gadget, but if I get one someday surelly it shouldn't be too hard.

Well, I donated a gp2x to the Zelda Classic team to get the thing started... so... you never know... :D

Hehe wow you are really a fan of Zelda Classic eh? :lol:
I only program on it but never played! B)
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Hitnrun said:
EvilDragon said:
Hitnrun said:
zohnnyg said:
are there any plans for zelda classic and all of its features on pandora?
Well I just got a gp2x so I don't know when I will have a budget to buy another gadget, but if I get one someday surelly it shouldn't be too hard.

Well, I donated a gp2x to the Zelda Classic team to get the thing started... so... you never know... :D

Hehe wow you are really a fan of Zelda Classic eh? :lol:
I only program on it but never played! B)

Well, yes and no.
I love it, but I don't like playing it on a PC... it definately fits handhelds much better.
I also don't like playing emulators on a PC :)
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